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AFTERBURNER - CSC injector utility

Guest sztupy

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Hi everyone!

Since Pako released the command line version of it's eXecutor, I could finally do a CSC injector utility. The idea is simple: although the PDA.bin can't be edited after cooking, the CSC.bin is still intact, and can be used to add even more user customization. Afterburner will try to inject a (_setup.xml enabled) cab file to the customer.csc file. It will do that in an automated way, so it will do the extraction, injection and repacking with one command.


This is a command line utility (might create a GUI for it later)


afterburner [-d] [-e updater.exe] cab_file_name(s)

For example to inject Manila 2d Lite AIO.CAB into DXIA1.exe do the following:

1. Run shell.cmd

2. Enter the following

afterburner -e DXIA1.exe "Manila 2d Lite AIO.CAB"

3. Press ENTER

4. You'll get an output.exe updater with the modifyed CSC (and without the phone.bin part)

5. Flash and enjoy (and hope it works :) )

Known bugs:

- afterburner will only work with cabs that have a "_setup.xml". Older cabs made for WM2003 DON'T have a _setup.xml file! For them you have to use ervius package creator the extract them, and then use pkg2cab to re-cabify them.

Many thanks to Pako for his eXecutor!

Beware: CSC file can contain maximum 512 files!

Beware: Source code included (GPL3)



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Guest shokka9

do you sleep sztupy??

Nice app, GUI would be nice for the noobs out there who dont feel comfortable with commands, but i cannot wait to use...

Watching Liverpool tonight so wont have much time to try it out..

Good going - again.

Take care and keep up the good work.

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I think it would be better that your program can check total file so it will not exceed 512 files.

I've just heard that someone was able to inject Manila2D into CSC with my tool, so it might work with more than 512 files.

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Guest lastnikita

just tested (not your tool yet, just the usual way)

adding files to CSC will decrease available storage A LOT (about 250% what you add), not recommanded, unless I'm missing something !

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It work fine. I hope that the new version will have more parameter [-p <prefix>] , option prefix files for identifier and do not overwrite duplicate files in CSC :)

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just tested (not your tool yet, just the usual way)

adding files to CSC will decrease available storage A LOT (about 250% what you add), not recommanded, unless I'm missing something !

did you use copy or move command in the provisioning XML files?

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Guest lastnikita

nothing :)

obviously I may be missing the point, I just copied a big file over OEMapps and flashed, then over CSC and flashed.

I miss informations on how CSC works :D

edit: I *might* (nothing is less certain) be in touch with a dev from samsung via another guy, is there anything I should ask in priority ?

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nothing :)

obviously I may be missing the point, I just copied a big file over OEMapps and flashed, then over CSC and flashed.

I miss informations on how CSC works :D

edit: I *might* (nothing is less certain) be in touch with a dev from samsung via another guy, is there anything I should ask in priority ?

How about asking if they are ever going to fix the bug with Bluetooth Headset and Microsoft Voice Command not working, i.e. not possible to use the headset to speak commands to VC.

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nothing :)

obviously I may be missing the point, I just copied a big file over OEMapps and flashed, then over CSC and flashed.

I miss informations on how CSC works :D

edit: I *might* (nothing is less certain) be in touch with a dev from samsung via another guy, is there anything I should ask in priority ?

long answer: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms894922.aspx

short answer: It uses a provisioning XML file to do some job after flashing, like copying, moving, adding registry entries but some other nice things too, like DLLRegister, etc.

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adding files to CSC will decrease available storage A LOT (about 250% what you add), not recommanded, unless I'm missing something !

but even if you don't miss anything, some small customizations (like adding the remotetracker.dll, change a theme, provide user information, etc.) should be fine. Of course this part would really need a GUI configurator :)

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Guest lastnikita

Yep small stuff will always be fine, it's a nice method for beginners (until the new kitchen comes out wooo lol), thanks for the link :)

How about asking if they are ever going to fix the bug with Bluetooth Headset and Microsoft Voice Command not working, i.e. not possible to use the headset to speak commands to VC.


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