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ANDROMNiA - Android for the Samsung Omnia

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Guest whiplash000
Posted (edited)

For those who don't know andromnia is a project by various developers across the world to bring a working port of Android to the Samsung Omnia and Mirage (Epix in the US). It's NOT a theme, app, or wallpaper, nor does it run on top of WM, but is a complete replacement for Windows Mobile.

andromnia.net is the new official homepage for the project. Come visit us sometime!

The latest version:

andromnia 0.32

Released: January 21, 2010

New in this version:

- Sound support! (loudspeaker only, and still not compatible with calls, but still, SOUND SUPPORT!!!)

Not yet supported:

- CDMA/EVDO/3G, Bluetooth, GPS, Motion Sensor, Camera (back or front), Suspend Mode (1-2 hour battery life...) or Optical Mouse.

To run this you'll need:

- An Omnia/Epix

- An unused microSD card (at least 64MB). The entire Android OS will stay on this card, and won't overwrite WM.

- Linux (either installed, via live cd, or vbox/vmware, I recommend Ubuntu)

Here's some screenshots of it running:


Yeah, there's a few graphical glitches here and there, but still, it's android. On your omnia.

Donate here ;)

Edited by whiplash000
Guest whiplash000
Posted (edited)


Do you have experience in C, ARM assembly (and disassembly ;)), Android porting, and/or Linux drivers? ...or do you have any experience with writing Windows Mobile applications with low-level access (such as directly editing an SD card's partitions/filesystems)?


Come visit us on irc:

#andromnia on irc.freenode.net

Or post to our forums:

Andromnia Forums (andromnia.net/forums)

If you want to check out the old andromnia thread here on MoDaCo, check it out here.

Edited by whiplash000
Guest waveboi011

when can i expect to see a new version? Im really excited for this one...

what is that nightly build stuff?

Guest dan77net

Very GOOD WORK !!!!

An awsome SURPRISE for me !!!! i'll try it soon.

Good worg boys!


@whiplash. Hey is there anyway to get to boot android without using linux? I know you mentioned something about Windows stripping out some files from the rootfs when extracting it? Is there anyway to compress the files like the HTC Vogue android project, where the files are just copied directly to the sd card?


hey, has anyone tried to build and run latest version from git? i tried with no sucsess - i built my own zImage, copied cupcake footfs to SD as i did with all previous versions, but it always ends up with kernel panic

and i'm no newbie, i used to download all releases from git back in summer when development was still active and had no problem running them

so..... is something changed around how droid works? or am i stupid?

Guest whiplash000

My guess is that the kernel panics are caused by the rootfs being severely corrupted by shutting the phone down without unmounting over and over. Go to the forums at andromnia.net and check out my guide for kernel panics.

Guest JDawg183

Does the rooting of the Droid help to get the CDMA drivers at all?

Guest whiplash000

No, the Droid uses a different baseband processor (Qualcomm QSC6805). The i910 uses a Qualcomm MSM6800a as its baseband processor, while the i900 uses a Qualcomm MSM6281.


Hey a got a quick question. What happened to the rest of this thread? It was a lot longer and had more info. And can anyone please post their latest kernel? I can't seem to get to compile one. Thanks

Guest Nerohdam

Where is the best place to get the latest info regarding the Android on Omnia? How long has it been in development? I guess my question is by the time it gets figured out, will they drop it for something newer? I really do not like the Windows Mobile. It stinks....

Where is the best place to get the latest info regarding the Android on Omnia? How long has it been in development? I guess my question is by the time it gets figured out, will they drop it for something newer? I really do not like the Windows Mobile. It stinks....

This is a good spot to get development news or you can go to andromnia.net. This thread replaced an older one which had gotten a little outdated. Search for the other thread to see the progress they've made and some of the other questions answered. Its been in development since sometime this summer I believe, and still being worked on. Progress is slow because there are only a few select people that are donating their time to port it to the Omnia. Its mostly a problem of programming drivers for the hardware.

Guest therealsevanr

Looks good so far, just wsiting for CDMA support, and the ability to instsll it on /My Storage.


Android on Omnia??? wow you guys rock !!! will be closely following this ;)

Guest TheDrizzle
Hey a got a quick question. What happened to the rest of this thread? It was a lot longer and had more info. And can anyone please post their latest kernel? I can't seem to get to compile one. Thanks

A new thread was started as the original author of that thread has taken a break from the project. The other thread is still around, just not stickied anymore.

Guest Nerohdam

This should be interesting. Especially since Droid came out. Plus it would seem to me that the cooks for the Omnia are starting to fade due to either moving to the Droid or the stuff you can do with the current OS seems to have been maxed out...

Guest cruddasj

Hey guys. Im having trouble with making the ext3 filesystem :| I am using the terminal as root, using the command mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1 after unmounting the volume but for some reason, when formatted it becomes read only :s has anyone else had this problem? As FAT32 it works fine :s


Hey guys. Im having trouble with making the ext3 filesystem :| I am using the terminal as root, using the command mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1 after unmounting the volume but for some reason, when formatted it becomes read only :s has anyone else had this problem? As FAT32 it works fine :s


try with gparted, never had any problems with it :)


I have same concern and with gparted don't work to. Does anyone have any idea?


Ps. Sorry for my englisg, is poor.

Guest DarshanSuvarna
Hey guys. Im having trouble with making the ext3 filesystem :| I am using the terminal as root, using the command mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1 after unmounting the volume but for some reason, when formatted it becomes read only :s has anyone else had this problem? As FAT32 it works fine :s


At root level of the SD card, type chmod -R 777 *, this should help...try it out...this will give read, write and execute permissions to the SD card.

Guest corwest

Noticed the las Revision was in October. How's the project coming? I truley wish i could help you guys with this and keep up the awsome work! your doing some breakthrough work here!

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