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Guest Nicholas Kyong

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Guest Nicholas Kyong


Hi all, I want to make a custom rom.

But I don't know how to make a rom.

Can anybody tell me the way to make a rom?


:( B) :P

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Guest tammam

Hello and welcome to the forum.

As regards your question, please refer to the post below:


In SHORT (follow the guides), The process involves obtaining an existing ROM (preferably from Samsung),

Then using what is referred to as the "Kitchen" which is a set of utilities that extract the system and all programs and add-ons etc from the ROM into folders so that you can start building your own "cooked" ROM.

Editing the files please read very carefully and follow the guide attentively. If you are not clear about something refer to the posts in the forum for similar questions and ask if you are unclear about something. You could potentially end up with an unusable device. Although, from my personal experience and depending on the severity of the mistakes you make, you can recover by flashing the device with a complete ROM i.e., the one from Samsung.

Then using the “Kitchen” tools to put together the ROM into a flash-able format i.e. similar to Samsung’s ROMs.

Well, that's the gist of it anyway.

Happy cooking



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Guest shokka9

which will be updated tonight (specifically for Sztupy's SYOK)....

I have it done, just wanna get it proof read, so it reads ok and that i havent missed anything.

An Advanced version is in development too....so keep an eye out

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Guest Nicholas Kyong

Thanks to all who inform me about making rom. I will try to make a rom that good for me and maybe for some people. :( B) :P

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