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Rom Update Guide

Guest samy.3660

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Guest samy.3660


I think there should be a rom update guide for omnia as there are for all the devices in xda forum. It makes all the question regarding "how to flash this rom" settle. And i think it should be made stickied to the forum. I dont know much about Flashing Omnia as it is not my main device, therefore i woudnt be able to write one, but those who know should please write.


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Guest Omi900

I would second that.

Its ok for people who know what they are doing. Me? I'm completely lost. I've spent hours on this forum, and others, trying to find a n00bs step by step guide to flashing my ROM, but I'm still no further forward.

True I've kindly been given one or two pointers in my own thread on here, but I'm still unclear as to the steps I need to take to perform a succesful ROM update. I'm still very wary of proceeding but I so much want to take the plunge and update my ROM from MSHG1 to possibly DXID1.

I have all the required files needed to do this, but I'm not clear on the exact procedure.


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Guest cirrus888

Some spent hours I spent 2 weeks trying everything to find relevant information on how to flash the rom. There is a lot of invaluable information in this forum but its completely useless because no one can find it. There is also a lot of useless and misleading information jumbled up with the good information and its a real pain to shift through.

I also found that the experienced users here generally aren't friendly to newbies and I didn't get many pointers from anyone. I finally found a little help from taril and shokka but by that time I had already flashed my phone successfully using a combination of methods I found here.

Anyway I got lucky and finally stumbled on a solution just as I was about to give up.

Now I'm a happy using of all your roms here and I would like to thank you all. You were all helpful in your own little ways.

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Guest cd78

I do kind of agree, i have posted quite a few questions on here but alas hardly ever get an answer..<_<

I usually end up searching for hours on end to find solutions.

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Guest Omi900

I found that there wasn't much help around on this forum as well.

But thanks to sector, we now have a pinned step by step guide for flashing your ROMs.

Which is brill.

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Guest cd78
I found that there wasn't much help around on this forum as well.

But thanks to sector, we now have a pinned step by step guide for flashing your ROMs.

Which is brill.

Yeah it is really good to have a pinned tutorial <_< although i think ive go the hang of the ROM upgrading part, its great for newer newbies! :)

Nice1 Sector!

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