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Ratson's 3G Speed Tweak

Guest pulser

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Hi All,

I've had a temporary 'mental blank' trying to add Ratsun's 3G speed hack, to see if it does anything here (not that it matters much, I get 2Mbps down and 500Kbps up here in the UK sat at my desk).

So, http://android.modaco.com/content-page/292...0/#entry1150793 was the post, and I 'adb pulled' my build.prop, edited it and adb remounted before adb pushing it back to /system/build.prop.

Right. So after a reboot, the change was gone. What I can't remember is if build.prop is stored in /system or if it is populated by the ramdisk on every boot. I took a look through an image, but couldn't find it there, so I believe there is an issue with adb remount not doing as expected.

So, I tried using Root Explorer to remount system and / as rw and then copied the modified file from my sd card.

Yet after a reboot, the modification still had disappeared.

So, could someone put me out my misery, as I know I've overlooked something that I know, but have forgotten. How do I modify build.prop without the change reverting? (I guess next step is to try doing it in recovery)

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Hi All,

I've had a temporary 'mental blank' trying to add Ratsun's 3G speed hack, to see if it does anything here (not that it matters much, I get 2Mbps down and 500Kbps up here in the UK sat at my desk).

So, http://android.modaco.com/content-page/292...0/#entry1150793 was the post, and I 'adb pulled' my build.prop, edited it and adb remounted before adb pushing it back to /system/build.prop.

Right. So after a reboot, the change was gone. What I can't remember is if build.prop is stored in /system or if it is populated by the ramdisk on every boot. I took a look through an image, but couldn't find it there, so I believe there is an issue with adb remount not doing as expected.

So, I tried using Root Explorer to remount system and / as rw and then copied the modified file from my sd card.

Yet after a reboot, the modification still had disappeared.

So, could someone put me out my misery, as I know I've overlooked something that I know, but have forgotten. How do I modify build.prop without the change reverting? (I guess next step is to try doing it in recovery)

this is strange, it work for me. just to make sure you're doing it right let me paste the commands i use:

kendon@nx:~$ adb pull /system/build.prop .

29 KB/s (2819 bytes in 0.094s)


kendon@nx:~$ adb remount

remount succeeded

kendon@nx:~$ adb push build.prop /system/

47 KB/s (2837 bytes in 0.058s)

kendon@nx:~$ adb shell reboot

this does the trick, just checked it...

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this is strange, it work for me. just to make sure you're doing it right let me paste the commands i use:

kendon@nx:~$ adb pull /system/build.prop .

 29 KB/s (2819 bytes in 0.094s)


 kendon@nx:~$ adb remount

 remount succeeded

 kendon@nx:~$ adb push build.prop /system/

 47 KB/s (2837 bytes in 0.058s)

 kendon@nx:~$ adb shell reboot

this does the trick, just checked it...

Cheers. Looks similar to what I did, so I'll try it again right now.

FWIW, I also made a copy of the original, and called it build.prop.backup (or something like that), and that file remained there. The only difference between our methods is that you used the adb shell reboot command, but I just rebooted manually. I'll give it a try right now.

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Cheers. Looks similar to what I did, so I'll try it again right now.

FWIW, I also made a copy of the original, and called it build.prop.backup (or something like that), and that file remained there. The only difference between our methods is that you used the adb shell reboot command, but I just rebooted manually. I'll give it a try right now.

when i play with the phone i usually use adb to reboot it, it is way faster, esp. if you want to boot to recovery...

then i f-ed up my sdcard because i rebooted while it was mounted to my pc, so i wrote a script that checks if the sdcard is mounted before rebooting. that way it is fast and safe :)

the backup file shouldn't matter, just to be sure delete all other files in /system. you have the file on your pc anyway...

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Well. That was weird.

I backed up my build.prop and build.prop.nopassword, and deleted both. I then pushed back an empty build.prop.

After a reboot, the phone worked fine, and behaved as though the file was there and working (ie. ssh password appeared in about etc.)


I'm wondering about a nandroid backup and wipe...

EDIT: Finally got it working. I deleted both the files, and then manually created a new one of each and pushed them.

FWIW, I also manually remounted the system drive as R/O after the operation, just to prevent any shutdown process from replacing it with the original one (the kind of thing I would do if I was HTC, a bit like how they used to flash recovery with /system/recovery.img just to try and stop people keeping patched recovery until they found root)

So, thanks anyway, and I guess my phone was just playing games with me...

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Guest starfarer

On my Hero (MCR3.0) if edit /system/build.prop, I too was loosing settings after reboot. At first thought maybe I was doing something wrong(typo, wrong file, wrong setting etc) and repeated again to same thing. Then thought, maybe MCR ROM reading some other file first than build.prop. I edited /system/build.prop.nopassword,pushed back, rebooted and this time settings were on build.prop. So anyone thinking of doing this tweak, just pull, edit and push build.prop.nopassword file. Any added settings will be parsed on build.prop file.

But didn't noticed any improvement on Orange UK. Anyone with noticeable improvement??

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On my Hero (MCR3.0) if edit /system/build.prop, I too was loosing settings after reboot. At first thought maybe I was doing something wrong(typo, wrong file, wrong setting etc) and repeated again to same thing. Then thought, maybe MCR ROM reading some other file first than build.prop. I edited /system/build.prop.nopassword,pushed back, rebooted and this time settings were on build.prop. So anyone thinking of doing this tweak, just pull, edit and push build.prop.nopassword file. Any added settings will be parsed on build.prop file.

But didn't noticed any improvement on Orange UK. Anyone with noticeable improvement??

you're right actually. i looked at dropbear.sh, it overwrites build.prop with every run. shouldn't be necessary more than once (at first boot), to write the password to the about screen, once it is in there there is no need to write it all over during boot process... i attached an altered dropbear.sh, just push it to /system/bin and do

adb shell chmod +x /system/bin/dropbear.sh

then it won't overwrite your build.prop with build.prop.nopasswd anymore.


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you're right actually. i looked at dropbear.sh, it overwrites build.prop with every run. shouldn't be necessary more than once (at first boot), to write the password to the about screen, once it is in there there is no need to write it all over during boot process... i attached an altered dropbear.sh, just push it to /system/bin and do

adb shell chmod +x /system/bin/dropbear.sh

then it won't overwrite your build.prop with build.prop.nopasswd anymore.

Oops. Forgot I updated the ROM, and I've not done my usual cleanup yet, which is mainly removing dropbear for security.

Thanks for indirectly reminding me. :) I knew I'd done this before with no problems, but forgot dropbear modifies the build.prop.

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Sorry for double post. Can't seem to edit right now.

Just thought this would be a good opportunity to revisit a previous question I had a while back, but forgot about. Does anyone know of a way to setprop and then prevent the property from being changed later by the system? Specifically I was trying to set dns server for 3g connection to opendns. I have managed to duo this for testing, but the previous DNS from my network found its way back whenever a connection was made or re made.

I can ping opendns much faster than my network, so want to use them for dns.

So, to recap, looking for a way to stop my DNS values in setprop from being changed. Alternatively, is therea way to modify the connection script to stop DNS being obtained or changed? If so, does anyone know where third would be stored?


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Guest stevenz
Sorry for double post. Can't seem to edit right now.

Just thought this would be a good opportunity to revisit a previous question I had a while back, but forgot about. Does anyone know of a way to setprop and then prevent the property from being changed later by the system? Specifically I was trying to set dns server for 3g connection to opendns. I have managed to duo this for testing, but the previous DNS from my network found its way back whenever a connection was made or re made.

I can ping opendns much faster than my network, so want to use them for dns.

So, to recap, looking for a way to stop my DNS values in setprop from being changed. Alternatively, is therea way to modify the connection script to stop DNS being obtained or changed? If so, does anyone know where third would be stored?


You could just plug the setprop functions you want into /init.rc (while booted into recovery) - odds are any DNS stuff in setprop will get overwritten when there is any change of the primary network interface though (switching between WiFi/3G, losing/gaining reception, etc).

If you want to make it permanent you might need to see if you can install a cron job and have it reinstate the values once a minute or something?

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You could just plug the setprop functions you want into /init.rc - odds are anything in setprop will get overwritten when there is any change of the primary network interface though (switching between WiFi/3G, losing/gaining reception, etc).

If you want to make it permanent you might need to see if you can install a cron job or somesuch and have it reinstate the values once a minute or something?

Yeah. I've done it in init.rc before, but it gets overwritten if it is dhcp refreshed. I appreciate the cron idea, but don't fancy something running every minute for battery reasons. I'm thinking there must be a way to find what is running to initiate the connection. When I find that, I can try and edit it, I reckon.

I hope it's a script (easy to edit) but I can't find any info about how this part of the phone system works on the Android developer site. I presume this wouldn't be handled in the kernel?

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Guest stevenz
Yeah. I've done it in init.rc before, but it gets overwritten if it is dhcp refreshed. I appreciate the cron idea, but don't fancy something running every minute for battery reasons. I'm thinking there must be a way to find what is running to initiate the connection. When I find that, I can try and edit it, I reckon.

I hope it's a script (easy to edit) but I can't find any info about how this part of the phone system works on the Android developer site. I presume this wouldn't be handled in the kernel?

You can just stick static IP details into the WiFi settings if it's just the 1 wireless point you're using, annoyingly it doesn't let you set connection-independant settings (one area where Apple's toy wins out). Unsurprisingly, no equivalent for cell connections.

Pity the system logging is so vague. A standard /var/log/syslog would let us see what's going on better, I've got an idea but will need to scrounge some better software to check with, will try later this afternoon :)

Odds are it's dealt with by a combination of kernel and binaries though, so I wouldn't put up much hope for a "clean" solution.

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You can just stick static IP details into the WiFi settings if it's just the 1 wireless point you're using, annoyingly it doesn't let you set connection-independant settings (one area where Apple's toy wins out). Unsurprisingly, no equivalent for cell connections.

Pity the system logging is so vague. A standard /var/log/syslog would let us see what's going on better, I've got an idea but will need to scrounge some better software to check with, will try later this afternoon :)

Odds are it's dealt with by a combination of kernel and binaries though, so I wouldn't put up much hope for a "clean" solution.

Will be interested to hear how you get on. I'll also try some adb logging. I think we just need to find the kernel module/driver and see if sources exist for it. I began looking, but its like a needle in a haystack unless you have a filename.

I'm off to sleep now, hope I / you get somewhere tomorrow /today. B)

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