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minimod Camera applet & driver

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Guest lastnikita
Searched superficially - has not found. It yet does not excite me

Too bad, this is THE major problem of video shooting, along with decent vga framerate :(

Guest fenomeno83
In a body of the driver the code responsible for compression JPEG has been found - it stood not at the maximal level on quality. I have exposed minimal of possible compression. Made some test pictures - in some cases (at insufficient illumination) differences were not any, and in the some cases (at good \ excellent illumination) the difference was. It was expressed that at increase in a picture there was hardly more detailed elaboration (~ 5-10 %) and the volume of a jpeg-file grew.

It there is enough explanation??!

Searched superficially - has not found. It yet does not excite me

ok :(

Guest fenomeno83
Posted (edited)
Too bad, this is THE major problem of video shooting, along with decent vga framerate :(

yes...real problem is audio...if you watch video in omnia with coreplayer or tcpmp(with intel acceleration setted) vga videos are good, but audio is horrible! B)

samsung will not release future camera update?

Edited by fenomeno83
Guest fenomeno83
Can we make a cab with this driver ? :(

maybe it's impossibile..driver works only if is installed in rom..

Guest fenomeno83
Posted (edited)
yeah cooking only! B)

are you forgotten requested driver(minimum jpg compression,sharp +1,bright -1 and all the rest set by default), or only don't have time? I ask only..no problem :P ..time is yours, but i'm frenetic :(

Edited by fenomeno83
Guest Mistwalker

Is there any chance that you can edit the presets of the camera? I want to create/edit a preset that makes the camera take better pictures in nightclubs. I'ts annoying that you have to edit every setting all the time, the girls doesn't like the time it takes, nor do they like the retakes because of the overexposure either :(

Posted (edited)


Good job.

1) Can you share hex address to search for make changes in dll so coockers can make it like they want and without ask it to you? With hexeditor I find strings unicode (Contrast, sharpness etc.) but i dont know where to change value.

2) I will try to manage module and transform it in a simply usable file (from module to file without need of s000 etc.) so -i think- it can be overwritable and we can try different settings without need of flashing. It's possible only if it don't generate memory leack. I will try soon and report.

Edited by Bigix1
Guest Pako777

Good job.

1. Take the original driver from IA2 and my changed.. Compare them by means of the hex_editor (or fc /b **** in command line) and you will see bytes which are changed..

2. As far as I remember the driver did not want sees system if it to collect not the module, and simply a file

Guest Pako777
pako, you can't do dll with that paramethers? :(

with your parameters? i can.. but i havn't free time for it ..

Posted (edited)

Thanks Pako.

can you tell me what hexeditor software are you using?

With software HexComparison i find many difference but it can't output correctly text string for interpretate.

Edited by Bigix1
Guest fenomeno83
Posted (edited)

sorry pako, I'm trying to modify dll..for many mounths I wait possiblity to store some settings that I like(as sharpen+1 and brightness -1)..now it is possibile!

now I want to try to modify dll with hex editor .I found bytes different, but I have the same problem of bigix and can't interpretate strings!

for this I ask you "what hex editor are you using?"


Edited by fenomeno83
Guest Pako777
for this I ask you "what hex editor are you using?"

hmm.. WinHex..

i think next version minimod_driver shall from IA5..

Guest fenomeno83
Posted (edited)
hmm.. WinHex..

i think next version minimod_driver shall from IA5..

thanks..sorry, what differencrs between A2 and A5?

original camera version is 1.09 in all version from september(or october)..

ps: if in your next minimod include also "sharpen+1 and brightness -1 version" I will be very happy, because I don't know If I can modify drivers :(

Edited by fenomeno83
Guest fenomeno83
Posted (edited)

I don't understand values B) ..I wait next version of dll of pako, and hope that he creates a versione with that settings :(

Edited by fenomeno83
Guest bobobird


2 other things you may wish to look into -

- do you think it is possible to include the firmware version in the exif data. Photos already have the sgh-i900 but having fw number is better to track the good roms and the not so good roms

- saving pics with yyyymmdd.hhmmss. jpg format ??

Guest Pako777

2 other things you may wish to look into -

- do you think it is possible to include the firmware version in the exif data. Photos already have the sgh-i900 but having fw number is better to track the good roms and the not so good roms

- saving pics with yyyymmdd.hhmmss. jpg format ??

1. exif... i don't know.. i'm not see this point

2. hehe..B) thereof I long ago thinking.. but here not simple edit - required write program code.. me for the present it is difficult :P

ps . sorry.. i'm with difficulty write English.. be tired :(

Guest bobobird
1. exif... i don't know.. i'm not see this point

2. hehe.. B) thereof I long ago thinking.. but here not simple edit - required write program code.. me for the present it is difficult :P

ps . sorry.. i'm with difficulty write English.. be tired :(

No problem, just thought that that would help improve the dumb ss method.

Guest fenomeno83
Posted (edited)

for all cookers and users.I recommend to use antishake..in this mode there are no rilevant differences in day, but in the night, internal with artificial light, it's very important use antishake...this mode produce a little more noise(easy deletable with neatimage for example), but photo will be without "movement problem"...

no necessary to include this setting in camera dll..setting of antishake can be stored..if you want include in rom, only set this registry value:

HKCU/software/samsung/camera and set key UseDIS to 1

another recommend for users is use macro mode when do you want use flash with near objetcs

Edited by fenomeno83

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