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Non-booting after XIP insertion

Guest Stevenh

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Guest Stevenh

I've been looking at how to fix the wakeup issue for the BT audio routing fix among other things but I've run into a dead end... I'm convinced we'd have to replace some of the XIP files from i908 build but unfortunately it doesn't seem to be working as even if I do a simple extract-build-replace of xip.bin back into os.nb using osnbtool.exe, I end up with a non booting system, which probably also explains why we can no longer do SYS and XIP updates anymore with IA2.

Has anyone else seen this issue?



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Guest Stevenh

I've managed to build and relocate various parts of XIP and managed to get a working system :( There is a problem with buildxip.exe so don't use it. I will probably write a mini guide at some point after I've finished my tinkering B)

Oh and if you have a look at the BT fix thread, I've fixed the wakeup issue finally :P

Edited by Stevenh
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