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Custom Rom Questions

Guest spidermagicat

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Guest spidermagicat

Hi, you've earned another new member through your brilliant work with the HTC desire, I've successfully rooted and now unrooted my htc desire completely without any problems or hiccups at all and I was pleasantly surprised. I have had to unroot my htc desire because the microusb socket broke and I've sent it back for a replacement, arriving tomorrow.

My main question is this, if I build a custom rom will I have to include everything I will want or can I install/uninstall some things later?

HTC footprints I don't use but may in the future for example. Google contacts I would like to try and may want to get rid of it

The other small thing would be about the radio update working on orange which I'm also curious about.

I basically want to nail this in one try if possible and not go through a month of tinkering to get things done :-D

Thanks for any help guys, and as I say, great work :-D

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