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New Version of HTC Sync

Guest pulser

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Don't get your hopes up, but at http://www.htc.com/uk/supportdownloadlist....=sd&cat=all, you can see there is a new version of HTC Sync software. Apparently,

This release of HTC Sync for Windows 7 allows for users to sync their Android phones .

So, something for us 7 users. What I was wondering was if we have now entered a 'change/maintenance cycle'.

Unfortunately, Paul's contact said 2.1 wasn't ready yet. So, if you run 7, you might want to give this a try (if you even use HTC sync). The only issue is that 7 was released on 22 October, and this is quite a bit after the 22 October (88 days to be precise, courtesy of WolframAlpha). So, is HTC going to take 88 days to get their act together and finish a 1.6, 2.0 or 2.1 ROM for us (being as we've been promised each of these at some point)?

Edited by pulser
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