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Help a noob please!

Guest RavemasterX

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Guest RavemasterX

Hi all, new member here, just bought myself a Pulse mainly on the strength of having stumbled across this forum. I've come from a Nokia N95 8GB, which I got cheap as a refurb from O2, and used precious little of its capabilities- FM radio, camera and MP3 player were pretty much all I used (though I did, eventually, get some Sat-Nav on it which was useful when my standalone unit went missing for a few months). Anyway my promo contract with 02 expired and they weren't in a hurry to offer me any other inducements, so I left and got myself a t-mobile sim for the unlimited texts and internet deal. Eventually I accepted that the Pulse wasn't going to be offered at £92 again any time soon and stumped up my £147 for one.

I've just about managed to install the MCR 1.7- although the Amon-Ra recovery image is frinky on my phone- I have no luck doing nandroid backups, or upgrading the ext2 partition to ext3- it just freezes every time. In the end since the phone is brand new and I have, as far as I can see, nothing to lose, I just went ahead and upgraded to the MCR anyway, and it seems to have worked fine :) . As a total n00b to smartphones, I'm not quite sure what advantage I'm gaining from running the MCR but all the cool kids seem to have it, and so I want it too ;) .

So, my first post was going to be about the finer details of installing the MCR, but I seem to have just about worked it out. Instead, it's a far more prosaic query- I'm off to Paris tomorrow for a three day city break, and I don't want to piss away my monthly £10 of credit on extortionate roaming mobile data rates (£10 per megabyte or something stupid, I expect). Is there a setting to make sure that whatever programs or widgets I've got installed don't go demanding location information, or downloading news updates etc. while I'm abroad? I don't think I've actually installed any that do this since I wiped for the December Update, but I'd like to be on the safe side. I assume Wikitude uses mobile data, so I won't be using that even though it would probably be quite cool in Paris ;) . Does Google Sky Map need downloads, or does it just know what all the stars and galaxies are? Not that I'm expecting clear skies, but you never know your luck:).

Cheers for any replies, and cheers for the site and custom ROMs Paul B) .

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Ok. No idea about Sky Map but! In my experience, the phone detected I was in a different country and asked me if I wanted data roaming turned on or off. If that's not there ... explore Settings -> Wireless controls =]

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Guest RavemasterX
Ok. No idea about Sky Map but! In my experience, the phone detected I was in a different country and asked me if I wanted data roaming turned on or off. If that's not there ... explore Settings -> Wireless controls =]

Thanks, I'll do that!

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