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New Windows Mobile 6.5 is finished!

Guest sidfire

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Guest sidfire


It's just a 12-minute run-through of Windows Mobile 6.5. We see the lock screen, today screen, home screen, Office and My Phone. Nothing you haven't already seen before, just fresher. And some of the "finger-friendly" menus are still the same ol' thing, just a little bigger. (And can we get rid of radio buttons already?)Check out the whole video here.

And speaking of Windows Mobile 6.5, the WM Dev Team on Twitter posted the following:

For the record, Windows Mobile 6.5 is DONE... complete... looks really good IOHO and every bit functional.

Can we have it already?!?!?!?

again video might require silverlight


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I am really excited about it, because I have been trying the beta windows mobile 6.5. It looked good, but my omnia froozed, and the sms what I got, it wasn't saved, etc. This winmo 6.5 had a lot of uncountable error...

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Guest Chad Petree

I don't think samsung it's gonna give us an official update any time soon, hopefully this version will be available soon and there'll be plenty of cooked roms to choose from =)

Edited by Chad Petree
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I don't think samsung it's gonna give us an official update any time soon, hopefully this version will be available soon and there'll be plenty of cooked roms to choose from =)

I don't need an official update :D, I need a simple "service room" ;>

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