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10/Mar 3.2 - MoDaCo Custom ROM for GSM Hero (now with online kitchen)

Guest PaulOBrien

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Hi guys,

I FINALLY managed to get rid of the awful t-mob ROM after installing their 2.73 update (by using goldcard), and flashed with the generic HTC 2.73. I rooted the phone with the unlockr's one-click (flashrec) method and downloaded the modaco 2.9 - all good so far.

So, I placed the Modaco ROM (included in pauls initial post here - 2.9) on the SD card and went into bootloader

It seems to load fine, and after I reboot the phone goes into a startup loop where it flicks between the Hero logo and HTC logo indefinitely, and I'm forced to restore it from nandroid.

Scuse my ignorance here folks if its something really simple, ever since I decided the t-mob update was pants its been a steep learning curve to get to this point ;-)

dammit, if only anybody else ever had this problem... maybe there would be an easy solution written several times all over this forum, or even in this thread, maybe even 3 posts before yours... too bad that there are not like 50 other noobs having the same problem, really.

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Guest GodsDevil
Hi guys,

I FINALLY managed to get rid of the awful t-mob ROM after installing their 2.73 update (by using goldcard), and flashed with the generic HTC 2.73. I rooted the phone with the unlockr's one-click (flashrec) method and downloaded the modaco 2.9 - all good so far.

So, I placed the Modaco ROM (included in pauls initial post here - 2.9) on the SD card and went into bootloader

It seems to load fine, and after I reboot the phone goes into a startup loop where it flicks between the Hero logo and HTC logo indefinitely, and I'm forced to restore it from nandroid.

Scuse my ignorance here folks if its something really simple, ever since I decided the t-mob update was pants its been a steep learning curve to get to this point ;-)

Just boot into Recovery mode and wipe device and then re-flash 2.9. You should be OK. :D


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Guest teknologist
dammit, if only anybody else ever had this problem... maybe there would be an easy solution written several times all over this forum, or even in this thread, maybe even 3 posts before yours... too bad that there are not like 50 other noobs having the same problem, really.

Kendon, I see you're losing it mate! ;-)

“The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.” Tolstoy

To be honest, I do understand you...but these topics have over 100 pages... ;-)

Cheers mate!

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Guest bluecat69

I upgraded to 2.9 last night and the latest Radio. All works, althoguh i keep getting this message pop up:

"The process com.htc.provider has stop unexpectedly. please try again"

I'm not exactly sure what the phones doing or what this does anyway. Any help, is it a big deal or not?

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Guest teknologist

By the way, just to repeat myself, I did an upgrade yesterday from MCR2.8+1.8 of my kernel to MCR 2.9 and I did experience a few automatic reboot loops after the upgrade and let the phone alone do its reboots...after a few minutes (and a few automatic reboots) it started normally, and works perfectly. No missing apps, no force closes and works great everytime I turn it of/on....

Works fast, smooth, responsive and stable ! Great work Paul !

Paul, maybe it's normal that the phone reboots a couple of times to perform software upgrades/refresh after MCR 2.9 install....

In my case I though it was because of all the apps I have in A2SD partition....

Just my experiences installing MCR 2.9,

Hope it helps,


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Guest bbawden
Paul, have you noticed you just don't give me support for anything?

First about home button light that is yellow due to a previously update and now for updating from 2.8 to 2.9 and getting "Damaged SD Card" message and can't access my files in sdcard...

I mean, do you have any kind of problem with me (I guess no?!?!?!) or you just help selected people?

Sorry but it's disrespect I've been here for days waiting for answers and nothing...

That's gratitude for you. Paul spends a lot of his spare time developing these ROMs for FREE. If you don't like it, feel free to do a factory reset and push off.

FYI, the "home button light" by which I presume you mean the backlight behind the buttons and trackball cannot be changed by the ROM - it's just a light. The only one that changes colour is the indicator at the top that goes orange when charging.

The SD card could bet damaged for many reasons - I had it once when I unplugged it when it was still mounted to the PC. I got around it by copying all the data off (I could still read it), reformatting it from the phone, and copying the data back on again.

Note that the above only does stuff on the FAT partition, so shouldn't affect APPS2SD &c.

Anyway, you, sir, need to show some respect yourself before accusing Paul of having disrespect.

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Kendon, I see you're losing it mate! ;-)

“The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.” Tolstoy

To be honest, I do understand you...but these topics have over 100 pages... ;-)

Cheers mate!

yeah i guess i need to come down... i still don't get why paul doesn't say in the first post to wipe if anyone has problems... in fact he even encourages people not to wipe... :D

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Guest Splather

Upgraded to 2.9, all hunky dory, then had MASSIVE load time (over 5 mins) and force close on native mail app when trying to access the menu. Reinstalled and all funky again. Great work Paul!

PS: Not a moan, just thought it would be best to log it in case it's a known issue or if you wanted to look at it. Oh I dunno, I'm rambling now - must be the antibiotics talking lol

Edit - Ooooh look at me with my nice new page! :D

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Guest Keramidas

Hi teknologist and Paul,

Just updated to MCR 2.9 (+ latest radio) and it works great ! Everything is fast :-)

Note that I took care to delete a few things from /data, and cleared dalvik-cache before the upgrade. It turned out to be a wise idea, because the dalvik-cache is about 20MB bigger than before. When I find some time, I will try to move dalvik-cache to /cache and report.

For people who complain: Remember that these ROMs are "at your own risk" stuff, and Paul (+ others) do that for free ! It is your responsibility to verify (and to backup) your sdcard's filesystem. Instead of saying "I can't see my files", why don't you connect the card to a PC and run CHKDSK/fsck to really have a grasp of what actually happened to your card ? No offense intended.

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Guest Splather
Anyway, you, sir, need to show some respect yourself before accusing Paul of having disrespect.

+1. What a spanner. I hardly think Paul has time to worry about "favourites" on here - it's probably that he's busy as all hell that he missed you (not you bbawden, the other chap). Grow up.

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Guest David B.
By the way, just to repeat myself, I did an upgrade yesterday from MCR2.8+1.8 of my kernel to MCR 2.9 and I did experience a few automatic reboot loops after the upgrade and let the phone alone do its reboots...after a few minutes (and a few automatic reboots) it started normally, and works perfectly. No missing apps, no force closes and works great everytime I turn it of/on....

Hello again,

I've waited for many reboots (more than 10) and then, I've decided I can't wait any more ;-)

So, just before a new reboot, I used "adb shell" and I've found a swapper file ! I did not in recovery mode...

I've erased it and now, everything is ok.



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Guest paulosman
+1. What a spanner. I hardly think Paul has time to worry about "favourites" on here - it's probably that he's busy as all hell that he missed you (not you bbawden, the other chap). Grow up.

HEAR! HEAR! Totally agree with you. I think we're all really lucky to have people like Paul in the community doing all this hard work for FREE. We all benefit from it otherwise we wouldn't be here on the forum in the first place. I would bet that for every person complaining 'something doesn't work', theres another 10 or 20 that are completely happy. And for those of us that do have problems theres always someone helpful here that has a solution (even if they had to repeat it many times! :D)

I think Paul's ROM's are outstanding, he seems to be better at them than the developers over at HTC. They certainly could learn a thing or two from him!

Anyways, thanks to Paul for all the amazing FREE work and to everyone else that helps out afterwards.


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Guest GodsDevil

A noob question:

I used the MCR from 2.2, and never had any problem with it. But i never use A2SD and, i use my sd card in the old way, i formatted it when i got the phone. Am I able to use 2.9, and the new features with a simple update, or i must do something special (like formatting the SD card)?

You will be able to use it just fine with the exception that there will be no A2SD.

App2SD is a BIG must for me and if you need that all you need to do is copy all you SD data on your PC and then boot in Recovery mode and part the card(it is automated if you care using Amon RA's recovery image). After all that is done all you need to do is put all your data back. :D


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Guest GodsDevil
HEAR! HEAR! Totally agree with you. I think we're all really lucky to have people like Paul in the community doing all this hard work for FREE. We all benefit from it otherwise we wouldn't be here on the forum in the first place. I would bet that for every person complaining 'something doesn't work', theres another 10 or 20 that are completely happy. And for those of us that do have problems theres always someone helpful here that has a solution (even if they had to repeat it many times! :P )

I think Paul's ROM's are outstanding, he seems to be better at them than the developers over at HTC. They certainly could learn a thing or two from him!

Anyways, thanks to Paul for all the amazing FREE work and to everyone else that helps out afterwards.


Absolutely. I think there should be a way to ban such people out. :D


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Guest Splather
You will be able to use it just fine with the exception that there will be no A2SD.

App2SD is a BIG must for me and if you need that all you need to do is copy all you SD data on your PC and then boot in Recovery mode and part the card(it is automated if you care using Amon RA's recovery image). After all that is done all you need to do is put all your data back. :D


Yep APPS2SD is a godsend. Do it do it do it. Even if you're not running Amon Ra (I think I'm on Cyanogen), it's pretty simple. There are several guides about and as long as you follow them rigidly, you'll be laughing.

(Edit: Rigidly except if you need to alter the maths for a different sized card to what is in the guide, that is... Still, if you can count over 10 without taking your shoes and socks off, you should be fine.)

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Guest keef319


Went from MCR2.8/MCK1.8 where everything was working like a dream, to MCR2.9. Now I'm having a few probs. A couple of apps I use aren't working properly (PowerTime says I have 60,035hrs of battery life left!). And a lot of apps I can't find in the Market.

Went back to 2.8/1.8 but the problem is still there.

I REALLY don't want to have to do a flippin' wipe AGAIN!!!

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Guest Splather

Went from MCR2.8/MCK1.8 where everything was working like a dream, to MCR2.9. Now I'm having a few probs. A couple of apps I use aren't working properly (PowerTime says I have 60,035hrs of battery life left!). And a lot of apps I can't find in the Market.

Went back to 2.8/1.8 but the problem is still there.

I REALLY don't want to have to do a flippin' wipe AGAIN!!!

I've had problems with the market fairly randomly (imeem went missing for a while etc). Tried just reinstalling again without wipe? Fixed my mail app issues...

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Guest isMaskin

Just something that crossed my mind today. All of you who are having trouble with "broken" or corrupt sdcards, are you sure you used the unmount/eject in your OS and on your phone before unplugging the cable?

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Guest keef319
I've had problems with the market fairly randomly (imeem went missing for a while etc). Tried just reinstalling again without wipe? Fixed my mail app issues...

Yeah tried a few things. Went ahead and did a wipe and re-installed MCR2.8 with MCK1.8. Missing apps are back again...

May well stick with this for now, until Eclair comes along, or there's a major change by Paul/teknologist...

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Guest Musicmannetje


After reading all the issues for the new 2.9 version, I must say nearly none of them sound familiar.

Eversince version 2.6 i have installed every new version without wiping the device. All just on top of eachother, and without problems.

With the new 2.9 version I do have the issue that the memory indication drops to about 44MEG, and even deleting the cache dir did not solve it.

I have my apps on the SD card so I don't see much of a problem there.

I don't have any market issues, up until now, and installed just yesterday (with the 2.9 version) a new version of the ASTRO filemanager.

I have set up a synchronisation between the phone and the work calendar via the Activesync/Exchange sync. This works well, even with the new version.

So, in short, I am very happy and pleased with the new roms.. Keep them coming...!!

Thanks Paul and Teknologist!!!!

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On another note I'm getting force closes of htc.com.provider with MCR 2.9 and the new radio (IU).

Anyone else having similar issues?

yep am having the same problem specialy with wifi tether. i was getting it on other apps but had to uninstall them and install them back they worked fine.

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Guest teknologist
is it me or the camera improved tremendously? turns on faster,pictures are less blurry and snaps faster.

Seems to snap faster indeed...but pictures are still very dark in interior shots ! I mean compare it with an iPhone 3GS (if you have one) in your living room..low light...the difference is abysmal...

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