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Debug/Test info

Guest ptruman

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Guest ptruman

I found this a while back, then wanted to use it today and had forgotten the codes ;)

(I'm putting it here so I can find it again)

WARNING : Screwing around in these menus may brick your phone.

NOTE : This applies to GSM Hero phones only. I believe CDMA replaces *#*# with ## and #*#* with #

Hint - maybe someone might like to try this with the various radio versions to compare strengths? ;)

HTC Phone Information Screens

Dialling *#*#4636#*#* provides the following :

Phone Information


- Phone number (if known)

- Current network

- Ping test

- Signal strength

- Location (signal latency & Cell ID)

- Neighbouring Cell IDs

- Roaming state

- GSM service status

- GPRS service status

- Current network type

- Message waiting status

- Call redirect status

- Call status

- Radio reset count

- Data attempt count ?

- Data success count ?

- GSM disconnect info log

- PPP sent count

- PPP receive count

- Number of PPP reset since boot count

- Preferred network type (selectable)

- Toggle ciphering (selectable)

- Toggle QXDM SD Log ? (selectable)

- Toggle radio on/off (selectable)

- Set/retrieve SMSC number (click Refresh to show current)

- Toggle DNS check

Pressing MENU will allow you to :

- Set your radio band manually

- View SIM address book

- View SIM fixed dialling numbers

- View SIM service dialling numbers

- Get PDP list (GPRS contexts IIRC)

- Disable data connection

- Disable data on boot

Battery Information (what you get in Spare Parts anyway)

Dialling *#*#3424#*#* provides the following :

HTC Function Test

- Test LED, Backlight, Vibrator, Display, Audio, SD card, Camera, Button, HST, Touch, System, Battery

Don't blame me if "SD Test" (or anything else in those menus) wipes your card/phone/dog......

EDIT (10/01/2010)

Using information from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=540483 I've dumped all my .apk files and searched for the codes...I found nothing *new*, but the GTalk Service Monitor is valid...

*#*#8255#*#* -> Google Talk Service Monitor (Talk.apk)

This is rather more interesting, as it shows :

- Google Talk host address & port

- Your Google JID (presumably Jabber ID, as GTalk is based on Jabber IIRC)

- Your Device ID (this is interesting, and presumably hashed from something - will check across ROMs as I presume this MUST stay the same)

- GTalk connection status

- GTalk heartbeat status (presumably when it checks in to GTalk?)

Anyone know what AutoSync is?

Edited by ptruman
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I found this a while back, then wanted to use it today and had forgotten the codes ;)

(I'm putting it here so I can find it again)

next time put it here immediately! ;)

this is really great information, thanks for sharing.

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Guest Dan Mullen
Don't blame me if "SD Test" wipes your card....

You might want to move this bit so it's before the code - I can imagine a number of people blindly entering the code before reading all the way down and getting caught out ;)

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Guest ptruman
You might want to move this bit so it's before the code - I can imagine a number of people blindly entering the code before reading all the way down and getting caught out ;)

I'd hope that "WARNING : Screwing around in these menus may brick your phone." might imply something along the lines of "it's dangerous" ;)

Actually, I've not played with that menu item, as I didn't trust it - the screen test goes straight in, whereas the audio tests have a menu - so I don't want to blat my card and have to repartition, untar my ext4 partition backup etc etc ;)

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You might want to move this bit so it's before the code - I can imagine a number of people blindly entering the code before reading all the way down and getting caught out ;)

well, i can imagine a number of people learning something by that experience ;)

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