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Problem with MP3 playback when an SMS arrives

Guest Ricky`

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Hello, I explain the problem that sometimes occurs to me.

If I get an sms message while I'm listening to an mp3 with headphones after the notification sound that is properly reproduced in the headphones the music starts to be reproduced by the speakers.

At this point, if detached and hung up the headphones everything continues to work properly.

I repeat this error occurs sporadically with both the original ROM with both 1.008. As a program for SMS i use headcent.

Someone else has had problems like this? Fix? Is not a serious defect but it is quite annoying


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Guest trispect
Hello, I explain the problem that sometimes occurs to me.

If I get an sms message while I'm listening to an mp3 with headphones after the notification sound that is properly reproduced in the headphones the music starts to be reproduced by the speakers.

At this point, if detached and hung up the headphones everything continues to work properly.

I repeat this error occurs sporadically with both the original ROM with both 1.008. As a program for SMS i use headcent.

Someone else has had problems like this? Fix? Is not a serious defect but it is quite annoying


I have also problem like that with Spotify after I flashed to Maxisma's ROM (Might be also problem with 2.000.16-ROM..). When I get notification, sound begins to play also from internal speaker.

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Guest snoopy33

As I ve said in another thread, I have the same issue with spotify too. P. Alkness have it also with spotify. He is on 2.016 ROM.

To make it stop, the only way I ve found is to put on silence sms and mail notification.

Vibrate mode don t put sound on both speakers and headset.

I m on 2.016, routed.


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Guest snoopy33

Ok, now it s fixed.

I reinstall 2.016, after maxima system image, lickon recovery image, root boot image, wipe (with recovery), restore all my apps but spotify with titanium (great application, even better if you get the paid version with one button to automatically restore all your apps), reinstall spotify through market. All done in 1 houre.

I test with calendar alarm, sms notification. It works !!!! Yesterday, before I do all these modifications, I was in the subway (back from work), with my headset, I don t understand why every one in the train was looking at me. When I was at home and remove headset, I understand that during 1 hour speaker was playing music. The only good thing was that I was listening good music (vampire weekend). Hope people like it :-)

I didn t think to this eventuality because I remove all sound of notification (in my case, it was the thing which launch the bug), but I v forgotten gtalk...

Hope that now, with all these flash and test, it will not happen again :-)


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Guest snoopy33

Here is a logcat where appeared the bug :

D/WifiService( 1034): [updateWifiWakelock] Wifi(On), Connection(no AP), Sleep Policy(1)

D/WifiService( 1034): [updateWifiWakelock] Unlock

D/WifiService( 1034): [updateWifiWakelock] Unlock

D/FreeHotSpot( 2712): Notif abandonnée

E/wpa_supplicant( 2058): wpa_driver_priv_driver_cmd falied

E/wpa_supplicant( 2058): wpa_driver_priv_driver_cmd falied

D/WifiService( 1034): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED pluggedType: 2

D/Listen  ( 2465): battery state change: 2:52:2

D/Listen  ( 2465): startNextDownload isBlocked:true

W/GTalkService( 1158): [DataMsgMgr] parseDataMessageIntent: not including app data -- key is reserved: account, ***@***.fr

D/Sync	( 1034): Received network tickle for ***@***.fr - https://mail.google.com/a/***.fr/g/?client=***

I/ActivityManager( 1034): Stopping service: com.android.providers.subscribedfeeds/.SubscribedFeedsIntentService

I/gmail-ls( 1158): MainSyncRequestProto: lowestBkwdConvoId: 0, highestHandledServerOp: 69266

I/gmail-ls( 1158): ProtoRequest: clientid: 1265876197671

D/gmail-ls( 1158): ForwardSyncProto: operationid: 69267

I/gmail-ls( 1158): MainSyncRequestProto: lowestBkwdConvoId: 0, highestHandledServerOp: 69267

I/gmail-ls( 1158): ProtoRequest: clientid: 1265876197671

D/WifiService( 1034): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED pluggedType: 2

D/Listen  ( 2465): battery state change: 2:52:2

D/Listen  ( 2465): startNextDownload isBlocked:true

I/gmail-ls( 1158): MainSyncRequestProto: lowestBkwdConvoId: 0, highestHandledServerOp: 69267

I/gmail-ls( 1158): ProtoRequest: clientid: 1265876197671

D/gmail-ls( 1158): sending notification. Adjusted values are label=617436079, oldCount=0, newCount=9, unseenCount=1, getAttention=true

I/gmail-ls( 1158): Sending notification intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content://gmail-ls/unread/^i typ=gmail-ls (has extras) }

I/ActivityManager( 1034): Start proc com.google.android.gm for broadcast com.google.android.gm/.GmailReceiver: pid=2745 uid=10027 gids={3003}

I/ActivityManager( 1034): Process com.android.mms (pid 2701) has died.

I/ActivityThread( 2745): Publishing provider com.google.android.gm.status: com.google.android.gm.SenderStatusProvider

I/ActivityThread( 2745): Publishing provider com.google.android.gm.attachmentspreviews: com.google.android.gm.AttachmentPreviewProvider

I/ActivityThread( 2745): Publishing provider com.google.android.gmail.SuggestionProvider: com.google.android.gm.SuggestionsProvider

D/Gmail   ( 2745): New email for ***@***.fr unreadCount:9 getAttention:true

D/MediaPlayer( 1034): Stop the build thumbnail service for video in MediaPlayer.

I/ActivityManager( 1034): Start proc android.process.media for content provider com.android.providers.media/.MediaProvider: pid=2752 uid=10002 gids={1006, 1015, 2001, 3003}

W/AudioFlinger(  974): write blocked for 62 msecs

I/ActivityManager( 1034): Start proc com.android.camera:thumb_starter for broadcast com.android.camera/com.acer.android.utils.BuildThumbnailServiceReceiver: pid=2754 uid=10002 gids={1006, 1015, 2001, 3003}

W/AudioTrack( 2573): obtainBuffer timed out (is the CPU pegged?) 0x34f1f8 user=00452478, server=0043cff0

W/AudioTrack( 2573): *** SERIOUS WARNING *** obtainBuffer() timed out but didn't need to be locked. We recovered, but this shouldn't happen (user=00452478, server=0043cff0)

I/ActivityManager( 1034): Process com.vesperaNovus.app.StartupAuditor (pid 2597) has died.

I/ActivityThread( 2752): Publishing provider media: com.android.providers.media.MediaProvider

V/MediaProvider( 2752): Attached volume: internal

V/MediaProvider( 2752): /sdcard volume ID: 372209621

I/ActivityManager( 1034): Start proc com.android.camera:thumb_service for service com.android.camera/com.acer.android.utils.BuildThumbnailService: pid=2765 uid=10002 gids={1006, 1015, 2001, 3003}

I/ActivityManager( 1034): Process fr.pb.freehotspot (pid 2712) has died.

D/gmail-ls( 1158): MailProvider.query: content://gmail-ls/labels/***@***.fr(name=^i, null)

V/MediaProvider( 2752): Attached volume: external

I/ActivityThread( 2752): Publishing provider downloads: com.android.providers.downloads.DownloadProvider

I/ActivityThread( 2752): Publishing provider drm: com.android.providers.drm.DrmProvider

E/AudioTrack(  974): Change audio mode to RINGTONE for music playback

E/AudioHardwareMSMQSD(  974): Requested route: 10

E/AudioHardwareMSMQSD(  974): Routing audio to Wired Headset and Speaker

E/AudioHardwareMSMQSD(  974): Switching audio device to 

E/AudioHardwareMSMQSD(  974): mono headset and mono speaker

E/AudioHardwareMSMQSD(  974): Switching rx device

I/ActivityManager( 1034): Process com.android.camera:thumb_starter (pid 2754) has died.

E/AudioHardwareMSMQSD(  974): Switching tx device

W/AudioFlinger(  974): write blocked for 165 msecs

D/WifiService( 1034): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED pluggedType: 2

D/Listen  ( 2465): battery state change: 2:52:2

D/Listen  ( 2465): startNextDownload isBlocked:true

At the end, you can read : E/AudioHardwareMSMQSD( 974): Routing audio to Wired Headset and Speaker

Edited by snoopy33
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Guest snoopy33

I sent a mail to spotify with logcat...

I ve just tested the new MT kernel, just to see, it doesn t change anything :-( there is always the bug !

I try to remove meridian, and other multimedia player, don t have any effect on the bug....

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The strange thing is that this bug occours randomly... last night i let plugged the phone on my pc to see with log cat what would happen and with about 15 sms no error.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Davender Gupta


I deliberately want to route the audio on both Speaker and Wired-headset while listening music.

I am working on Android-1.5-R3. I am expecting when I get a incoming-call, the behavior will be that Ringtone comes on both speaker and wired-headset.

Please confirm whether my understanding is correct or not.

For this I have tried to change the audio routing in MODE_NORMAL to same as MODE_RINGTONE.


public void setWiredHeadsetOn(boolean on){









Modified :




But I am not able to get the audio both on Speaker and Wired-headset. Instead the behavior is very strange. When plugged the wired-headset, the audio did not come on any of the devices(Speaker/Wired-Headset).

I have also tried to do it at the top layer.


public static final int STREAM_RING = 2;

public static final int STREAM_MUSIC = 3;

Modified :

public static final int STREAM_MUSIC = 2;


protected void onVolumeChanged(int streamType, int flags) {


switch (streamType) {


case AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC: {


if (mAudioManager.isBluetoothA2dpOn()) {

additionalMessage =



} else {







Commented this option as it was giving duplicacy error.

But I am still facing build errors.

(unknown): error 17: Field android.media.AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC has changed value from 3 to 2


You have tried to change the API from what has been previously approved.

To make these errors go away, you have two choices:

1) You can add "@hide" javadoc comments to the methods, etc. listed in the

errors above.

2) You can update current.xml by executing the following commands:

p4 edit frameworks/base/api/current.xml

make update-api

To check in the revised current.xml, you will need OWNERS approval.


Please tell me if there is any solution / workaound


Here is a logcat where appeared the bug :

D/WifiService( 1034): [updateWifiWakelock] Wifi(On), Connection(no AP), Sleep Policy(1)

D/WifiService( 1034): [updateWifiWakelock] Unlock

D/WifiService( 1034): [updateWifiWakelock] Unlock

D/FreeHotSpot( 2712): Notif abandonnée

E/wpa_supplicant( 2058): wpa_driver_priv_driver_cmd falied

E/wpa_supplicant( 2058): wpa_driver_priv_driver_cmd falied

D/WifiService( 1034): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED pluggedType: 2

D/Listen  ( 2465): battery state change: 2:52:2

D/Listen  ( 2465): startNextDownload isBlocked:true

W/GTalkService( 1158): [DataMsgMgr] parseDataMessageIntent: not including app data -- key is reserved: account, ***@***.fr

D/Sync	( 1034): Received network tickle for ***@***.fr - https://mail.google.com/a/***.fr/g/?client=***

I/ActivityManager( 1034): Stopping service: com.android.providers.subscribedfeeds/.SubscribedFeedsIntentService

I/gmail-ls( 1158): MainSyncRequestProto: lowestBkwdConvoId: 0, highestHandledServerOp: 69266

I/gmail-ls( 1158): ProtoRequest: clientid: 1265876197671

D/gmail-ls( 1158): ForwardSyncProto: operationid: 69267

I/gmail-ls( 1158): MainSyncRequestProto: lowestBkwdConvoId: 0, highestHandledServerOp: 69267

I/gmail-ls( 1158): ProtoRequest: clientid: 1265876197671

D/WifiService( 1034): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED pluggedType: 2

D/Listen  ( 2465): battery state change: 2:52:2

D/Listen  ( 2465): startNextDownload isBlocked:true

I/gmail-ls( 1158): MainSyncRequestProto: lowestBkwdConvoId: 0, highestHandledServerOp: 69267

I/gmail-ls( 1158): ProtoRequest: clientid: 1265876197671

D/gmail-ls( 1158): sending notification. Adjusted values are label=617436079, oldCount=0, newCount=9, unseenCount=1, getAttention=true

I/gmail-ls( 1158): Sending notification intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content://gmail-ls/unread/^i typ=gmail-ls (has extras) }

I/ActivityManager( 1034): Start proc com.google.android.gm for broadcast com.google.android.gm/.GmailReceiver: pid=2745 uid=10027 gids={3003}

I/ActivityManager( 1034): Process com.android.mms (pid 2701) has died.

I/ActivityThread( 2745): Publishing provider com.google.android.gm.status: com.google.android.gm.SenderStatusProvider

I/ActivityThread( 2745): Publishing provider com.google.android.gm.attachmentspreviews: com.google.android.gm.AttachmentPreviewProvider

I/ActivityThread( 2745): Publishing provider com.google.android.gmail.SuggestionProvider: com.google.android.gm.SuggestionsProvider

D/Gmail   ( 2745): New email for ***@***.fr unreadCount:9 getAttention:true

D/MediaPlayer( 1034): Stop the build thumbnail service for video in MediaPlayer.

I/ActivityManager( 1034): Start proc android.process.media for content provider com.android.providers.media/.MediaProvider: pid=2752 uid=10002 gids={1006, 1015, 2001, 3003}

W/AudioFlinger(  974): write blocked for 62 msecs

I/ActivityManager( 1034): Start proc com.android.camera:thumb_starter for broadcast com.android.camera/com.acer.android.utils.BuildThumbnailServiceReceiver: pid=2754 uid=10002 gids={1006, 1015, 2001, 3003}

W/AudioTrack( 2573): obtainBuffer timed out (is the CPU pegged?) 0x34f1f8 user=00452478, server=0043cff0

W/AudioTrack( 2573): *** SERIOUS WARNING *** obtainBuffer() timed out but didn't need to be locked. We recovered, but this shouldn't happen (user=00452478, server=0043cff0)

I/ActivityManager( 1034): Process com.vesperaNovus.app.StartupAuditor (pid 2597) has died.

I/ActivityThread( 2752): Publishing provider media: com.android.providers.media.MediaProvider

V/MediaProvider( 2752): Attached volume: internal

V/MediaProvider( 2752): /sdcard volume ID: 372209621

I/ActivityManager( 1034): Start proc com.android.camera:thumb_service for service com.android.camera/com.acer.android.utils.BuildThumbnailService: pid=2765 uid=10002 gids={1006, 1015, 2001, 3003}

I/ActivityManager( 1034): Process fr.pb.freehotspot (pid 2712) has died.

D/gmail-ls( 1158): MailProvider.query: content://gmail-ls/labels/***@***.fr(name=^i, null)

V/MediaProvider( 2752): Attached volume: external

I/ActivityThread( 2752): Publishing provider downloads: com.android.providers.downloads.DownloadProvider

I/ActivityThread( 2752): Publishing provider drm: com.android.providers.drm.DrmProvider

E/AudioTrack(  974): Change audio mode to RINGTONE for music playback

E/AudioHardwareMSMQSD(  974): Requested route: 10

E/AudioHardwareMSMQSD(  974): Routing audio to Wired Headset and Speaker

E/AudioHardwareMSMQSD(  974): Switching audio device to 

E/AudioHardwareMSMQSD(  974): mono headset and mono speaker

E/AudioHardwareMSMQSD(  974): Switching rx device

I/ActivityManager( 1034): Process com.android.camera:thumb_starter (pid 2754) has died.

E/AudioHardwareMSMQSD(  974): Switching tx device

W/AudioFlinger(  974): write blocked for 165 msecs

D/WifiService( 1034): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED pluggedType: 2

D/Listen  ( 2465): battery state change: 2:52:2

D/Listen  ( 2465): startNextDownload isBlocked:true

At the end, you can read : E/AudioHardwareMSMQSD( 974): Routing audio to Wired Headset and Speaker

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