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Omnia i900 ROM Update

Guest Omi900

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Guest Omi900

Hi all,

I'm new to the forum.

Being the proud owner of an Omnia i900, I was wondering what the pros & cons of updating my ROM are?

I've had my Omnia since last September and have recently come to realise what a wonderful phone this is. Now more and more software/apps are being made available for the phone, (thanks to this excellent forum, I now have some wonderful stuff installed on my phone). I now realise what a teriffic phone this really is.

Going back to my original point; my present ROM is MSHG1. What would be the benefits of updating my ROM? Is it worth the effort? Bearing in mind I would lose all my stuff. I know I could back everything up but, again, is it worth the effort?

If someone could give me a valid reason(s) why it would be beneficial to update my ROM i.e. performance of the phone etc...I would certainly consider it.

Regards - Shaun

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Guest shokka9

firstly...new firmware for bug fixes and new stuff

Newer firmware is the most obvious reason that we all update to our ROMs. HG1 is quite old. The newest ID1 is very good.

You will notice the differences immediately. Us flash-a-holics wont.

secondly...new apps & stuff

A lot of the chefs here add stuff to the ROM, we generally try to use the latest apps (GoogleMaps etc etc). We add them as the original apps maybe dated and also rubbish.


I personally, like to rid the Omnia of its standard appearance and try to make a little more pleasing on the eye. I know a lot of people do this also.

There are many reason why we all update our ROMs, some like to be on the latest Windows builds (like WM6.5).

generally it is down to personal taste and preference. You need to look around each chefs threads and see what flavour they are cooking up.

I hope this helps, probably won't :lol:.

Good luck.

PS - I seriously recomend you to update to any DXID1 ROM and you will notice how far the Omnia has come. The responsiveness and battery life are far better than HG1. As well as many other new things that you havent even experienced yet.

Go do it now :D

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Guest Omi900

Thanks for the reply shokka9,

WOW! :lol: You've really whetted my appetite for updating my ROM.

However, where would I find the DXID1 ROM?

Also I've read countless threads regarding bricking your phone, I really wouldn't want to do that. :D

Being a complete n00b, I would very much appreciate some advice on this before proceeding.

Regards - Shaun

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Guest Omi900

Advice required please. I'm shortly going to flash my ROM for the very first time. I have ActiveSync & the updater file installed on my XP PC. However, where can I find the Samsung Drivers refered to below in point A?

Flashing instructions (only for Windows XP users, Vista [as always] is not supported):


a. Installed Samsung Drivers

b. Installed ActiveSync

Regards - Shaun

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Guest Omi900

Thanks a lot for the link :D

Am I right in thinking I unzip this file to my PC?

If so, when do I need to use this file???

Regards - Shaun

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Guest Omi900

I've been reading the threads for the last 36 hours and I'm still wary of proceeding simply because I'm not sure of the exact step by step process.

Thanks for your reply; however, you yourself might find it simple, I can assure you that I don't!

I mean, how long would it take one of you knowledgeable guys to post a simple step by step process?

Probably no longer than 5 mins. I honestly don't think you realise how much this would help people like me, and many others, who simply don't have any experience of updating/flashing ROMS.

Isn't this one of the points in using a forum? I would think a forums main aim is for the more experienced members to simplify/explain procedures for the less experienced people like myself and many others.

In my own thread, I've recieved replies telling me to 'just read the threads, you'll find what you're looking for', or 'its simple to do, just read the threads'. I have read and read and read the threads, but I'm no more confident than when I first startedl.

As mentioned in another thread, it would be a massive help to have a simple step by step guide pinned to the top of the forum.

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Guest Omi900

Sure samy.3660, here is the guide I found.

Why a guide like this can't be posted on here I don't know.

Obviously for some reason this forum refuses to help novices like myself and others. <_<

It seems to only want to cater for the elite and the more experienced members.

Therefore, I won't be asking for assistance again. :)

Pre-flashing preparation :

1. Download the official Samsung modem driver :


2. Download the official Samsung ROM :


3. Download Tarils cooked ROM



4. Make sure your device is fully charged.

5. Terminate as many apps running on your pc as possible e.g. anti virus/firewall during this process.

6. Do not touch the phone during the updating process,or do anything on your pc.

7. You should now have 3 files

1. SamsungModem_xp.zip

2. i900DXHK3.zip (Official ROM)

3. i900-OMNIA-DXIA2___ZanderZa_22.02.2009.exe.7z (Tarils cooked ROM)


Flashing to the official ROM "i900DXHK3.zip"

***Do not connect your phone yet***

1. Backup your person data e.g Contacts/Calendar etc.

2. Install the Samsung modem driver "SamsungModem_xp.zip".


4. Switch off your phone.

5. Extract the official Samsung ROM "i900DXHK3.zip" file anywhere and run it.

6. While you phone is switched OFF,connect it to your pc.

7. Now switch on your phone only if ALL of the following conditions are TRUE

a. The update application is already running. (Waiting for device...)

b. You have confirmed that the Samsung modem driver is installed.

c. Your phone is connected to the pc.

8. Switch on the phone.

9. As soon as the update application detects the device the "START" button will become usable,click on it.

10. Do not unplug the cable until the progress bar of the update application becomes BLUE and it says either "Complete" or "Finished" at the bottom.


Flashing to the cooked ROM " i900-OMNIA-DXIA2___ZanderZa_22.02.2009.exe.7z"

***Do not connect your phone yet*** :

If you are sure the Samsung modem driver is installed skip steps 2 & 3

1. Backup your person data e.g Contacts/Calendar etc.

2. Install the Samsung modem driver "SamsungModem_xp.zip".


4. Switch off your phone.

5. Extract the cooked ROM file anywhere and run it. "i900-OMNIA-DXIA2___ZanderZa_22.02.2009.exe.7z"

6. While you phone is switched OFF,connect it to your pc.

7. Now switch on your phone only if ALL of the following conditions are TRUE

a. The update application is already running. (Waiting for device...)

b. You have confirmed that the Samsung modem driver is installed.

c. Your phone is connected to the pc.

8. Switch on the phone.

9. As soon as the update application detects the device the "START" button will become usable,click on it.

10. Do not unplug the cable until the progress bar of the update application becomes BLUE and it says either "Complete" or "Finished" at the bottom.

PS : The phone will reboot a couple of times during this process,this is normal.After the flashing process is complete,the phone will boot up to the welcome screen,where you will then need to set it up again e.g. date/screen alignment etc,BUT do not do anything yet,just leave it for a minute or two,because it will install the optimized GPS/CPU/Optical track pad drivers and will reboot automatically when done.Once it has rebooted and displays the welcome screen again,then you may configure it. __________________

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Guest gragra
Sure samy.3660, here is the guide I found.

Why a guide like this can't be posted on here I don't know.

Obviously for some reason this forum refuses to help novices like myself and others. <_<

It seems to only want to cater for the elite and the more experienced members.

Therefore, I won't be asking for assistance again. :)

I might agree with you here. That has been my experience in some cases. My advice for you is to search, read and try and make sense of any post related to your question. If you are still confused, google it, you would find some useful information somewhere out there. That is not to say there are no helpful people here.There are.

Edited by gragra
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Guest Omi900

Thanks for the reply and the advice, which I've already done.

I just fail to see the point of a forum if it is not willing to help novices like myself.

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Guest omniacwazy

Just visited rapidshare.com for the Samsung K3 ROM...error in link. Same for the Samsung USB Driver. Please repost link?? Thanks.

Edited by omniacwazy
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Guest sector
Thanks for the reply and the advice, which I've already done.

I just fail to see the point of a forum if it is not willing to help novices like myself.

i will make a how-to and make it pinned.

please stop saying that nobody helps.

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Guest omniacwazy
Just visited rapidshare.com for the Samsung K3 ROM...error in link. Same for the Samsung USB Driver. In fact all 3 files not accessible cos i got error in link message. Please repost link?? Thanks.
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Guest Omi900
Just visited rapidshare.com for the Samsung K3 ROM...error in link. Same for the Samsung USB Driver. Please repost link?? Thanks.

Apologies. The link for the Samsung Drivers is further up this thread. Which works.

I copied the guide, to help someone else, which contained the link for the K3 ROM from another website.

Therefore, I don't have another link for this. Sorry.

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Guest Omi900
i will make a how-to and make it pinned.

please stop saying that nobody helps.

Sector, I have just noticed your reply.

Thank you, thank you and thank you :)

I really appreciate this. This is all I've been asking for for the last 2 days. And not just me.

There are many novices using this forum who don't seem to be getting a lot of help.

I realise people are busy, but for this forum to grow, surely it needs to be attracting novices like myself, and others, and making sure that it keeps them.

I am more than willing to help others any way I can. But I need to gain some knowledge myself first.

That is where the more experienced members come in.

Again, thank you. I really appreciate this. <_<

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