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IGO setting on my Omnia

Guest lucky_mike

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Guest lucky_mike

This is my first post so apologies if it is in the wrong place.

I just installed IGO8 on my omnia and for the life of me I cannot get it to find the GPS. I searched a load of GPS topics here and everything seems to be OK with my phone.

My Omnia is ROM version XKHJ3.

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Guest Jim McKenzie
This is my first post so apologies if it is in the wrong place.

I just installed IGO8 on my omnia and for the life of me I cannot get it to find the GPS. I searched a load of GPS topics here and everything seems to be OK with my phone.

My Omnia is ROM version XKHJ3.

When I first installed iGO8 I also couldn`t find GPS signal, but when I left the house, I found it with no problems at all.

Maybe that`s your situation also..


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Guest maf107ezk0

Ok, I had the same "proglem" - when you start the iGO (or any GPS app) for the first time, or if you haven`t used it for 6-7 days it makes a "cold" start which takes longer - put the phone outside and wait for about 5-6 minutes and you`ll get signal. Then if you use the GPS for example the next day it`ll make a "hot" start - it`ll find signal in 30-60 seconds. BUT if you want the cold start to be faster, you have to use aGPS, which connects to the internet and downloads your coordinates :D It`ll take some money, but it`ll be much faster... Just go to Start-Settings-System-Enhanced GPS - XTRA data download :lol: Hope it helps:P

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Guest lucky_mike

Thing is, I get the message that the 'GPS Receiver cannot be found' so I think it does not even get to the stage of searching for satellites, as the phone cannot 'see' the receiver ?

Is there anyway I can check the receiver is present and active ?

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Guest Sinaaa


Do what I say. I got stuck with this problem, last 2 days.

First, Make sure your phone is turned on(phone function I mean, not your omnia :D )

And go outside and go in a place that sky be above you, not a tree or shade, etc.

Now, open up iGo. go to settings and open up GPS settings( I guess it was in the second page of settings).

Then if your receiver is shown not found, un-check the automatic setting, and set the first option to auto, the second one to 4800.

press the checkmark button in the bottom of the page.

Now wait if it gets the sats. If not, IMHO, soft reset your phone, wait till everything load, again make sure of the above(phone being on and sky on above!) go to igo and start it.

if in the setting gps menu, you still get the not detected thing, enable automatic detection and save and exit iGo, soft reset. as above make sure of ... then open up iGo. don't go to the setting menu now. check if sat is there or not.

I've to say that check as many times as possible while doing this, cause the above way I gave was including all possibilites. After doing every part, check if sat is detected(not in setting, but in the application itself). It should be a flashing green if its detected and flashing yellow if not.

And keep in mind, it takes 5-10 minutes a cold start. don't expect it say "after 150 meters turn right" after gps detected.

Mine took about 10-15mins to find the right sattelites.(although it was the first time I start GPS after my last hard reset).

So, do as I said and it will work.


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