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LOOK ** SHOKKA9 WM6.1 LITE ROMs ** 20270/20954 **

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Guest shokka9

Dont think i will release version with those app mentioned above. I put UC in. If you want those apps then use UC to install them??

You need to edit CAB file....you have to do as sector says above.

Good luck :(

Guest Bouvrie
Posted (edited)

I was looking for a lite ROM, and this is the first ever I tried. I'm loving the total clean Start Menu, and the added free storage already! B)

Something that's been bothering me though: when I open Settings-->Phone, I can't seem to close that window (except by forcibly terminating with WkTask). I'm guessing this might have something to do with the default ringtones being removed, as the 'Ring Tone' select is empty:


Is it just with me, or is this a common problem? Perhaps if you need to fix this for future versions, you could include a dummy 'Silent ringtone.mp3' file or something; it'd even allow a silent ring even if the phone ringer tone volume is set to full. :(

Edited by Bouvrie
Guest shokka9

to fix this (for everybody)...

please set up a folder in My storage or Storage card called 'My Ringtones'. put your ringtones etc in here.

The settings will see this folder and work fine...I have mine on my storage card and never get this issue.

I did keep one ringtone in, but strangely it doesnt see it???

Guest Bouvrie
Posted (edited)
to fix this (for everybody)...

please set up a folder in My storage or Storage card called 'My Ringtones'. put your ringtones etc in here.

The settings will see this folder and work fine...I have mine on my storage card and never get this issue.

I did keep one ringtone in, but strangely it doesnt see it???

I just checked, when I copied an MP3 in the \windows\Rings folder, the screen works just fine again & I can pick the mp3 as ringtone. Perhaps you included your one ringtone in another folder? :(

oh and btw, in your topic you say you removed Internet Sharing and you didn't remove it too. Best remove it from one of the lists. B)

Also, I was thinking of using the 'storage memory' and 'my storage' for applications, documents, mail, maps, navigation, and software installers while keeping the storage card free for backup/multimedia/photos/video recording only. Does UC need the file on the Storage Card, or does the rom also check the My Storage?

Edited by Bouvrie
Posted (edited)

i have i small problem with the volume, it seems that can't be modified separately...

i woud like to keep pda volume down while keep the phone volume higher, do you have a solution?

Edited by gtm
mine works fine??

Anybody else have same problem?

No more the issue, i hard reseted my phone and now is working ok.

Thank you very much!

Dont think i will release version with those app mentioned above. I put UC in. If you want those apps then use UC to install them??

You need to edit CAB file....you have to do as sector says above.

Good luck :(

Hmmm ok ... last question, do you have the link / site to download the M2d interface of the one u integrate it on version 14?


why timewizard alway wun at start up, it make my time incorrect. I was stop it on start up menu but it does work, timewizard alway run. how can i fix it

Guest ketamdaco
I accept NO responsibility for any damage caused to your handset before, during and after updating it with these ROMs. Using custom ROMs has risks attached to it, and can be dangerous. Proceed with caution.



Part 1 - http://www.mediafire.com/?zdkqaznmzyl

Part 2 - http://www.mediafire.com/?5eka5miemm2

Part 3 - http://www.mediafire.com/?jkwqodyzegl

Here's link to this rom in Rapidshare:



Download Instructions & Installation

1> Download all parts of the ROM. Extract part 1 only, it will extract the other parts.

When it has extracted the ROM, install as usual.

2>After download and flashing, when it finds your network, select NO, then select different operator to yours. Wait 15 secs, then goto connection settings, operator settings and select your proper operator. Your net, MMS, SMS settings will now be active.

Added/Cooked in

UC - User Customisation - see here ; and below for quick guide. Thanks Sleuth255

Black Skin for Tegic Keypads

Total Commander

Disabled Samsung Dialer skin

Disabled Error Reporting

Security – Don’t warn on unsigned cab removed

Updated to .net Compact Framework 3.5

Updated to Flash Lite 3.1

Installed HTCEmu DLL’s

Installed Pako777 camera dll fix v1

All .exe files have been optimized for space saving and ease of usage. grin.gif

** To obtain cabs for removed apps, please see this link, look in the cab removal thread!! **


Did Not Remove wink.gif

Internet Sharing

TV Out

FM Radio

Removed/Not present in this ROM tongue.gif



Media Album


Samsung Clock

Smart Reader

Touch Player


Windows Live


GoogleMaps (standard)

Digital Frame




Connected Home

DivX Registration (icon still present)

.net Compact Framework 2.5

Flash Lite 2.1

Google Launcher

Install Games

Main Menu

Media Album

Microsoft Office

One Note

Panel FS

Sample Music & Ringtones

Samsung Today 1

Samsung Today 2

Samsung Widget

Streaming Player

Task Switcher

Video Editor


Welcome Center

Windows Update


Memory Status after flash = LITE version (checked immediately after flash)

Storage Program

Total 160.19mb 96.55mb

In Use 7.16mb 28.94mb

Free 153.03mb 67.61m

Please donate.........buy me a beer.....HERE.... :P

Quick Guide to UC (for noobs) You will require an SDcard to use this facilty.

Please vist link above too. Basically you need to create an SDconfig.txt file and place it on your SD card (on the root/not in any folder). In this you SDconfig.txt file you will need at least the following to be able to install cabs from your SD card staright after flashing:


CAB: \Storage Card\path of cab_examples below

CAB: \Storage Card\Cabs\CorePlayer.cab

CAB: \Storage Card\Apps\Cabs\Core Player.cab


RST: Reset


The path needs to be correct...exactly. The exact path and filename too. Just look what the cab is exactly called (or rename for ease) and put in path as above.

The parts in bold, do not need to be altered, just the rest of the path after \storage card\

You can add what you need, for further customisation, see the link to xda, again thanks to sleuth255.

When it runs, you can see exactly what is is doing, it will reset (reboot) at end of installation. The RST command does this.


Dear SHOKKA9 ("The Smart One") :(

Can You make a ROM with Black Berry Storm Theme that created by ales100i

This post has been edited by ales100i: Feb 17 2009, 19:46

Attached thumbnail(s) img-resized.png Reduced 20% http://www.modaco.com/index.php?act=attach...st&id=28628 240 x 400 (45.17K) // img-resized.png Reduced 20% http://www.modaco.com/index.php?act=attach...st&id=28627 240 x 400 (50.92K) //

img-resized.png Reduced 20% http://www.modaco.com/index.php?act=attach...st&id=28625 240 x 400 (44.28K) // img-resized.png Reduced 20% http://www.modaco.com/index.php?act=attach...st&id=28621 240 x 400 (38.05K) //

img-resized.png Reduced 20% http://www.modaco.com/index.php?act=attach...st&id=28623 240 x 400 (47.69K) // img-resized.png Reduced 20% http://www.modaco.com/index.php?act=attach...st&id=28622 240 x 400 (40.56K) //

img-resized.png Reduced 20% http://www.modaco.com/index.php?act=attach...st&id=28629 240 x 400 (40.79K) // img-resized.png Reduced 20% http://www.modaco.com/index.php?act=attach...st&id=28673 400 x 240 (37.61K) //

Attached File(s) zip.gif blackberry_storm_WQVGA_final_fixed.zip ( 470.13K ) Number of downloads: 483

zip.gif blackberry_storm_WQVGA_2.1.rar ( 323.92K ) Number of downloads: 281

zip.gif blackberry_storm__wqvga___landscape_v2.zip ( 58.1K ) Number of downloads: 106

I think it would be a great ROM..... B)

I hope You are the One who made it..... Thanks

Hmmm ok ... last question, do you have the link / site to download the M2d interface of the one u integrate it on version 14?

Hi Shokka9,

1) I did a little experiment. I use your rom and install manila 2d version 19b (*.cab file) and then the m2dc v0.27.232 (extracted the whole folder). This m2dc when i execute the M2dc file, it says "The file "Manelia2dconfig" cannot be opened. either it is not signed with a trusted cert, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring the file. There is another executable which is called manilia2dconfig and when i click on that, it opened. So Can I say that its working or its considered not working?

2) If i installed the white battery, how do i replace it with the manila 2d battery indicator on the top?

3) I have also installed the manilia 2d themes by sector (OSX theme) and i notice inside the m2dc there is a setting in the tabs which have the MyfavWidget and OperatorWidget. How to enable them? Cause when i select them, nothing appears and my touchflo doesn't work. only when i uncheck the 2, it works.

hope u can answer my questions.

thanks in advance

Guest shokka9

@ Phewie

This thread is for thie LITE ROM...If you want to install M2D, why not use the other ROMs i make?? Also to answer your q's;

1> I think you can say it's working...as it does?? Not sure why it says that, as the end of the day my friend, i am not customer service guy for everyone...I make ROMs and try to help as much as i can with any issues you have.

M2D & M2DC have no reason NOT to work...I have used them both in my LITE ROM with NO issues, ever. If you start installing stuff and get errors for whatever reason, then you need to be prepared for stuff like this.

2> Dunno?? Is this possible??

3> This will be down to the theme and the HTCHomeSettings.xml..Those tabs must not be used properly by the creator as much as the others. You need to enable them fully in the xml settings. Get them all enabled, then save the M2D settings in Restore Tab. Should be fine after that, just by ticking the options in the tab, doesnt always work when the theme doesnt use them.

Good Luck

@ xhuyvn

Delete the shortcut from Windows\StartUp folder. This startup is active on everyones Omnia by default, this is nothing i have added. It is default.

@ ketamdaco

This is LITE ROM, no added GUI will ever be added to this ROM.

If you wish to use that theme, then you need to install WAD2 and maybe some other stuff. I will not be making WAD2 themed ROMs. To get them to work is difficult, cooking them would be difficult too. Something i do not have time to do.

I hope that answers you all.

Again, thanks for kind comments and suggestions.


Hey Shokka,

Try your new LITE rom at last :( big surprise : the Boratech pdf reader included I like this one

Acrobat has some issue with full screen...

as fast, responsive as shk14L but...with Google Maps samsung keyboard did not work

I have to change to samsung keypad.

Do you know how I can fix it ? Thanks.

Guest shokka9

@ wlogan....this is omnia issue, can happen in lots of apps, nothing i know of that can fix this??

If it happens to me, i just try and reuse the same kaypad or keyboar.

@ Phewie

This thread is for thie LITE ROM...If you want to install M2D, why not use the other ROMs i make?? Also to answer your q's;

1> I think you can say it's working...as it does?? Not sure why it says that, as the end of the day my friend, i am not customer service guy for everyone...I make ROMs and try to help as much as i can with any issues you have.

M2D & M2DC have no reason NOT to work...I have used them both in my LITE ROM with NO issues, ever. If you start installing stuff and get errors for whatever reason, then you need to be prepared for stuff like this.

2> Dunno?? Is this possible??

3> This will be down to the theme and the HTCHomeSettings.xml..Those tabs must not be used properly by the creator as much as the others. You need to enable them fully in the xml settings. Get them all enabled, then save the M2D settings in Restore Tab. Should be fine after that, just by ticking the options in the tab, doesnt always work when the theme doesnt use them.

Good Luck

@ xhuyvn

Delete the shortcut from Windows\StartUp folder. This startup is active on everyones Omnia by default, this is nothing i have added. It is default.

@ ketamdaco

This is LITE ROM, no added GUI will ever be added to this ROM.

If you wish to use that theme, then you need to install WAD2 and maybe some other stuff. I will not be making WAD2 themed ROMs. To get them to work is difficult, cooking them would be difficult too. Something i do not have time to do.

I hope that answers you all.

Again, thanks for kind comments and suggestions.

hi shokka9,

thanks for the replies .... sorry at asking about m2d as I wanna learn something from it ... I shall PM you to ask next time round ... appreciate lots.


@ wlogan....this is omnia issue, can happen in lots of apps, nothing i know of that can fix this??

If it happens to me, i just try and reuse the same kaypad or keyboar.

really ??..hmmm but with shk14L it works...well now im not sure :( have to reflash again in shk14L to check it !

Guest shokka9
really ??..hmmm but with shk14L it works...well now im not sure :( have to reflash again in shk14L to check it !

Yeah i know.....it will work with SHK15L too. This is intermittent bug with Omnia, sometimes it does it, sometimes not.... a hard reset will help..

I get occasionally no matter what ROM i am using....Chef not to blame, but Samsung.

Yeah i know.....it will work with SHK15L too. This is intermittent bug with Omnia, sometimes it does it, sometimes not.... a hard reset will help..

I get occasionally no matter what ROM i am using....Chef not to blame, but Samsung.

:( chef is the best for custom ROM, so far you are. I tested so many ROMs but you are the one i stay with so long time B)


Hi Shokka.

I was fix it. thanks for reply. I am testing, it look like a lite rom so i can config every thing by my self.

Keep going man.


Hi shokka

I have some problem with this rom, when i install .net framework 3.5 ,a mdict 2.5. with .net 3.5 it had error when install and mdict 2.5 it made my phone does not work. Spb pocket plus made my phone can not touch any thing.

how can i fix it?

Guest shokka9

.net 3.5 is already installed my friend...

You shoulds not have any issues installing anything on this ROM? Did you hard reset after flashing it???

.net 3.5 is already installed my friend...

You shoulds not have any issues installing anything on this ROM? Did you hard reset after flashing it???

i dont hard reset after install. I just install .net 3.5 and it was error. And mdict 2.5 was freeze my mobile when i run it.

Guest PuijkeN

I seem to be having a problem with UC .. it doesn't seem to work for me! I have put a SDconfig.txt file (ANSI coded) in the root of my storage card, this is what's in it:


CAB: \Storage Card\Cabs\Lettertype\Klein.cab

CAB: \Storage Card\Cabs\Opera9\Opera9.cab

CAB: \Storage Card\Cabs\HTC_Taskmanager\SdkCerts.cab

CAB: \Storage Card\Cabs\HTC_Taskmanager\HTC_Task_Manager_2.1_34837.5.cab

CAB: \Storage Card\Cabs\Manilla\Installer.cab


RST: Reset

Normally it should install some stuff after hard resets, but only thing it does is: reading SDconfig.txt and then resetting my device. Nothing is installed. Am I doing something wrong?

Nice rom anyways! Fast and clean, I like that! :(

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