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anybody diggin' this?

Guest imp

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Yeah, i know... But I really want it anyways :lol: Hehe...

The thing about the pixels: That is how it's surposed be like that... ;) It's an abstract piece I've done...


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Guest Dr. Ralph

Hey Nicolai - I DID tell you that you just can't make this kind of theme, because it contains different plugins in the same row and the present software version of the SPV just can't do that.

The only plugins you can place on the same row is:

1. date, time, net

2. sms, email, vmail

Everything else HAS to be placed on their own row-line on the SPV - sorry to say so, but this is one of the few limitations of the SPV ;)

But I'm in the process of making my very own designed skin/theme for my SPV - but because folks on this forum and on others foums are so great at making these skins for the SPV - I might just go with a design created by another - but I hope I'll be able to creste something speciel that's sooo great I'll keep it as my very own self-designed skin 8)

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