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MCR r22.1 archive

Guest PaulOBrien

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Guest Batkoto
i see some people noted that the market is running slow for them....well the market isnt working at all for me. it worked fine for a bit and now whenever i try to open it i get "ATTENTION. a server error has occurred. retry, or cancel and return to the previous screen." i can continue to hit "retry" but it just continues to loop. i can access the web and my current apps via wifi and my mobile web plan so i know i am connected to the network. tried with wifi off as well because that issue existed on older versions (a17 i think) but i didnt help.


check this post here: Problems with Market, it's sloooow

I think it should be fine after that

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Guest Joshua Lim


The r21 files, be it with Modaco additions or, their MD5 checksum doesn't match with the one you provided. And i got (bad) while flashing it on Recovery. Take a look at them, maybe?


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Guest tim.embedded
Question for Paul, Since HTC Incredible Kernel is out there, do you plan on maybe porting that over to N1? or is there something that would make that not possible, or maybe not feasible? Maybe no Incredible in your Country? Thanks for Reply and All your hard work

Hi Paul, this doubt has been raised a couple of times at XDA. Do you have any comment? Thanks.

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Guest venomoussvt
I have two Nexus One devices. I have installed the exact same Desire Alpha r21 ROM's onto both devices. They both boot up fine but on one of them the backlight for the touch keys (Back, Menu, Home and Search) are not lighting up. However, when I restore it to the stock ROM, it turns back on. Does anybody have a clue on why it would work on one Nexus One and not the other? Same specs down to the bone.

i want to bump this post.. I am having the exact same issue and its prob the only thing that is the real PITA wit this ROM.. I need my backlit buttons to work for me to be able to run this ROM as my main ROM.. any advice on this would be great guys.

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Guest Batkoto
i want to bump this post.. I am having the exact same issue and its prob the only thing that is the real PITA wit this ROM.. I need my backlit buttons to work for me to be able to run this ROM as my main ROM.. any advice on this would be great guys.

I think it is controlled by the light sensor, try going into a dark place and see if the backlight will work.

Or simply, put ur tumb on top of the light sensor

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Guest bakano
Desire kernel source is OUT!!!!



i've been using cyanogen lately to give it a shot... but now that the kernel is out I'm sure Paul will eventually have a solid Desire port done for the Nexus =D

yessssssssssssss =)

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Guest sy_enigma



Update: R22 test kitchen is online here!


No, really, read it all. There's important information in here, honest!

Edit: Desire to Nexus One port status update - read

What is it?

please Paul i can't found the linke to the alpha22 and can u add arabic to the room

As you all know, HTC have announced the 'HTC Desire', which is effectively HTC's version of the Nexus One. It shares a lot of the same hardware, but features cool stuff like HTC Sense and other cool apps (such as a camera app with face recognition, touch focus etc. etc.). The product is due to launch soon, which means ROMs have started to leak. This Alpha release is one such leak.

Alpha? That sounds scary?

Yeah, this isn't even Beta. There's a good chance you won't want to use this as your main ROM, but you might like to check out what's coming down the road.

So what works?

Almost everything - it's quicker to talk about what doesn't work. Aside from the FM radio, there appear to be no hardware incompatibilities that will cause a problem between the two devices. Even the noise cancelling microphone is functional in this ROM. The only problems with the ROM are related to the fact that HTC are yet to release the Desire kernel source, and there's a lot of changes in there. For the latest known issues status, please see the post below.

Tell me about partitions!

The Desire has a different partition layout to the Nexus One, which means some stuff had to be moved from /system to /data. No biggie, and with each Alpha release i'm optimising further to improve the situation. Be aware that this means you must wipe BEFORE installing the ROM and NOT AFTER, or it won't boot. A wipe is strongly recommended before trying this ROM - and remember to nandroid backup first!

What else are you working on for the ROM?

I have deliberately left this ROM un-odex'd, as I know other ROM developers will like to have a play with it (remember to credit your source guys!). Going forward, odex'ing the ROM makes a lot of sense to save space, although it's less of an issue now I have moved the dalvik-cache to the cache partition (as in cyanogen's ROM).

What kernel are you using? Any other tweaks worth knowing about?

The ROM has the usual MCR tweaks (tun.ko, openvpn, busybox, dropbear etc.) and is running a custom kernel by teknologist and myself based on the stock .33 source (check the changelog below for more details). Himem is enabled. The kernel runs at standard clock speeds, uniquely only using undervolt at the lowest clock speeds.

This is great - how can we say thanks?

You can express your appreciation by signing up to a MoDaCo Ad Free or MoDaCo Plus Account using PayPal or Google Checkout, as detailed in this post on MoDaCo. As well as donating to support the work that goes into all the various MoDaCo activites, you get cool stuff like free software (there's some great Android stuff coming too!), and ad free MoDaCo site and of course access to the MoDaCo Online Kitchen. All signups are very much appreciated.

Alright, i've read enough, gimme the downloads!

One download, update zip format, apply via Amon_RA's excellent recovery image, remember to Nandroid backup first. You probably won't want to use this as your production ROM yet!

- r21 with MoDaCo Additions - DOWNLOAD (MediaFire) / MIRROR (ROMraid / CoBlitz) - MD5: e5eb15ea971b220ffdfcac8f56037013

- r21 with MoDaCo Additions and A2SD - DOWNLOAD (MediaFire) / MIRROR (ROMraid / CoBlitz) - MD5: 54d9f75c70c866973466f3d5378bb613

- r21 without MoDaCo Additions - DOWNLOAD (MediaFire) / MIRROR (ROMraid / CoBlitz) - MD5: 22b161162c7699be0e11a858f3b27470

These links use referrer checking to prevent bandwidth theft - if you get redirected to the MoDaCo homepage, try 'right click save as', another browser, or disabling noscript / ad blocking

An online kitchen is AVAILABLE NOW in this post for MoDaCo premium members, which includes all the usual MCR goodies. Rather than uploading the whole ROM every time I tweak it, I may also roll out test fixes through the kitchen before pushing them to the main zip (it's MUCH easier and MUCH quicker with my slow upstream connection). Note that if you install the standard ROM, you don't need to wipe to switch to a kitchen ROM (and between kitchen ROMs!)

I want an old version!

Well, each to their own! ;) Here you go!

r1, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, r12, r13, r14, r15, r16, r17, r18, r19, r20

One more thing?

To finish i'd like to say 'enjoy playing with the ROM', thanks for your support and here's looking forward to a fully working Desire release on our beloved Nexus Ones! :)

please Paul can add arabic to the room and where i can find the linke to download??????

Edited by sy_enigma
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Guest fuzio1963

Why the hell i have to change my SD card in order to get this rom working??? I was using a enom 1.8.1 rom with a2sd and my my SD was partitioned to ext4. I wiped all, then installed this Rom, and after phone reboots, i got stack at rebooting screen like forever!!! After replacing SD card to new one, all works like a charm.............why is that?? Anybody pls?? What i am doing wrong here?? :)

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Guest venomoussvt
I think it is controlled by the light sensor, try going into a dark place and see if the backlight will work.

Or simply, put ur tumb on top of the light sensor

i get that... the lights are inoperable day night light dark when i have this ROM loaded.. i flash back to cyanogen and they work normal.. i flashed my friends n1 with this exact ROM and his lights work fine

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Guest Stea1thmode
Why the hell i have to change my SD card in order to get this rom working??? I was using a enom 1.8.1 rom with a2sd and my my SD was partitioned to ext4. I wiped all, then installed this Rom, and after phone reboots, i got stack at rebooting screen like forever!!! After replacing SD card to new one, all works like a charm.............why is that?? Anybody pls?? What i am doing wrong here?? :)

This could happen if ext.partition is not wiped. Am assuming you did?

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Guest venomoussvt
please Paul can add arabic to the room and where i can find the linke to download??????

it is only available for online kitchen right now.. they are working on a release build for the ROM

EDIT.. appologies, i looked at your quote wrong, thought you had quoted the r22 build

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Guest bakano
i get that... the lights are inoperable day night light dark when i have this ROM loaded.. i flash back to cyanogen and they work normal.. i flashed my friends n1 with this exact ROM and his lights work fine

i'm no expert, but if I were you and I really wanted to get it working really badly, I would copy data off of SD card, format it for fun, partition the ext4, then use Amon Ra's recovery to wipe everything, and replace SD card data and try again =/

I know it doesn't sound fun but after hearing that your friend's works fine, it would seem like it is a specific/local phone problem

that's the best advice i can offer =X

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Guest bedwa
That's really odd. Based on my location/browser/OS or other available info, I'm not seeing that. Search for "Incredible" on that page proves I'm not blind.

I get kernel links for Eris, Tatto, CDMA Hero, GSM Hero, Magic, and Dream. In that order. I see a very simple page listing exactly those kernels.

Paul, Do you see an Incredible kernel at http://developer.htc.com/ ? Is that useful?

It'll be a few more hours until it's morning in Paul-country.

If need be I can download and upload to my dropbox.. its probably a regional thing since I'm in the US.

Edit: but seeing the good news above, it may be a moot point for other than seeing if there are a few more tweaks in the incredible over the desire.... :)

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Guest venomoussvt
i'm no expert, but if I were you and I really wanted to get it working really badly, I would copy data off of SD card, format it for fun, partition the ext4, then use Amon Ra's recovery to wipe everything, and replace SD card data and try again =/

I know it doesn't sound fun but after hearing that your friend's works fine, it would seem like it is a specific/local phone problem

that's the best advice i can offer =X

good advice, sadly i did a full wipe and delvik wipe when i installed the ROM.. the ONLY thing I didnt do is wipre my sd card.. i will try using another SD card and doing a full install again and see if it works

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Guest flintpez
Incredible news!


Just checked the HTC dev site (from US) and don't see the Desire kernel. Actually, any of the newer handsets. I guess I don't care as long as Paul has it! :)

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Guest bedwa
good news too bad it doesn't show up for US or at least for me.

Paul had them at gun point so they had no choice but to release. lol :)

For US. I don't see it either. I see the Incredible kernel, but not the Desire.

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Guest bakano
For US. I don't see it either. I see the Incredible kernel, but not the Desire.

that's really weird. I'm in Texas and I've actually already downloaded it straight from the htc site.

as posted above,


and it's the first download available for me

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Guest Mister.x

Thanks Paul for the Newest build

Question: Is there a slated date as to when the ROM will be available for Download, for those that do not use the Kitchen Brew Method?


Mister X

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Guest venomoussvt
that's really weird. I'm in Texas and I've actually already downloaded it straight from the htc site.

as posted above,


and it's the first download available for me

ditto.. got it sitting on my desktop as well.. not that it says i know what im doing with it..lol

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