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CyanogenMod for HTC Hero (GSM) v1.0 (now with online kitchen)

Guest jnwhiteh

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Guest jnwhiteh

Hey everyone. I wanted to post here and let you all know that sometime this weekend I will be selling my HTC Hero and won't be continuing any active development of this ROM. It was a very difficult decision for me to make, but I'm currently in the middle of dealing with some medical issues, including pending surgery. This, combined with everything else, made me realize that I need to spend less time doing Android development and more time taking care of the other responsibilities that I have. As a result, I'm selling my Hero and I've purchased a Nexus One, a phone that I know will continue to be supported by the community and Google combined. Although I'm sure I'll still have the urge to hack at the phone, I'm not even planning on rooting or oem unlocking it at the moment.

Luckily for any of you that are using this thread, nothing has to change. All of my code is available, and I will continue to be around to help with any major build issues. I will be posting 100% complete directions about how to build 'CyanogenMod-Hero' for anyone that wants to. If you're interested in taking over the project as the leader build contact, let me know and I'll make sure that things get transferred over to you.

Thanks to everyone for your support and kind feedback over the past few months, it's really been a blast-- but real life calls.

- Jim

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Hey everyone. I wanted to post here and let you all know that sometime this weekend I will be selling my HTC Hero and won't be continuing any active development of this ROM.


Thanks to everyone for your support and kind feedback over the past few months, it's really been a blast-- but real life calls.

- Jim

Too bad! I wish you all the best and thank you for your work!


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Guest robert lindgren

I only have one problem with this rom, and maybee I would have the same problem with any 2.1 ROM.

After listening to Spotify, sending som texts and surfing some webpages the phone freezes.

It reboots, and reboots and reboots several times.

Is this only for me or is there a solution?


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Guest masterpfa
Thanks to everyone for your support and kind feedback over the past few months, it's really been a blast-- but real life calls.

- Jim

No the Thanks are to you sir, your work has been gratefully appreciated.

Good luck and all the best for your future ;)

Edited by masterpfa
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Guest pillock

It's sad you're leaving the Hero scene, but reasons are reasons! I wish you all the best for the future, and many thanks for the immense amount of work that you've put in over the past few months.

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Guest vorcigernix
Last night nearly close everything (wireless, sync) because of %40 battery life . When i wake up this morning phone was switch off and no battery life. After charge phone start and lots of force close. But after reboot everything comeback to normal .

Can't confirm. This ROM IS battery sucker, but when it dies, it boot up normally in my experience.

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Guest 1redrum
there is something I don't understand

I'm using your ROM for 3 days and I've just made one charger plug for these 3 days. So I was the happier I could.

Last night, I had to charge my Hero's battery and today after 4 hours of use (1 call of 2 mns, and 1 message) , my battery drains about 20% !!!!!!!

I didn't change anything between yesterday and now but facts are : I find again battery drain link to the use of 2.1 ROM.

Do you have any explanations for this?


Just because you have done 'nothing different' with you phone doesn't mean you should expect the same result with battery life.

Remember, a cellular phone, is a heart, a radio transmitter, even with wifi and edge/gprs turned off, the phone is in almost constant

contact with the cellular network. As you move around it is listening out for signals from cell sites, and reporting back signal strengths.

When signal falls below a certain threshold the network will ask the phone to switch freq. to a stronger cell site - that way you keep

signal and can receive or make phone calls. As you move further away from a cell, the phone's power will increase to compensate.

Same too with interference buildings, buses, and even atmospheric air pressure can impact on the phone's power usage.

So, in short, while software can certainly be a big factor in battery life, it is far from the only reason, and just because your phone

is sitting on the table 'dong nothing' it is quite quite busy...

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Thanks for all the work you put into this jnwhiteh, and best wishes for your impending surgery! Look forward to seeing you back around again when you're recovered! ;)


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Guest jnwhiteh

I read that on CyanogenMod there is openvpn included.

Is openvpn installed on this rom?

Not currently, no. The build tree is currently not stable, so I can't put out a version with everything included (even for testing).

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Guest jnwhiteh
hopefully someone picks up the work as the battey has drained 15% in 1.5hrs. not even used internet or gps

Someone else picking up the work won't change any of this.

Nothing, is going to change with regards to battery consumption, bluetooth audio, and 90% of the other issues until HTC releases their official 2.1 ROM. And at that point, I'd wager that 75% of the people here will go to using that instead of an AOSP ROM anyway =). There's nothing I'm _NOT_ doing to fix the issues, and therefore nothing that someone else will be able to do.

That being said, I still haven't heard from any one who wants to take over a build lead for this ROM. It's very simple, if you've ever compiled AOSP before.

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Guest jnwhiteh
other 2.1 roms didnt drain like this though

That's just not true. Every other 2.1 ROM has similar battery drain issues. There are plenty of people using cm-hero that have no drain issues, and others that do. Then there are times that the phone will just drain really quickly.

KaguDroid is the only other 2.1 ROM. It uses the exact same sources as I use. They're the same, literally.

So again, I'm not sure what you expect anyone else to do.

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Someone else picking up the work won't change any of this.

Nothing, is going to change with regards to battery consumption, bluetooth audio, and 90% of the other issues until HTC releases their official 2.1 ROM. And at that point, I'd wager that 75% of the people here will go to using that instead of an AOSP ROM anyway =). There's nothing I'm _NOT_ doing to fix the issues, and therefore nothing that someone else will be able to do.

That being said, I still haven't heard from any one who wants to take over a build lead for this ROM. It's very simple, if you've ever compiled AOSP before.

I do hope someone will continue this ROM because I very much would not want to go back to the buggy unuserfriendly mess (my opinion) that is SenseUI.

What are the requirements for building this? Operating system and so on?

Btw, my random soft resets seems to have been solved by upgrading to a newer radio than the one that comes with the stock HTC Hero ROM. Not sure if it changed anything regarding battery lifetime though, my phone lasts about 16h now which is good enough for me.

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