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Just a little something (remounting in flight, outside ADB)

Guest ptruman

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Guest ptruman

It was peeving me to reboot to recovery to remove things (and/or use adb remount), until the slow sad realisation dawned on me that with a rooted phone I could do what I wanted with it running....so I'll shove this here so I don't forget later...(like I did earlier, when repairing a neighbours PC over a 1Mb DSL connection when, after a few hours, I realised my spare wireless repeater could have been used to relay my 10Mb cable connection....it's quite irritating knowing something when it doesn't spring to mind, isn't it?!)

Fiddling betwixt 3.1 RC1 and RC2 (gone back to RC1, it's quicker for me), I wanted shot of HTC Mail - but wasn't near a USB cable for ADB, so got to the shell via ConnectBot.

mount -o remount,rw /system
Will remount the /system partition r/w for fiddling - thus you can rm the offending APK at your leisure.
mount -o remount,r /system

Will remount /system read only, back where it was.

Obviously, doing the former will render your handset open to whatever stupidity you choose to lay upon it whilst it's running....and replacing "/system" with whatever you choose will do the relevant...

Edited by ptruman
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and replacing "/system" with whatever you choose will do the relevant...

this is correct, keep in mind that all other partitions are mount rw by default. could cause errors if you remount them ro...

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Thanks for the excellent tip.

To take this a step further

If you're a user of Better Terminal, trackball+w is quickly set as a shortcut to the r/w command, and trackball+r works great for the read only command.

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Guest ptruman
Thanks for the excellent tip.

To take this a step further

If you're a user of Better Terminal, trackball+w is quickly set as a shortcut to the r/w command, and trackball+r works great for the read only command.

I think I'll make a couple of scripts ala TiVo - rw.sh and ro.sh - as that way it's available to any shell as long as they're in path

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