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What is Radio ?

Guest akashkotak

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Guest GodsDevil

Its flashing the software that control all you Radio signals viz. mobile network, WiFi, 3G etc.

Works exactly the same way as a ROM flash except that it takes a little longer.


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Guest akashkotak
Its flashing the software that control all you Radio signals viz. mobile network, WiFi, 3G etc.

Works exactly the same way as a ROM flash except that it takes a little longer.


how does it help ? ... what are the benefits compared to the normal flash ?

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Guest GodsDevil

By normal flash I assume you are talking about a ROM. A ROM and radio are two entirely different things.

As said before, Radio is the baseband software that controls phone's signals and reception. It has been argued that with each new version of radio, reception has improved for some(and reduced for a few).

A ROM flash upgrades your OS with the latest tweaks and upgrades. The benefits for both are not comparable as they are both for entirely different purposes.


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how does it help ? ... what are the benefits compared to the normal flash ?

it updates the software for the radio parts. as you can imagine, updates bring improvements.

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Guest obededom
so should a newbie do a radio flash ?

yes, certainly, of course

(if you want to cause yourself extreme anger, frustration and regret)

and be careless too, flash whatever...another carrier, phone model, whateva!

(serious) no, don't do it. Please.

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yes, certainly, of course

(if you want to cause yourself extreme anger, frustration and regret)

and be careless too, flash whatever...another carrier, phone model, whateva!

(serious) no, don't do it. Please.

and what do you want to say by this?

most of the users have experienced (dramatical) improvements of their reception, speed and battery life after radio updates.

so i would say: yes, do flash the radio. read the instructions carefully (at least twice), double-check what you download and do, and never, never, never pull the battery on a radio flash. did i mention to be careful and double-check everything?

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