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I8000 - WM6.5.3 Update 20 March 2011

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Hello, can i install samsung widgets plus on ur new jh2 rom?


Guest Gary Crutcher
hi, Gary

it's been a long time, how's your galaxy treating ya? thanks for the update :lol:

Hi Lancez,

Don't know where to begin about my Galaxy S. All phones - no matter Android or WinMo or iOS or whatever have problems. No phone is perfect. Everyone finds something they do not like. It's a matter of customizing to your taste.

I like my Galaxy S a lot better than my O2. The one thing that is really great is that any program you download and install from the Android Market, you will get update notifications.

The phone in general is lighter and thinner than the O2 and a much bigger screen (4"). The super-amoled screen is gorgeous! As far as customizations, people are working on them. Fairly easy to install.

If you know anything about linux, the O/S is easy to understand but not as easy to change - most things (apps, etc.) need to be signed. Not a big deal but time consuming.

I have done some customizing on mine - mostly colored icons - but am trying to learn about customizing the O/S since I have a background in working and making O/Ses for FreeBSD (similar to linux).

I think it is worth the move. More and more people are going to android because of the many features and fewer problems compared to Windows. I can actually say I really love this phone compared to my O2.

I still have my O2 which I will be making new ROMs for. I even have my I900.

Customizations are a different story for the android phones, but many people have done a lot of customizations and made them available and have provided easy install scripts (update.zip files). There are fact sheets about customizations.

The phone itself is very easy to work with - many menus that allow you to do most anything. Installing apps is a breeze with the phone showing what features of the phone the app will access so you can decide whether to install or not.

I've had my Galaxy S for about 2 months now. Bottom line - if I had to do it over I would buy the Galaxy S phone again.

Won't sell my O2 though as I still want to make custom ROMs.

Won't sell my O2 though as I still want to make custom ROMs.

Thanks Gary!!

It is really good news for those who hang on with O2 :lol:

Guest fattmatt

Hi Gary.

Just wondering what the difference is between the JH2 you posted a few days ago

and the one posted yesterday?

I assume it's the same rom, just cleaned up/changed a bit?



Guest Gary Crutcher
Hi Gary.

Just wondering what the difference is between the JH2 you posted a few days ago

and the one posted yesterday?

I assume it's the same rom, just cleaned up/changed a bit?



The JH2-23689 has newer MS system code thus the 5.3.8 version.

Guest fattmatt

Ah, I see said the blind man.

Thanks for clarifying that Gary, I was confused...

Will flash her up now and let you know if I find and problems.

Cheers again Gary,



Thank you for the very nice most recent ROM.

I installed yesterday and everything works very well.

One question though:

I downloaded the ROM 21 September 2010: JH2-23689 Lite version.

In Samsung settings it says:

under Device - PDA: GCJH2-23689

under Windows Mobile: CE OS 5.2.23103 (Build 23103.5.3.8)

Which one is correct ?

I am slightly confused.

Guest Gary Crutcher
Thank you for the very nice most recent ROM.

I installed yesterday and everything works very well.

One question though:

I downloaded the ROM 21 September 2010: JH2-23689 Lite version.

In Samsung settings it says:

under Device - PDA: GCJH2-23689

under Windows Mobile: CE OS 5.2.23103 (Build 23103.5.3.8)

Which one is correct ?

I am slightly confused.

CE OS 5.2.23103 (Build 23103.5.3.8) is the official build number.

GCJH2-23689 is my customization ID.

Both are correct.

Guest Gary Crutcher
Many thanks to Gary Crutcher sir. :lol:

Any new wallpaper pics?

Guest bouboule
Posted (edited)

One more Singha (but i prefer Chang)

But i f you make a new rom every 2 days, i will buy directly a box of 12 bottles ! :) :lol:

Edited by bouboule
Guest Gary Crutcher
One more Singha (but i prefer Chang)

But i f you make a new rom every 2 days, i will buy directly a box of 12 bottles ! :( :lol:


Guest szijartg
Posted (edited)

hi all, I have a question about the new rom...

because I use your 23670 JE3.

my question is, when somebody call me when the device is unlocked the screen like this?


Edited by szijartg

I've been testing your JH2 by 2 days and it works like a charm !!!

Thanks Gary .. :lol:

Guest Gary Crutcher
I've been testing your JH2 by 2 days and it works like a charm !!!

Thanks Gary .. :)

Happy you like it. :lol:

Guest Gary Crutcher
hi all, I have a question about the new rom...

because I use your 23670 JE3.

my question is, when somebody call me when the device is unlocked the screen like this?


Guest voyteckst

Gary, is it possible to include XDA_UC in Your ROMs? It would be easier to customize ;-)

Guest fattmatt

Hi Gary.

Just letting you know after 3 days of use the rom is great, no problems for me yet.



Guest Gary Crutcher
Hi Gary.

Just letting you know after 3 days of use the rom is great, no problems for me yet.



Thanks for the feedback Matt. :lol:

Guest Gary Crutcher
Gary, is it possible to include XDA_UC in Your ROMs? It would be easier to customize ;-)

Haven't played with XDA_UC, so do not know much about it.

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