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Anybody using google voice?

Guest gayflag

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Guest gayflag

So i just got my google voice invitation. Then i got the bright idea to add my googlevoice number to my verizon "5" list. So i am now making all my calls for free!

Did anyone else have this genius idea?

But really, i just wanted the option to be able to actually....Select who i do and do not want to talk to. Uh, without having to pay verizon "extra money" for a feature that should be included in my already over inflated phone bill. I know there are call firewall apps for winmo, but having all that management stuff in one central location is just easier. Not to mention, i now truly own my phone number. If i stop paying my phone bill, i will still have my "google number." I can just forward it to another phone line!

If you didnt absolutely love google before, now you should. Too bad they dont have a winmo version for their GV app. Android and blackberry only, seriously wtf google? :)

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Guest banderdragon

best feture imo is the call blocking. i use my goo-number on my resume i post to monster and such. if i start getting spammed i can just block it. i have already done this once and it is truly good.

As to adding it to your "5" to make calls, don't you still have to pay Google to make outgoing calls?

Last, has anyone checked to see if this will unmask restricted numbers since it is going through Google's server?

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Guest gayflag

Well, its good for users in the US. Its free to use the service if you are calling inside the US to anyone in the US. If you add your goo # to your top 5, the calls you make from google dont count from your mobile minutes. Im hoping they create a winmo app. I use opera to make calls, its a little hassle but isnt too bad.

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Guest RavrSimba

It also works out well if you have a home phone and set it to ring cell and home... So when your home, your not using minutes but you can take off and leave without missing any calls or transfer a call your in from your home to cell and vice versa.

Edited by RavrSimba
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