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Mobile net 'heading for data jam'

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Guest tsutton
Mobile net 'heading for data jam'

With more and more new mobile phones coming with Facebook, Twitter, etc software pre-loaded, it's not surprising that the experts are saying the mobile network will be filling up, causing slowdown fo data usage.

The number of people accessing the net on mobile phones could soon outstrip the capacity of networks, experts warn.

Mobile data traffic looks set to rise 25 fold by 2012, said mobile analyst firm Informa.

The boom could present operators with problems as revenues generated by those using such mobile data services will only double over the same time period.

Mobile network experts warn that operators need to take action to avoid imminent data traffic jams.

What are the chances for the mobile operator to upgrade their network? Their main priority is profit, but then if they do not do anything, they will lose customers. Who will be first to upgrade their network? Who will cap their download speed very hard if you go over the limit?

What can they do to improve it? Should we switch to 4G or other technology? But then it would mean larger downloads... we can't win. :D

[Via: BBC News Technology]
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