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Screwed up my recovery image.

Guest Mike Beecham

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Guest Mike Beecham

Ok, I was trying to change from Cyanogen Recovery to the Amon-Ra Recovery image, as per a tutorial in the Unlockr.com. However, I think something went wrong, and now I cant access the recovery image at all.

If I Home+Power then I get the immediate Hero icon, but then nothing whatsoever...it locks up. If I just hit power then I can get into my phone as per normal.

Can anyone help me to get this resolved.



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Guest Mike Beecham

Hi there...

Yes it was, but the only terminal type-deal I could find was something called command executor. I used that, hit execute and it happened very quick. I then powered down the phone and tried it again, but no deal.

I've not tried flashing it again...a little nervous.

I cant find another terminal app with a virtual keyboard.

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Better Terminal Emulator is what I used to apply my recovery image, IIRC it's what they use on TheUnlockr's videos.

As to whether that'll be any better, I don't know but it installed without issue for me. Probably worth paying out for, it won't break the bank!

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Guest Mike Beecham

That one?

It totally does have a keyboard. Tap the screen.

right, went and got this...it's a great app! I have the Amon-Ra recovery image on my sdcard, but when I typed the following:


flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery-RA-hero-v.1.5.2.img

I just get the error message "error opening....."

Still not happening :)

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Redownload the recovery from here:


and use MD5sum to make sure the file's ok. I can't remember how it works 100% and I'm not at my computer right now but basically download MD5sum and run it on the .img that you download and make sure that the output matches what's listed next to the download link in the XDA thread.

Then if it's all good try flashing again.

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Guest Mike Beecham
Redownload the recovery from here:


and use MD5sum to make sure the file's ok. I can't remember how it works 100% and I'm not at my computer right now but basically download MD5sum and run it on the .img that you download and make sure that the output matches what's listed next to the download link in the XDA thread.

Then if it's all good try flashing again.

Mate, redownloaded it and ran it again. A couple of times I got a memory error problem, but I rebooted it, tried it again and HEY Presto!!

Thanks SO much mate, I owe you a pint.


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Guest fantasytozi

Glad u sorted it out :) . I screw my recovery image once before, and also manage to get back using these command with adb

adb shell

$ su


# mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock2 /system

mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock2 /system

# cd /system

cd /system

# cat /data/local/recovery.img > recovery.img

cat /data/local/recovery.img > recovery.img

# flash_image recovery recovery.img

flash_image recovery recovery.img

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Guest Mike Beecham
Glad u sorted it out :) . I screw my recovery image once before, and also manage to get back using these command with adb

adb shell

$ su


# mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock2 /system

mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock2 /system

# cd /system

cd /system

# cat /data/local/recovery.img > recovery.img

cat /data/local/recovery.img > recovery.img

# flash_image recovery recovery.img

flash_image recovery recovery.img

Thanks, but I've not learnt how to do anything adb-related yet. I'm looking for an 'idiot's guide' at the moment, and then I can learn!

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