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Need help updating

Guest Sinaaa

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Guest Sinaaa

Hi Everybody,

Although I had my omnia for a long while, I've never updated my phone till now we have broadband.

I managed to update my damn orange branded BVHH1 to MSHJ1 (latest UK).

now, I'm willing to update to DXIA5.

The thing is that first I've vista(home premium) (and although we have a small vaio xp notebook, but I don't know if I can do the thing with vista).

The second one is that I get the software incorrect version on the official rom(Wait, I read the topic. I changed it to Singapore and then phone hard reset. Then I connected my phone, I got software incorrect version. then I changed MSHJ1 to DZHJ1 (which I'm going to update to DZIA5), but failed again.(incorrect...) )

So, what should I do?

I'm willing also to update to qbus rom, but I really do a afraid of bricking my phone. can anyone tell me an easy step by step guide(I know qbus gave a guide already, but I want something someone experienced).

Please help me guys.

Thanks a lot

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