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Nexus One and Multitouch

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Hi there, sorry if this has been posted before. Tried looking, but couldn't find anything.

I live in Norway, and I'm going to buy a Nexus One. Thing is they haven't released it here, so I need to order it elsewhere.

I can easily order it from the US using jetcarrier or a similar service, yet I've heard the US version doesn't support multitouch due to patent issues. The European version supposedly does support multi-touch. http://gizmodo.com/5443090/nexus-one-total...itouchin-europe

Is it possible to unlock the US version of multitouch? Is it based on geolocation?

Is there a service similar to jetcarrier in the UK?

Thanks in advance.


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The unlocked Nexus One anyone currently can buy is the same version everywhere. i.e. the US based GSM version. Some of the services (such as different version of Android Market, Google Navigations and etc.) varies depend on your location. However, this doesnot apply to multitouch at the moment.

There is currently no multitouch on unrooted Nexus One regardless of where ur location is. The supposedly European version of the Nexus One is not released yet. Therefore if multitouch is something u have to have on ur phone and dont want to root the phone at any stage, i m afraid u ll probably have to wait for a while after they officially released it in UK or Europe.

Personally I m fairly sure its very easy to flash the European ROM onto the GSM unlocked version since the European version will be GSM based and no reason to have any dfference in hardware specs. And Paul and the guys at modaco.com has made rooting Nexus One a piece of cake. I wont worry about buying the Nexus One now and lose out when multitouch is available in European version.

You can always install apps such as Dolphin Broswer to use multi-touch in internet browsing, and the tap-to-zoom is not that bad in native google apps.

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