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When we wil get 2.0/2.1 custom/official roms?

Guest uapo7

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I have readed, that some users are making 2.x roms. But when we will get them? Or are there any 2.x custom rom makers anymore? And is it sure, that we will get official 2.x rom in march? Sorry bad english.

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I would assume at the end of March, that is when AT&T is launching the Liquid in the states.

Have they confirmed what software they will use on the device, and if it is the same device as we are using (HW0.4)?

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Guest designgears
Have they confirmed what software they will use on the device, and if it is the same device as we are using (HW0.4)?

I don't have any other info, I just know they are launching android phones at the end of march ;)

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