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Telus HTC Hero Location

Guest TheLastOne

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Guest TheLastOne

Does anyone else have trouble with their Telus HTC Hero getting the complete wrong location (or being completely unable to determine a location)? This is with GPS off using Google Location Services.

In Oshawa, it can't find my location, in Woodbridge is thinks I'm in Espoo, Finland, and in North York it thought I was in Georgetown, Guyana. Driving on the 407 it thought I was in Malaysia. Sometimes the phone gets the location correct in these areas, too, but most of the time the location is either unavailable or wrong. If GPS is on it all works perfectly.

Calling Telus results in them telling me they've never heard of this problem before (also that I'm their first call about the HTC Hero, lol). Calling HTC resulted in them telling me that this was expected as the Telus network was new and Google was still working on their location services database with the new networks here.

Therefore, I'm asking to see if anyone else has a similar issue (especially in the same general area) and if not, what could possibly me wrong on my end.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Guest falconeSG
Does anyone else have trouble with their Telus HTC Hero getting the complete wrong location (or being completely unable to determine a location)? This is with GPS off using Google Location Services.

In Oshawa, it can't find my location, in Woodbridge is thinks I'm in Espoo, Finland, and in North York it thought I was in Georgetown, Guyana. Driving on the 407 it thought I was in Malaysia. Sometimes the phone gets the location correct in these areas, too, but most of the time the location is either unavailable or wrong. If GPS is on it all works perfectly.

Calling Telus results in them telling me they've never heard of this problem before (also that I'm their first call about the HTC Hero, lol). Calling HTC resulted in them telling me that this was expected as the Telus network was new and Google was still working on their location services database with the new networks here.

Therefore, I'm asking to see if anyone else has a similar issue (especially in the same general area) and if not, what could possibly me wrong on my end.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

using an unlocked Telus Hero on the Bell network and faces such problems too, though its intermittent.

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Guest AychTeeSee
using an unlocked Telus Hero on the Bell network and faces such problems too, though its intermittent.

Nope, no problems here with Modaco 3.0 on the Telus network. Odd though, I did have a few difficulties obtaining a location with Modaco 2.9 however.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Hawk2112

Same here...brand new phone and by day 2 it was telling me I was in Rijeka, Croatia. I am on Vancouver Island (west coast of BC). The best that Telus will suggest it to turn off the auto time and location updates and go manual....kinda defeats the intent of the features. Or they say to wait for an software patch. But if it was a software issue I think there would be a lot more complaints of the problem.

Really think this is a hardware bug in some of the phones...


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  • 2 weeks later...
Does anyone else have trouble with their Telus HTC Hero getting the complete wrong location (or being completely unable to determine a location)? This is with GPS off using Google Location Services.

In Oshawa, it can't find my location, in Woodbridge is thinks I'm in Espoo, Finland, and in North York it thought I was in Georgetown, Guyana. Driving on the 407 it thought I was in Malaysia. Sometimes the phone gets the location correct in these areas, too, but most of the time the location is either unavailable or wrong. If GPS is on it all works perfectly.

Calling Telus results in them telling me they've never heard of this problem before (also that I'm their first call about the HTC Hero, lol). Calling HTC resulted in them telling me that this was expected as the Telus network was new and Google was still working on their location services database with the new networks here.

Therefore, I'm asking to see if anyone else has a similar issue (especially in the same general area) and if not, what could possibly me wrong on my end.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

I know the answer!!!

amazing that i actually know something!

it's due to wifi hotspots... the hero will also get location from wifi hotspots.

I know that the Telus DNA would not have it as a known issue BECAUSE it's actually a feature that bugs the piss out of me.

simply set it to not automatically set the new location.

I figured this out because I work near a coffee shop that has free wifi. It's pretty sketch free wifi tho so i hesitate to use it. I had my hero with wifi on and i found it would always think I was in croatia. i singled it out to that stupid wifi hotspot that the phone would try to connect to because when i got home it would connect to my wifi and say i lived where i actually live.

so I think the wifi hotspot had a proxy or something through Croatia... or something

Canada FTW!

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