Guest Paul Posted October 21, 2009 Report Posted October 21, 2009 Note: Version 1.8 Beta now available - click for more details! This ROM is now ONLY for Pulse devices running the 'December Update'. If you are not running the update for any reason, a link to the 1.5 is included below. I'm pleased to present my MoDaCo Custom ROM for the T-Mobile Pulse! No 'wipe' is required to use this ROM. You can now create a customised ROM containing only the parts you required - see the second post in this topic for details! MCR now optionally includes Wavesecure in ROM, allowing you to lock / locate / wipe your device remotely in the event of loss and be notified if the SIM is changed. The application cannot be uninstalled by a thief and we are actively working with Wavesecure to ensure that in a forthcoming release, your settings will survive a hard reset! This ROM is based on the release ROM for the Pulse (together with my own optimisations) for the best possible performance! Included in the ROM - Based on the December Update release - ROM is fully odex'd - Built with my new MCR build process which reduces size and boosts the speed of the ROM - Includes the MoDaCo Custom Kernel, which adds automatic compcache, swap support, EXT3/4 support and much more! - Fixed build.prop so you can correctly download protected apps - Rooted with 'adb remount' permission and superuser APK - A2SD included (fully automatic - thanks cyanogen!) - create a EXT2/3/4 (3 or 4 recommended) partition as your second partition to use. You must NOT have a swap partition on your SD, or it will refuse to mount. - Added Jbed Java - Added Titanium Backup - Added WiFi Status indicator, with kind permission of Andrew Schwimmer - Added QuickBoot for booting into recovery mode / bootloader - Added Dropbear SSH running by default, check 'About' screen for password (port 2222) - If you have problems using Roadsync, run 'adb shell /system/bin/' - Added busybox 1.15.3 with Droid Explorer support - Added nano 2.09 - text editor for use in shell mode - Added parted and sqlite tools - Added terminfo and settings to boot.img to allow nano etc. use - Added files required for Debian linux - Removed T-Mobile Jukebox link - Removed T-Mobile WnW link - Moved Google Maps to data partition (better for reclaiming space after updating via market) - You can now check your MoDaCo Custom ROM (MCR) version from the about menu - Optional 'WaveSecure' add on pack (puts Wavesecure in ROM) Downloads This ROM is also available customised to your exact requirements in the MoDaCo Custom Custom ROM online kitchen - check it out! Main ROM download: Version 1.5 download for devices without the 'December Update': 'Wavesecure' add on pack: Stock ROM downloads [outdated] V100R001GBRC85B116SP01 (original shipping T-Mobile release, will NOT boot on devices running the December update) - ENSURE YOU DO A NANDROID BACKUP SO YOU CAN 'ROLL BACK' IF REQUIRED! Please note that first boot may take a little while, especially if you have a lot of apps on your A2SD partition. Be patient! If you want a real clean start or you have issues with your existing A2SD installed apps when you boot, you need to wipe your EXT2 partition on SD too by executing 'adb shell rm -r /system/sd/app', 'adb shell rm -r /system/sd/app-private' and 'adb shell reboot' :( Installing the December Update To check if you already have the December Update - turn the device off, then turn if on with 'volume down' and 'end call' held. If the build date is Nov 26 2009 or newer, you have the December update applied. If not... the December Update is a requirement for this ROM - use the instructions below to update.Download the update fileUnzip the downloaded file to a location of your choice on your computerCopy the “dload” folder and all its contents to the root directory of your microSD cardInsert the microSD card back into your deviceOn your device select Settings -> SD card -> Phone Storage -> UpgradeThe upgrade process will give you several warnings which you need to confirm to continue - then press the Upgrade option to begin the updateAs the update progresses you will see several screens along with a progress barOnce complete you will see a confirmation screen, and your Pulse will automatically restartInstallation To install the MoDaCo Custom ROM on your Pulse... - Download this custom ROM from the links above and copy it to your SD card - Download the custom recovery image and install as detailed in that post. Stay in recovery mode. - Select 'nandroid backup' from the menu to do a backup - Select 'Flash zip from sdcard' and apply the main ROM All done - Feedback / feature requests welcome! :) Finally, if you would like to show your appreciation for the ROM, please consider supporting MoDaCo by signing up for a MoDaCo Ad Free or MoDaCo Plus account, both of which also give you early access to Beta ROM releases and access to the the online kitchens. P
Guest Paul Posted October 21, 2009 Report Posted October 21, 2009 Note: Version 1.8 Beta now available - click for more details! The MoDaCo Custom Custom ROM 1.7 for Pulse - T-Mobile Style online kitchen is now available! The online kitchen is currently only available to my MoDaCo premium members (those who have signed up to MoDaCo Ad Free or MoDaCo Plus) as it is not yet running on an infrastructure that can support a huge number of users. This will be the case for the foreseeable future as the kitchen system is developed. With that said, for those who can test the kitchen, enjoy! :) This technology will be coming to other ROMs and will also be available for other ROM creators to use via our Chef's Team. P' method='post'>MoDaCo Custom Custom ROM 1.7 for Pulse - T-Mobile Style online kitchen This kitchen has already generated [kitchenstatisticsnew]1.7-update-pulse-tmobile-modacocustomcustomrom[/kitchenstatisticsnew] Visit this discussion topic for more information on the ROM or to download an uncustomised version without a premium MoDaCo membership. Click the options below to select what you would like in your ROM, then click the 'Bake' button at the bottom of the list. Yes, it really is that simple. :(Required OptionsCoreThese are the files that form the core of the ROM and you must have! Google ApplicationsGoogle Maps installed to /data partitionThis is the version of Google Maps shipped with the ROM. If you plan to manually push a new version to the device you can uncheck this box. The Google Maps application is installed to the data partition in MCR to allow easy updating via the market as required. Third Party ApplicationsBlock Breaker installed to /system partitionThis option includes the Block Breaker application. Documents To Go installed to /data partitionThis option includes the Documents To Go office application. Jbed Java installed to /data partitionThis option includes the Jbed Java midlet launcher. Notepad installed to /system partitionThis option includes the Notes application. Provisioning Message installed to /system partitionThis option includes the Provisioning Message application. Yeah, I don't know what it does either! ;) QuickBoot installed to /system partition This option includes the QuickBoot application for easily rebooting to bootloader or recovery mode.RoadSync installed to /system partitionServo Search installed to /data partition [*]This option includes the RoadSync Exchange client [*]This option includes the servo search application.Titanium Backup installed to /data partitionhere for more details. Titanium Backup enhanced version is FREE to MoDaCo Plus members!WaveSecure installed to /system partitionhere. [*]This option includes Titanium Backup, which allows you to back up your applications and restore them WITH links to the Android Market in place. Click [*]This option includes the Wavesecure application detailed WiFi status indicator installed to /system partition [*]This option includes a notification icon to remind you when you have WiFi on but disconnected.Expert OptionsDropbear SSH server installed to /system partition [*]This allows you to connect to your device over SSH. The SSH password (username 'root') can be found in the device 'About' screen. The device listens on port 2222. The online kitchen implements a queueing system which means your cooking time varies depending on the sever load. Please be patient! ;)Click the image below to a ROM update zip tailored to your choices..
Guest Paul Posted October 21, 2009 Report Posted October 21, 2009 Changelog 1.7 - Built with my new MCR build process which reduces size and boost speed of the ROM - Updated Busybox - ROM is now compatible with Droid Explorer - Changed display of SSH password so it is no longer sucked into the user agent - ROM is now fully odex'd - this will shrink your dalvik-cache, improve performance and generally make the world a happier place - Titanium Backup is now in ROM. This can backup / restore your apps AND re-link them back to the market! 1.6 - December update is now mandatory - Updated MCK 1.5 - Now based on December release - note a RIL DLL swap (as on U8230) was required for an un-december-updated device, please provide feedback if you already applied the December update - Other minor changes 1.4.1 - Oops! Put back A2SD! :) 1.4 - Now based on November release - Added MoDaCo Custom Kernel 1.1 with automatic compcache 1.3 - Added Open GL ES library from Ion - Minor tweaks 1.2 - Changed A2SD to also move dalvik-cache to SD. - Added mega APN list from Cyanogen's ROM. 1.1 - Fixed issue with A2SD and SD card mount. You must NOT have a swap partition on your SD! 1.0 - Initial Release
Guest sockatume Posted October 21, 2009 Report Posted October 21, 2009 It's me from the Engadget comments again! I've been following the homebrew for this handset with some interest, because of course a cheap handset like this might not get the best manufacturer support in the world. Will a future version make it any less magenta? :) I do worry about the limited ROM space impairing ports of 1.6 and 2.0. (I'm still pretty sure I'm getting one, by the way. I did the maths and if you want net access included, it's cheaper to pick up one of these on a contract than to just pick up a T-Mo SIM. I am utterly bamboozled that they pulled this off, and I'll be interested to see how HTC react given that the Tattoo's half as expensive again.)
Guest Paul Posted October 22, 2009 Report Posted October 22, 2009 Hehe, de-magenta'ing is planned! ROM space is OK, I've got A2SD running I think and when the kernel source I can enable swap = pretty much problem solved! Remember Huawei might not be a big name in own brand handsets, but they are huge. Agreed btw, how did they do it at the price?!? P
Guest Pulseowner Posted October 22, 2009 Report Posted October 22, 2009 Seeing a weird issue with free space on sdcard not being reported, investigating... P Got that too. Strange! Hope it can be fixed or back to nandroid backup soon,
Guest xangma Posted October 22, 2009 Report Posted October 22, 2009 Hey, was jsut wondering what the benefits of a custom ROM such as your own are over the Tmobile one? What can you do that you can't on the Tmobile one?
Guest Paul Posted October 22, 2009 Report Posted October 22, 2009 SD mount problem resolved with 1.1, you must NOT have a swap partition configured on your SD card! P
Guest Jedipottsy Posted October 22, 2009 Report Posted October 22, 2009 hey, would it be possible to port cyanogen mod to the pulse? how easy is it to create roms for the pulse?
Guest Paul Posted October 22, 2009 Report Posted October 22, 2009 No harder / easier than any other cupcake device! As usual, mods are limited until the kernel source becomes available... P
Guest xangma Posted October 22, 2009 Report Posted October 22, 2009 Those stock ROMS you were talking about on the manufacturer site ... Where are they? I can't seem to find them. Are they Tmobile ones too?
Guest Jedipottsy Posted October 22, 2009 Report Posted October 22, 2009 No harder / easier than any other cupcake device! As usual, mods are limited until the kernel source becomes available... P have the sources been released yet?
Guest Paul Posted October 22, 2009 Report Posted October 22, 2009 They seem to have pulled them but yeah, they were all sadly T-Mo branded. P
Guest hmptec Posted October 23, 2009 Report Posted October 23, 2009 "A2SD included (fully automatic - thanks cyanogen!) - create a EXT2 partition as your second partition to use" How do I create an ext2 partition as second partition please? On sdcard I assume? Thanks
Guest rademaar Posted October 25, 2009 Report Posted October 25, 2009 Hi Paul, Thanks for the rom. I installed your custom rom and it works ok. I made a ext2 partition on my sd card of 1GB. (with easy peasy linux installed on sd card) If i now install a program does this automaticly wil be installed on the ext2 partition? Also cannot find the wifi status. It took me some time to find out how to get in the recovery mode. I used quick boot. Is there an other way to go in to the recovery mode if you can not acces quick boot. If I load in the bootloader the recovery image it only shows some KB's and says OK.
Guest phucte Posted October 27, 2009 Report Posted October 27, 2009 (edited) Does this rom have Sense ui? Edited October 27, 2009 by phucte
Guest colonel_butt Posted October 27, 2009 Report Posted October 27, 2009 Paul, appreciate all your work here thanks alot As a former WinMo hacker, is there an equivalent of the kitchen ? what tools do you use to pull apart and then re-assemble a rom (is there a good link for newbies) ?
Guest colonel_butt Posted October 27, 2009 Report Posted October 27, 2009 It's me from the Engadget comments again! I've been following the homebrew for this handset with some interest, because of course a cheap handset like this might not get the best manufacturer support in the world. Will a future version make it any less magenta? :D I do worry about the limited ROM space impairing ports of 1.6 and 2.0. (I'm still pretty sure I'm getting one, by the way. I did the maths and if you want net access included, it's cheaper to pick up one of these on a contract than to just pick up a T-Mo SIM. I am utterly bamboozled that they pulled this off, and I'll be interested to see how HTC react given that the Tattoo's half as expensive again.) to be honest, apart from the plastic type which is not terribly stylish but pretty solid, and a bit less memory, its the same internals as the hero. Looks like HTC finally has some competition, which is good news.
Guest dizero Posted October 28, 2009 Report Posted October 28, 2009 (edited) Hi, First a thanks to Paul for the work on this ROM. I managed to root my hero using the “one click” method even after doing the official 2.73 WWE update (am now using the Modaco’s custom rom with Wavesecure). Everything seems to work pretty good, except when I go into the address book (people) and use the “Find Home” or “Find Work” feature (to plot an address on maps) I get an error: “The application Google Maps (process has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again.” Using Google maps normally works fine. Has anyone else had this problem, or can they confirm that this feature works for them? Thanks EDIT: I have solved this problem by uninstalling then reinstalling Google Maps. Can anyone suggest if this is a problem caused by coming from the official HTC ROM to the custom ROM without doing a full wipe? Is a full wipe necessary on the initial move to customer ROM's Thanks Edited October 28, 2009 by dizero
Guest Hermg Posted October 28, 2009 Report Posted October 28, 2009 Can this ROM also be used on a non-UK Pulse? Because it seems interesting once I get my 8gb SD Card. I got mine from a Dutch webshop (since I live in the Netherlands), but it has a slightly different buildnumber: U8220V100R001C85B116SP01 Kernelversion: 2.6.27-perf huawei@AndroidDev #1 Will it create an ext2 partition for you, or do you need to do that yourself (and does it have a max size)?
Guest rademaar Posted October 29, 2009 Report Posted October 29, 2009 It should work on any Pulse! P I have a Dutch T-Mobile Pulse also and I can confirm it works. I made a ext2 partition on my sd card with linux but it seems programs are still installed on internal memmory? Should I do something first? I thought would work automaticly work. I asked this question before but no answer.
Guest Pulseowner Posted October 30, 2009 Report Posted October 30, 2009 I have a Dutch T-Mobile Pulse also and I can confirm it works. I made a ext2 partition on my sd card with linux but it seems programs are still installed on internal memmory? Should I do something first? I thought would work automaticly work. I asked this question before but no answer. Would appreciate an answer to this one as well, if anyone can enlighten us please?
Guest giabbe1 Posted October 30, 2009 Report Posted October 30, 2009 (edited) does this one have sense ui or just the original tmobile ui? is there any plans to upgrade to 1.6? Edited October 30, 2009 by giabbe1
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