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Stuck on Omnia logo after update failure

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Guest epakman


I tried to update my omnia's version from JVHH2 to JUHJ2 which offical samsung website offered and i downloaded from samsungs website. When official update program starts it says 1st File Downloading and completed that, after program freezes like 1 hour. So i had to unplug my omnia's usb cable. Now when i open my phone it stucks on Omnia logo.

Now when i connect my phone to PC it says Unrecognized USB Device, i think that if i can pass this problem i can install an update using Grandprix.

What i tried are these:

-Uninstalling drivers active sync and installing them again.

-Using Grandprix

-Trying on another computer.

Any solutions?

Guest zabique32
Posted (edited)

Phone is charging (red light)?

U cant turn it if off with power button?

Only way to restart it is taking battery out and putting it back?

after turning on you see only SAMSUNG screen?

just had the same story today B)

Charge battery at least for an hour.

Download one of the custom roms (Kuhanchai, QBUS....) NO GRANDPRIX!

Run installer

plug your phone

turn it on

press start

see what happen

Helped Me.

Edited by zabique32
Guest noknok

i got exactly the same problem

i did what u said

charged for 1 1/2 hours etc

nothing happened

any other ideas????

Guest epakman
i got exactly the same problem

i did what u said

charged for 1 1/2 hours etc

nothing happened

any other ideas????

i took my phone to samsung service. and they told me that they should change the mainboard of my phone. i'm lucky because my phones warranty still continues.

So it seems that no other solutions work for that problem.

Guest mrkbuddy

ya thats true..

i repaired my fone 3 time..

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