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changed from one rom to another so many times, need bit help with find the one

Guest Roy1819

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Guest Roy1819

Hi everyone (Sorry on my english for andvance)

so like in the title

changed so many roms on my omnia

what im searching actually is the rom with the less software even without no application, all the nedded apps i can install by my own.

rom with wm 6.5

and i realized that from rom to another the quality of movies changed so ofcourse the rom with the bestest video quality

another thing that ive noticed is the flows of the touch

some roms got it and some not

like in the contacts ive scrolled it fast and its flows and some rom dont got it and when you scrolled fast its just going like one after another

so the priority is for the flows

i wish u can help me with this guys cause i cant by my own

thank u :)


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Guest meabigbaldguy

You've mentioned that you've gone through a number of ROMs... Which ones?

Anyway, I personally recommend ROMs from either Shokka9, and even Ryrzy. They are both very good and responsive. They are also very light and most of the Samsung stuff is gone.

I'm currently trying out Ryzy's 6.5 ROM and it's a very good package, and I have to be honest, I like the response a bit better than Shokka's. I'm a Shokka fan, but his last release was loaded with too much HTC stuff - it almost felt like I had an HTC. That's just my preference though. Like I said, both ROM's are good none the less.

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