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Strange Missing Memory

Guest iissa

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Hi, please can anyone advice me on my issue. Basically i reboot my phone, and i have 120mb ram free. I leave my phone alone for a few hours, maybe a bit of browsing and check my mails and a few phone calls, no other applications open, apart from a few widgets. And my free memory drops to 50mb, run advanced task killet, goes back up 100mb, same actions on the phone, drops back again, run task killer, and it goes up to 80 or so, and so forth, now if i run task killer i only get up to 50mb, free. Can anyone advice me what is going on.

I did check on first reboot what applictions are running, and processing are running i usually get 120 mb, later on the day i have the same applications and processes, and it is 50mb after task killer.

I am running modaco 3.1, i did notice this after modaco 2.8. I have tried formatting my sd card and running a full wipe and then installing a new rom. Same problem.

Thanks in advance

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Guest Dan Mullen
Hi, please can anyone advice me on my issue. Basically i reboot my phone, and i have 120mb ram free. I leave my phone alone for a few hours, maybe a bit of browsing and check my mails and a few phone calls, no other applications open, apart from a few widgets. And my free memory drops to 50mb, run advanced task killet, goes back up 100mb, same actions on the phone, drops back again, run task killer, and it goes up to 80 or so, and so forth, now if i run task killer i only get up to 50mb, free. Can anyone advice me what is going on.

I did check on first reboot what applictions are running, and processing are running i usually get 120 mb, later on the day i have the same applications and processes, and it is 50mb after task killer.

I am running modaco 3.1, i did notice this after modaco 2.8. I have tried formatting my sd card and running a full wipe and then installing a new rom. Same problem.

Thanks in advance

It's perfectly normal behaviour and to be expected. Can I ask, why do you run Advanced Task Killer? Is it because you are suffering from some sort of lag, or is it just out of curiosity? If you think about it, I bet you don't usually run Task Manager in Windows to see what your memory usage is like. It doesn't really matter how much or how little free RAM you have, as long as your phone is working :)

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Thanks for the reply, bascially when i get down to about 30mb it starts being laggy, hence i have to run task killer. I appreciate what you say about windows etc.

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Guest shenshang
Thanks for the reply, bascially when i get down to about 30mb it starts being laggy, hence i have to run task killer. I appreciate what you say about windows etc.

i use cachemate, it frees up loads of ram :)

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Guest stevenz

Most operating systems suffer from this. They "cache" memory, this is why you get so much different info in the "Performance" tab of Windows' task manager. Currently my PC has 17MB "free" but 1477MB "Cached", plus whatever swap memory is available. Linux (the OS that Android sits on top of) works in a similar (but probably more efficient) way.

RAM on my Hero is currently:

Mem: 193892K used, 2232K free, 0K shrd, 1484K buff, 101444K cached

The kernel should be intelligent enough to free up inactive RAM when applications actually require it. OS Monitor actually displays the amount of RAM each application is using.

It's also possible something you're running has a memory leak, OS Monitor or somesuch might help.

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Guest JadeMonkee
It's perfectly normal behaviour and to be expected. Can I ask, why do you run Advanced Task Killer? Is it because you are suffering from some sort of lag, or is it just out of curiosity? If you think about it, I bet you don't usually run Task Manager in Windows to see what your memory usage is like. It doesn't really matter how much or how little free RAM you have, as long as your phone is working :)

I have recently started using a task manager to kill apps, as my Hero does, over the course of a day, become laggy... While this lag coincides with a low amount of available RAM (<~25MB), I think it's probably more likely due to a program using the CPU in the background, rather than the RAM, as I hear that the RAM management in Android should be good enough to prevent the slow-down.

So, when my phone gets laggy, I kill all (non-background, non-system) apps.

I just uninstalled Advanced Task Manager, and have now switched to the built-in task manager in EStrongs File Explorer (Estrongs also recently replaced Astro File Explorer on my Hero... love Estrongs). As the task manager also shows CPU utilisation, I can now finally figure out which app is hogging my CPU, or else find out if the lag is indeed caused by a lack of available RAM.

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Guest tdohappens

would the lack of ram prevent the phone from auto-rotating? or is it high cpu usage? or both? or none?

this has happend to me a lot in text, albums, market ...

but after i close some apps it works fine

i now use mdc 3.0 and plan to upgrading to 3.1 mdc today

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