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QBUS & Sector & Khuanchai Windows Mobile 6.5 Research Thread

Guest qbus

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Guest evoprime23

Thanks for this Genix9... ill give this a try and see if this will fix my stupidity hahahaha... cheers :) B)

CAnalogClock is included with the OmniaBliss theme here, branched directly from the xda version. I haven't tried this with the Fabi font though, so anything could happen <_<
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Guest evoprime23
Thanks for this Genix9... ill give this a try and see if this will fix my stupidity hahahaha... cheers B) :D

Hi guys... ok ive install the omniabliss theme and still cant install the Canalogclock.cab... does anyone have another version of CAnalogclock.cab that i can use to see if it may work please <_< ... for some reason the CAnalogclock.cab i got from rpereira's forum and the one from Sectors goodies just doesnt want to install on my phone!!!! aaaarrrggghhhh my phone hates me!!!! :)

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How can I get to detect internet settings from the sim card? It did it before when I flashed to O1 6.5 full rom at first boot but it did'nt do it on the P1 Ultra lite rom. Is there a file missing in the P1 Ultra Lite rom or what?

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Guest dannych99

Thanks guys for the great ROM. :)

I have one bug to report regarding Titanium Whether. It runs fine when I set the Reigon to Aus(English). After I changed to Chinese(PRC), it doesn't work well. <_< It said "Titanium Wether string write error" something. It does not support Chinese or other lauguages other than English?

Can someone give an answer? ThankX.

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Guest cobrica

Yes i have this problem too. And one more problem if you answr with hardware button when phone is locked it doesnt want to answer.

Please fix this two bugs sector i cant wait <_<

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Guest demon-knight
Yes i have this problem too. And one more problem if you answr with hardware button when phone is locked it doesnt want to answer.

Please fix this two bugs sector i cant wait <_<

Yeah I have the very same problem with the hardware answer button to.

Its the same in Khuanchai's rom as well.

I thought it was just me but it must be a bug????

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Guest kamilloo83
you cant remove some of the programs as they are cooked in the ROM.


no, no ... I can not delete any my instal program... I chose program, click remove, I see popup "Are you sure you want to remove it?", and I choose "Yes"... and nothing... <_<

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Guest jclarkk

I have a question regarding the lock screen, I have seen someone ask this in this topic but he didnt receive any answer...

Is it possible to have the backlight turn on when tapped on lock screen?

This issue is driving me crazy when I'm under the sun.

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Guest bluey09
its the standard winmo 6.5 lock screen.


Hi bro ,

I just copied that image of the internet to make my point because i didnt had the screenshot of the lockscreen bug.


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Guest bluey09
Cool. Have fixed that for Sector's next version. Attached lockscenes to try and test in the meantime if you like. Let me know.

Thanks for your effort bro ..

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Guest cd78
I have a question regarding the lock screen, I have seen someone ask this in this topic but he didnt receive any answer...

Is it possible to have the backlight turn on when tapped on lock screen?

This issue is driving me crazy when I'm under the sun.

+1 - its a nightmare to unlock if you are outdoors.

Esp with the omnias shite touchscreen!

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Guest Davodude

I can't seem to get my finger keyboard working at all with the normal latest rom. (when i select it, it takes me to samsung keyboard)

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Guest shokka9

under construction = sector is trying to build it - NOW!!

It will be ready when sector gets it booting, working and running sweet as usual.

The answer.....'How long is a piece of string' springs to mind...but expect it either today or tomorrow.

We all know sector is a work-a-holic <_<

Good work bro!!

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Guest Flaw1973
21275 is under construction !

Sector is it possible for you to detail the differences between the new version and the old ones...

I still have O1 Lite, works like a charm, and as i didn't understand what's really new and better in P version i didn't "upgrade".

To be honest i will only do it again when a really better one come out, but for us to know that, we need some info about what's new and different in the base you cook.

I'm not talking about what you add and remove that info we can get in your first post, but about what's new, better/different in WM.



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Guest kurniawan
I have a question regarding the lock screen, I have seen someone ask this in this topic but he didnt receive any answer...

Is it possible to have the backlight turn on when tapped on lock screen?

This issue is driving me crazy when I'm under the sun.

+1 - its a nightmare to unlock if you are outdoors.

Esp with the omnias shite touchscreen!

Easy... instead of tapping on your screen, press and hold the hangup button.... <_<

O, and second, if u find that your omnia screen is shite, i'd advice u to buy a new digitizer. u can read about it here somewhere, topic is called how to replace your sscreen or something. i did it!! It's SMOOTHHHHHHHH...

Edited by kurniawan
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