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Battery Charging time +4 hours?

Guest Down to earth Swede

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Guest Down to earth Swede

For me a full recharge takes more than four hours with the original charger, but I've heard that for some users it just takes about 2 hours, if that is true.

We have the same charger, which is 1000 mA, so why does it differ? It's like its just using the 500 mA which is the maximum for USB from the PC, but this is the real charger...

How long does it take for you to fully charge it with the original charger and with the phone off. Starting when the battery level is under 15% (when the phone tells you to charge it)?

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Guest lucian785

Mine takes 3.5 - 4 hours, and i think it's to much for a 1350ma battery, even with the phone off it takes 3 hours+. Ps i did try to charge my Liquid with my samsung camera charger which has a usb plug - 4.2v - 550ma, and guess charging time ;) !?... the same..... 3 hours and 45 minutes.

I guess is something wrong with the hardware or the software, even my Archos with a 2500ma battery was ready charged in 3 hours max with the same 1000ma charger!

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Guest three_pineapples

the problem is the liquid is programmed not to use more than 500mA when charging. This means that charging from USB or AC adapter will give the same charge time.

They could fix it in a firmware update, however i'm assuming they haven't done so yet because the liquid already gets hot while charging. Increasing the current draw would make it hotter, and possibly end up damaging the liquid.

So yeah, bad design by Acer, and nothing we can do about it!

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Guest designgears
the problem is the liquid is programmed not to use more than 500mA when charging. This means that charging from USB or AC adapter will give the same charge time.

They could fix it in a firmware update, however i'm assuming they haven't done so yet because the liquid already gets hot while charging. Increasing the current draw would make it hotter, and possibly end up damaging the liquid.

So yeah, bad design by Acer, and nothing we can do about it!

I figured it was going to be something like that, I have a 2000mA battery and it always takes just as long to change, doesn't matter what charger I'm using.

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Guest Down to earth Swede
the problem is the liquid is programmed not to use more than 500mA when charging. This means that charging from USB or AC adapter will give the same charge time.

They could fix it in a firmware update, however i'm assuming they haven't done so yet because the liquid already gets hot while charging. Increasing the current draw would make it hotter, and possibly end up damaging the liquid.

So yeah, bad design by Acer, and nothing we can do about it!

So based on this, wouldn't it be impossible for a person to get a full recharge in two hours, as the person in another forum claimed? Or can it be something with a newer bios in the phone or even a different charging unit?

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Guest designgears
So based on this, wouldn't it be impossible for a person to get a full recharge in two hours, as the person in another forum claimed? Or can it be something with a newer bios in the phone or even a different charging unit?

I guess you could get a smaller battery...

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Guest three_pineapples

no, i don't believe 2 hour charge. It would be more like 2 hours, 40 mins (at least).

It takes me 4-5 hours to charge the liquid on 1.002.05 firmware. This is with the phone on, though i should think that doesn't matter since the AC charger should be able to supply plenty to charge and run, since it is only charging that is current limited.

It *may* be that the person reporting 2 hour charge time is correct if the charging current was increased in a firmware update. It could also be that most don't see this since the change is in the kernel (battery driver perhaps?) and the kernel is reverted to 1.004.00 when using Paul's superboot, though this explanation is probably wrong since the kernel isn't loaded when charging the phone when turned off, so it must be something else that can be changed.

I do know it is possible for Acer to change it since i saw a list of changes for some firmware on the acer-club.ru website before they blocked access to their garbage folder and it mentioned a charging current increase.

Anyway, doesn't bother me too much, i just charge overnight when i need it. Got 3 days of usage out of my liquid on the last charge ;)

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Guest chingy1788
no, i don't believe 2 hour charge. It would be more like 2 hours, 40 mins (at least).

It takes me 4-5 hours to charge the liquid on 1.002.05 firmware. This is with the phone on, though i should think that doesn't matter since the AC charger should be able to supply plenty to charge and run, since it is only charging that is current limited.

It *may* be that the person reporting 2 hour charge time is correct if the charging current was increased in a firmware update. It could also be that most don't see this since the change is in the kernel (battery driver perhaps?) and the kernel is reverted to 1.004.00 when using Paul's superboot, though this explanation is probably wrong since the kernel isn't loaded when charging the phone when turned off, so it must be something else that can be changed.

I do know it is possible for Acer to change it since i saw a list of changes for some firmware on the acer-club.ru website before they blocked access to their garbage folder and it mentioned a charging current increase.

Anyway, doesn't bother me too much, i just charge overnight when i need it. Got 3 days of usage out of my liquid on the last charge ;)

3 days? how did you do that?

I seem to get 1 day out of the battery

mostly running on 2G

music on the train (45 mins each way)

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Guest 00sully

mine takes about 2 hours to charge - im using the "2000mh" battery at the moment which again suggests it is not actually 2000mh.

I'll test charging my stock battery again but I think I remember it being ~2hours!

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Guest three_pineapples

I have GPS enabled, Proximity sensor disabled, 3G/2G for data.

But i only really use it for reading emails and a small bit of browsing.

I turn off data overnight.

Though, I often get my battery draining for no reason. It seems to be something to do with the phone not sleeping properly. So i always have a task killer auto killing most things. And I make sure i reboot my phone after every charge cycle.

Also, the nexus one news/weather widget seems to drain battery nicely too! Possibly that's because I set it to update every hour, and it uses GPS to find location ;)

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Guest pete.major
Also, the nexus one news/weather widget seems to drain battery nicely too! Possibly that's because I set it to update every hour, and it uses GPS to find location ;)

Does it really use gps though?

I use beautiful widgets, which also has weather by geolocation... but I think that it just uses cell tower location (which in a city is fairly accurate, not so good in the sparsely populated cells). This doesn't take much power at all...

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Guest three_pineapples

you could be right. But either way, it seems to drain battery. I just don't bother with the widget anymore. Though sometimes it seemed that if the widget wasn't on the middle (current) screen, it would drain battery less ;)

to be honest i think battery performance can never be duplicated. You just have to try many many different combinations of usage and see what improves it for you!

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Guest Down to earth Swede
mine takes about 2 hours to charge - im using the "2000mh" battery at the moment which again suggests it is not actually 2000mh.

I'll test charging my stock battery again but I think I remember it being ~2hours!

This is interesting! Another person claiming 2 hours charging time.

Is this from a drained phone? (less than 15% charge left where it tells you to charge it immediatelly)

If so, which firmware do you use?

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Guest Down to earth Swede
you could be right. But either way, it seems to drain battery. I just don't bother with the widget anymore. Though sometimes it seemed that if the widget wasn't on the middle (current) screen, it would drain battery less ;)

to be honest i think battery performance can never be duplicated. You just have to try many many different combinations of usage and see what improves it for you!

I tried so many different combinations, but THE number one battery culprit is really 3G when comparing different aspects! At least in the long run(some apps may peak though).

At home I use Wifi(data traffic) and 2G (for phone calls), and when idling it really use at most 1% per hour.

What surprised me is that games and music (with full volume level) doesn't use that much at all. Music/mp3 for example get 11-12 hours if played at max volume with the headset(and 2G activated). Okay, that is 11-12 hours down to the dangerous 2% level.

Of course I have monitored the worst apps and I also use locale (and some other stuff that takes care of the tweaking business)..

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Guest three_pineapples
I tried so many different combinations, but THE number one battery culprit is really 3G when comparing different aspects! At least in the long run(some apps may peak though).

At home I use Wifi(data traffic) and 2G (for phone calls), and when idling it really use at most 1% per hour.

What surprised me is that games and music (with full volume level) doesn't use that much at all. Music/mp3 for example get 11-12 hours if played at max volume with the headset(and 2G activated). Okay, that is 11-12 hours down to the dangerous 2% level.

Of course I have monitored the worst apps and I also use locale (and some other stuff that takes care of the tweaking business)..

haha that is bizarre. I have the opposite issue. If i use wifi, it drains 5% per hour. With 3G it drains at most 1% per hour!

We have proof that power usage is not something that can be duplicated ;) Everyone must discover the solution for themselves!

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Guest Down to earth Swede
haha that is bizarre. I have the opposite issue. If i use wifi, it drains 5% per hour. With 3G it drains at most 1% per hour!

We have proof that power usage is not something that can be duplicated ;) Everyone must discover the solution for themselves!

Are you talking 5% an hour with wifi when idle? Something must be totally wrong there. Reading up about it and from experience with other devices (two netbooks, both of which had both wifi and 3G), 3G draws much, much more power, if connected but idle.

Wifi may use quite a lot of power when you actually surf, stream or download, but not even then I think it is the same hog as 3G. Will have to test that though...

But I think that something is terribly wrong with your configuration/combination of apps, since I have seen no other person with this opposite problem.

The 1% per hour with 3G may be due to not using any sync or any other app combination that uses 3G in the background. I think these types of things (some of which I use, still has gmail synced) drains the battery much less in wifi than in 3G. Or at least it should!

Maybe it is one of these things you use that work in the background and for some strange reason use more battery power in Wifi than in 3G, like it tries to reach a service but is not getting through due to a firewall in your router and try to reconnect again in a constant loop. Are you for instance controlling utorrent remotely from your phone or something like that, that may lead to problems getting through a firewall router.

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Guest three_pineapples


I've heard of several people with the same issue as me. It's a bug due to the phone not idling correctly when using wifi i believe.

That said, sometimes it does drain 5% per hour on just 3G. I can't seem to pin down the cause of the change in battery drain. I kill processes automatically, and have contacts,gmail,calendar syncing.

Most of the time i don't use the phone, other than to read emails when they come in.

So yes, wifi draws 5% per hour when idling. It may be that the phone has to keep the wifi active though (thats what i asked it to do, otherwise it sleeps and switches back to 3G until I use the phone, when it brings back wifi).

Anyway, i really don't care! I either get 1 day or 3 days usage depending on how my phone feels each day ;) Sometimes restarting the phone helps with power consumption, sometimes not :D

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Guest Down to earth Swede

I've heard of several people with the same issue as me. It's a bug due to the phone not idling correctly when using wifi i believe.

That said, sometimes it does drain 5% per hour on just 3G. I can't seem to pin down the cause of the change in battery drain. I kill processes automatically, and have contacts,gmail,calendar syncing.

Most of the time i don't use the phone, other than to read emails when they come in.

So yes, wifi draws 5% per hour when idling. It may be that the phone has to keep the wifi active though (thats what i asked it to do, otherwise it sleeps and switches back to 3G until I use the phone, when it brings back wifi).

Anyway, i really don't care! I either get 1 day or 3 days usage depending on how my phone feels each day :D Sometimes restarting the phone helps with power consumption, sometimes not :(

Yeah, battery consumption is strange at times with this phone.

I just used GPS-alarm, which is great, but it was the most battery eating app monster ever!

I think it got 37% or something after 1-2 hours or so (just checking usage pattern, the phone wasn't drained yet).

It is these occasional battery suckers (well I can't think of a better name, they just suck in multiple ways! ;) ) that really can drive you mad at times.

The "no appearent reason" battery suckage...

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Guest three_pineapples

i *think* a good way to improve battery performance is to charge your phone. Unplug the charger, set your phone how you want to use it (3G on/off, wifi on/off, sound on/off, etc) then turn off the phone. Plug the charger in, it will charge a little bit more for like 5 minutes.

Unplug the charger, then turn on your phone.

This seems to reset some form of power management in the phone, and is how i manage to get 2-3 days usage with 3G turned on ;)

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