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HD2 and Touch2 coming to T-Mobile

Guest l3v5y

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If like me you're using T-Mobile (because it's cheap for data, and they've never asked me to stop downloading gbs of ROMs while tethering), you'll be very glad to hear the news that the HD2 is coming to T-Mobile as well as O2. This will be accompanying the less exiting but still pretty good looking HTC Touch2 (which has actually been announced!)

So, what other (UK) networks do people want it on?

[Via WMPoweruser and CoolSmartPhone.com]

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Guest philly-d
So, what other (UK) networks do people want it on?

I only need it to be on T-Mobile, and my upgrade is due in December :)! Lots of lovely choices, which to choose?

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O2 for me, but that's cause I get 30% discount :)

Still unsure about it vs Android phones.......can't bloody decide :D

I'm hearing better things about Androids now. Now that Google have got a proper sync tool working, the phone's OS platform is less of an issue and more about the hardware.

It will be interesting to see what happens when we get a HD-style device out with an Android OS.

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Guest touficjohn

Is there any talk/rumour/news of a version of the Leo with a hard keyboard?

I don't know what to get. My renewal is up and I don't know if I should get the Touch Pro 2, the Leo or the Xperia 2! :)

Or wait and see if Leo+keyboard comes out!

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Guest rupert_hollom
Orange seem remarkably quiet ...not just on this but on any winmo phones at the moment. Hope that changes soon

I'm hoping that something happens on Orange soon, my upgrade is coming up soon - although with the announcement of the iPhone, perhaps it is time to defect, although I don't want to follow the iPhone herd, it does look like a nice phone!

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Guest Sonicr360
I'm hoping that something happens on Orange soon, my upgrade is coming up soon - although with the announcement of the iPhone, perhaps it is time to defect, although I don't want to follow the iPhone herd, it does look like a nice phone!

Hi All

I have been using Windows Mobile devices since Windows CE came out!! I have owned a variety of Smartphone (Orange SPV, II, HTC Wizard) and WM Pro platform, namely Tytn II.

The trouble is, I just cannot help but feel there is some flaws here - Either down to Microsoft or the OEM's of these phones.

I have to confess now, that I am pretty much sick to death of Windows Mobile phones. Mine was upgraded to 6.1, but for some reason I have just lost interest.

Whether this has something to do with Steve Ballmer mocking other phones (iPhone, Android, google, ect) or the fact that other brands HAVE been released and seem to offer SO much more than just a standard WM device.

In 2007 the iPhone was announced and released. We are on the 3GS Version now. A colleague has one, and I have to admit I really, really enjoyed it. The only thing that has kept me with the Tytn II is the RDP feature and Tom Tom!

However, I now understand TomTom can be obtained for the iPhone. So when a RDP Client comes out (I guess it may or may not happen), then I think its safe to say I will be leaving this community of fellow Windows Mobile fans.

The iPhone Software library seems to be huge - Over 70,000 applications available!!!! Jeeze!! And what does WM have in comparison? It seems that developers really are keen to get the potential out of the iPhone itself.

I just get so frustrated with the device, to the fact I even get annoyed making a call. Touchscreen seems slow and sluggish. and the amount of times I either reboot the device or wipe it clean and start again make me realise that maybe Apple and Google have actually got something right here!?!?

I do not know how many people here have seen an iPhone, but be assured I am only going to wait to get one when:

A) Obtain via Vodafone (and that could be next year)

:D Ticks all the right boxes

C) keyboard (Although I got to admit, I am really, really getting use to the iPhone keyboard on screen device - Again, its fluid indeed!)

Today, I have had the same colleague show me a laserdisc arcade game called "Space Ace" - this was based on Laserdisc technology and I even have the original disc and DVD copies from Digital Leisure.

So imagine how I felt, when I saw this iPhone showing me exactly what I would see in the arcades!! it is flawless!

Apparantly, Mad Dog McCree is also coming to the iPhone as well !!!

now this is starting to be interesting..... I am sure we will see these titles on the WM Platform right?

Errrrrr..... Probably not :)

Shame really ..... maybe it is me!! Maybe the WM community is happy to continue to wait and wait and wait for something to appear! On the other hand, how many have made a move from WM to iPhone.



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Guest touficjohn

Simon, my upgrade is due now and I feel exactly the same way you do.

The only thing that held me back was, like you, TomTom, RDP and Exchange.

Now that Google sync is functioning correctly and the 3GS has GPS, I'm not quite sure whats keeping me back?

4years of WM phones? 4years of waiting for a decent browsing experience, 4years of waiting for a phone that "just works".

I don't know what to do, for the last week or so I've been debating between the Touch Pro 2 or an iPhone... Hell, I even played around with BlacBerry Messenger the other day and I must admit BBM is pretty damn good (the rest of the BB was crap though).

There is a reason half the worlds got a BB or an iPhone and not WM.

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Guest Sonicr360


What is the reason half the worlds got iPhones / BB's and not WM?

I forgot about Active Sync, but as you quite rightly pointed out - others now support it !

Which as you state, what keeps you going on this dull platform.

Like I said, I actually think its me, but even the general forums of WM devices seem "flat" - As if there is nothing much to report.

Fact is, when it comes to the OS, there is very little to post about, but even more..... there is very little to get excited about.


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Guest touficjohn

I think traditionally WM phones were always used by the more technologically gifted.

Think about it, what mobile OS truly had, GPS, office mobile, proper exchange/outlook synchronisation and installable applications before WM?

No one wanted GPS and maps on their phone? No wanted to read their e-mails on the go or read PDF's on the tube apart from business users and IT people.

Blackberry has been around since the 80's, they were one of the first to get you your emails on your phone, but no one wanted a BB back then, they were too complicated, too costly and they were only good for the business users

Enter BBM. BBM helped kick off the BB and now everysinge teenager, yuppie and businessman's got one.

Oh and it does push e-mail without having to spend a fortune on CALS and new devices - if your a company.

To this day I could'nt give my mother my Kaiser and just expect her to know how to use it, she did however go and buy an iPhone 6months ago and now knows it inside out and never called me to help her out and she is not the most technologically gifted person in the world, but the iPhone is shiny, it has her music on it, she can browse the internet, she installed wikipedia from the app store and she got it connected to her hotmail!

She's never reset it, its never frozen, its never crashed, its easy, and..... it works.

Seriously, Pocket PC 3.1 and WM6 look the same, they act the same, they both freeze, they all need soft resets, they all need to be hard-reset every 6months, they are laggy, they all need a stylus, you cant just send a text message without some sort of keyboard lag, bla bla bla bla bla....

Also, Apple makes just the iPhone, nothing else, they put all their effort into a perfect union between hardware and software and concentrate on one phone at a time.

BlackBerry, make what, 3-4 phones a year? All running the same OS and all with the same purpose and same quality, yet RIM puts all its effort into just those 3 or 4 phones a year.

Nokia is kind of the same. They have a very good, very stable OS, they just marry the hardware to their software and makes sure it works.

My 3310 and my 6210 still switch on and still work perfectly with 2-3 days of battery after nearly 6years.

Microsoft just make an OS, they never see any hardware and they don't seem to be making any radical changes to their OS or concentrating on it very much.

Realistically, WM has not changed in forever. Nothing is new. All they seem to do is add stuff on as they go and hope that the phone manufacturers and carriers will take care of the rest. Where would WM be without HTC?

Finally in terms of price, WM is expensive. Not just owning one, but probably building a WM device too.

Phones are supposed to work and update with the times.

WM was once the front-runner when there was no alternative and it seems that everyone's caught up.

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Guest Sonicr360

Cheers TouficJohn

Am glad I am not the only one thinking and feeling the same way.

Yes they are the same underneath, but take a skin layer, and they guess they are changing it .... but my Tytn II is back to how it was ... factory install.

And to be honest, when I see some of the cool and usabale stuff on iPhone (from office apps to ground breaking games and emulators that PLAY without slowness or hesitancy), it seems to show that half the world like or love the iPhone, because it does exactly what it says on the tin!

It works.

I also understand, that with a "Jailbroken" iPhone, the 3rd party possibilities are also endless !

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Guest touficjohn
Am glad I am not the only one thinking and feeling the same way.

Your not alone and I doubt we're the only ones who feel this way.

I am seriously considering getting an iPhone or the Touch Pro 2, if the iPhone had a keyboard there would be no debate.

I also understand, that with a "Jailbroken" iPhone, the 3rd party possibilities are also endless !

Too true, my friend showed me his jailbroken iPhone, some incredible stuff.

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