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[HOW TO] Manuals for creating a theme

Guest ratcom

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First of all I'm not much of a teacher myself and coming from a background in windows mobile I found "messing around" with the android system very alien.

After only a couple of days of reading and re-reading posts about "how to cook" ect I now find the whole "messing around" very very easy, however I would be the first to say how crap I am at art.

So I would like to share here all the posts that got me to this point with the hope some of you budding artist can come along for the ride.

Remember the golden rule .... BACKUP before you start flashing zip's on your phone that way if you get a boot loop or something you can start again.

Mikey1022 brilliant instruction http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=471586

Lox_Dev's How to cook (useful to know how a rom is built) http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=551711

Dont worry about using the signer with windows 7 I dont seem to have any problem if I type the following in cmd to sign your files: java testsign whateverfiletosign

Here are the 3 main zip's that contain most of the art work for anyone to have a play http://www.4shared.com/file/141678208/4d31...inning_Kit.html

On that note I look forward to seeing lots of new theme's in the coming few weeks :)

Sorry for cross posting onto another forum however while this is by far the most active hero forum most of the instructions are on xda.


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Guest shokka9

super work Ratcom....

I will make a theme very soon....but i wanna create app so we can change themes on the fly....like M2DC for WinMo...

Thanks for being so kind to us!

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