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Guest kingdom master

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Guest kingdom master

Ok looking at the spv's overclock possibilities wouldnt is be possible to change the coding for the processor using details from other arm's?


is open source or it says?

or using the xda processor details? or even a compaq ipaq details taking in mind the newer ipaqs do allow phone use in built?

i dont know much about this so if anyoneh as details please add to this.


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Guest spacemonkey

Porting an overclocker is not really a useful technique. When you port an app from one platform to another it is a case of taking all the generic code and then replacing any code that is specific to the platform. However, an overclocking application is basically JUST code specific to the platform. The questions that need answering to overclock SPV are not helped by this. Also, overclocking is said not to work by those who have done it and I'm inclined to take their word (especially as the info I'd need to try it myself is unavailble.

However... the gp32 is an interesting device from a smartphone point of view. Even though apps for the gp32 don't HAVE to be open source, a number of them are. The gp32 is ARM processor based so there is a reasonable chance that a number of these could be ported to the smartphone. Depends on how exactly the graphics output is set up.

I had a quick browse. Hopefully this may provide more ARM optimised code for Gameboy and SNES, additionally there is an open source Master System emulator for GP32.

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