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GPS Navigation dead with the new 2.1 ?

Guest neferym

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Guest audiobastard

yeah, doesn't look like anyone knows what's wrong yet. I sent a bugreport and posted on the forum about it. Hopefully someone will figure it out. I can't use copilot or google nav. Worked perfectly fine on 1.6 versions. I get the regular google maps turning just fine with the direction of my compass, but as soon as navigation gets its hands on it, the directions get messed up.

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Guest neferym
I confirm the bug, sometimes the smartphone think is going in the opposite direction from where you are really moving...

At the first time, it's crazy ^^

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Guest audiobastard

I think the only thing that is keeping me on this rom instead of going back to 2.1 is the fact that the regular map view is still accurately using my compass. So, I can still use it to navigate, just not with the turn by turn of navigator beta.

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Guest Ultimate Chicken

hrr... having the same problem here. Had Layar search for a Starbucks outlet (localtion already known). Had the correct distance, but pointed me in the opposite direction. The distance decreases correctly as I walked towards the Starbucks, but still, opposite direction. It affects apps like Wikitude, too.

(Yes, sometimes it works correctly, but sometimes is unfortunately not good enough =.=)

I hope there's a way to manually flip this thing. I don't currently use the GPS on the phone, but I might need it when I travel.

Edited by Ultimate Chicken
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