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Cooliris Gallery

Guest pillock

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Guest pillock

One of the 2.x ROMs I've been playing with (sure it's Kagu) had the pretty Nexus gallery installed, which syncs with my Picasa and lets me view those photos on my Hero, and apparently syncs Hero photos to the web too. After a while it started ForceClosing a few seconds after loading. I did a wipe and it worked again, but I went back to a Nandroid because I'd spent so long setting everything else up.

I've now swapped back to AOSP 2.0.1, but installing gallery_flan.apk doesn't sync with Picasa. The app looks the same, and the first time I launch it I get a request to allow permission to access Picasa from 'Gallery', but only my Hero pictures ever show up in it.

Are there different versions of this app available with different amounts of success on Hero?

Should I even be asking this? I'm not sure if I'm meant to be downloading cooliris .apks or whether they'd be 'warez' by virtue of not being in the market, they're from dumps. Mods please just quietly delete if this is the case!

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