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Guest WoZZeR999

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Guest Adrynalyne
This indeed fix my WiFi problem. At fist under connections the Wifi icon was gona or replaced with a different icon. Applying this patch brought the wifi connection back. Thanks alot!

Great to hear!

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Guest Arkhilhra
Make sure you have sound turned up (hit the volume key), and make sure it's not set to bluetooth headset. If you are using a headset, try it with the BT set turned off.

Yeah. I had tried that already. BT is completely off and in call sound is at max. All regular sound works, just not in call sounds of any kind. It's actually making calls because I was still able to *228/1 and get my phone programmed, though I never heard the automation. I called my girlfriend sitting right next to me and that call connected but she could not hear me, nor I her.

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Guest rayden25
Yeah. I had tried that already. BT is completely off and in call sound is at max. All regular sound works, just not in call sounds of any kind. It's actually making calls because I was still able to *228/1 and get my phone programmed, though I never heard the automation. I called my girlfriend sitting right next to me and that call connected but she could not hear me, nor I her.

Sounds like a phone issue. Reflash the CC20 leaked rom, all the parts and see what happens.

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Guest jalevy86
Sounds like a phone issue. Reflash the CC20 leaked rom, all the parts and see what happens.

Yeah, I had indicated earlier I lost my ringer. The only way I know I have a call coming in is to have it on vibrate and hope I feel it.

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Guest rcicu

I loaded the ROM on my Omnia but it's stuck on the Boot screen...

Please Help

Thank you,


reflashed with leaked rom and phone is good

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Guest Arkhilhra

It almost sounds hardware to me too, I just don't want to face up to that. This is already my second Omnia, my first was DOA. I've already flashed back to the leaked rom and haven't changed anything at all on it since. Anyone know where I can get a copy of the original rom, or any other ideas?

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Guest Arkhilhra

It almost sounds hardware to me too, I just don't want to face up to that. This is already my second Omnia, my first was DOA. I've already flashed back to the leaked rom and haven't changed anything at all on it since. Anyone know where I can get a copy of the original rom, or any other ideas?

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Guest jxa4508
anyone have a copy of the "classic ring" ringtone? I hate the VZW default that wozzer left in...lol.

Ringtones Can be found at this link here(under reply 8), notice that the downloaded files are "hidden" by default, not sure why but they are...


Personally, I love the City Lights ringtone, I have made a modified one that gets into the song a little earlier. I copied the file to my \Windows\Rings folder then went into Start>settings>sounds and notifications>Notifications Tab and adjusted the tone.


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Guest jxa4508

Wozzer ROM - Absolutely love it, really great to have this phone's speed unlocked as well as the GPS. Few things I have though:

When I have multiple new texts, I click the message under TouchFlo2D and it brings me to the default windows mobile messaging program, but the cursor is not in the text typing box, it is on the new message from the recipient, any way to make it default go to the text message box?

Also, Yesterday I was seeking about 7 Sats on GPS, now today I am seeking zero and Google Maps won't find any. I am using the GPS settings that have "windows default" enabled. Anyone else experiencing this problem as well? My friend has an i910 with the same rom and he was seeking about 8 today, we shut his phone off, put mine in the same place and I was seeking zero. I might have a bad GPS chip, but didn't know if anyone could shed some light on the problem...

Contact List & Dialer - Anyone else hate the default samsung contact manager and/or dialer? I've found this one to work great in Portrait mode v1.3.5 is pretty darn good, only thing is when I hit All People in TouchFlo2D it opens the samsung contact manager, not the Spam alert contact manager...Any way to integrate this into the rom (granted you would like the dialer as well).


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Guest Apo11on
anyone know how to fix the time stamp issue my incoming texts are saying they happened 4 hours ago.

Get VITO SMS-Chat - it shows timestamps correctly and it's a better app

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Guest rcicu

Got the Rom loaded and the WiFi patch installed and its working GREAT!!!! Thank you WoZZeR!!!!! You Rock!!!

Quick question: I installed the FM Radio Cab but the radio still does not work? any ideas?

Thank you,

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Guest Omega Ra

Can't get windows to see the .mp3 no matter where I put it. be it in windows, windows\rings, my storage...nowhere is it seen in notifications

edit: Nevermind I got it. Just had Mem Maid make the phone see ringtones in my storage.

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Guest GlassEyedPete

My phone always rings with the standard windows mobile ring, whether I change it for one person or for every incoming call....always the windows mobile ring tone. Any ideas?

I wanted to add that if I open my phone settings, it won't exit after pressing ok. I have to use the end key to exit. I don't think that's normal.

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Guest Arkhilhra
That almost sounds hardware failure related.

Well, I downloaded another copy of CC20 and flashed again, sound works now. I don't know if the file I downloaded was bad to begin with or it was corrupted during download.

The original CC20 file I tried was from: http://theidoctor.org/omnia.html.. Everyone might want to look elsewhere for it.

Thanks for your assistance.

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Guest Peter Brauer
Proposed wifi fix.

First, delete HKLM/init/Launch75.

Then install this cab, wait 20 seconds and soft reset.

First off, LOVE the cooking! Great stuff. I too am having issues with WiFi, and when I try this fix I am getting a message that says "Cannot Delete this key, please retry."

Any tips?

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Guest Captain Clam

Version 5 ROM is outstanding. Moved to the non-touchflo, just to save memory after I tested WMShell 3.

Not sure how much is the new Verizon work, and how much is bloatware removal genius, but nearly every quirk about the 910 that collectively made me hate it has been rectified by loading Wozzers ROM.

I, like many of you, have been thinking about what an appropriate donation would be. I know I want to send some $ to Wozzer for his hard work, but are you guys sending any $ to the guy who stuck his neck out and got the ROM and thusly made all of this possible? Also, is 10 bucks for Wozz going to be an insult? I tend to think not as if everyone took the time to send him 10 bucks, he would be in pretty good shape on this... and deserve it.

Please advise...

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Guest Captain Clam

I forgot to ask! With Wireless networking fixed, can I now reinstall ICSInstall and WMWifiRouter to enable accesspoint emulated tethering for my i-910, or am I going to break somehing? My kids love the fact they can hit miniclip.com in the car from my phone!

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Guest necosino

Do a search for the timestamp issue, I've responded a few times, and had the issue once.

Go into your clock settings and change the time zone as thought you were traveling to your second locale. Then simply reset, switch back, and test it out. That's what fixed it for me, at least.

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