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Android 2.2 Development

Guest eckengucker1

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Guest hungary

Tom G: I thinks its important to add CHANGE_CONFIGURATION permission to the com.android.providers.settings.apk (its missing in the rom, but install and replace the system/SettingsProvider.apk and its place com.android.providers.settings.apk to data/app/) in the androidmanifest.xml

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Guest totiadrenalin

E/WifiHW ( 1114): Unable to open connection to supplicant on "eth0": No such file or directoryD/dalvikvm( 1394): GC_EXPLICIT freed 2469 objects / 192744 bytes in 121ms
From froyo logcat. and allso that /etc/GPS.config, or something like that is missing. I'll check this again.
on boot

	setprop ARGH ARGH

	setprop net.eth0.dns1

	setprop net.gprs.local-ip

	setprop ro.radio.use-ppp no

	setprop ro.build.product generic

	setprop ro.product.device generic
This is from init.goldfish.rc, but not only the code is the missing thing. The all file is also missing.
service dhcpcd /system/bin/dhcpcd eth0 -B



is missing from init.rc

But I want to browse around the code from the file init.rc froyo later.


I wish you all the best guys!

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Guest totiadrenalin


What kind of **** is tis froyo?

51MB free ram memory?!!!!! (system panel app)

linkpac isn't something quite impressive just about 2.3-5, but it fast!!!!

It is really some speedy.

3 more things to correct.

3G works with me.

Manual Network check also works.

About the LiveWallpaers? Who is using them anyway?

This is faster then Chromium OS on Asus eeePC netbook!!!!!!


Four more things to be repaired.

The Camera is also important.

Edited by totiadrenalin
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Guest Roman Kapl

I've got everything that should work working, so good job, keep-up. The wifi-driver seems to be working to(heck, it can be loaded using insmod), but I'd bet there is something wrong with wpa supplicant. Try wrapping it using logwrapper

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Guest Cheadle

Exciting times - maybe we will have this working before TMob have a final version of the 2.1 released. :huh: Its great news what people are reporting about progress and potential performance.

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Thanks for your comments.

E/WifiHW ( 1114): Unable to open connection to supplicant on "eth0": No such file or directoryD/dalvikvm( 1394): GC_EXPLICIT freed 2469 objects / 192744 bytes in 121ms
From froyo logcat.
I know about that. I think it may be a permissions problem. The file it is looking for is the socket created by wpa_supplicant. wpa_supplicant looks like it works, so the problem is somewhere in Android which makes it a bit harder to track down.
and allso that /etc/GPS.config, or something like that is missing. I'll check this again.
Don't worry about that, its not required for GPS to work. I was originally using libgps which didn't work, I've now moved to the qualcomm driver (libloc_api). I just tested it and it found 10 satellites, so it looks like it works. :huh: I will include a gps.conf so it stops complaining. The gps.conf looks like it just tells it which servers to use (I assume for agps).
on boot

	setprop ARGH ARGH

	setprop net.eth0.dns1

	setprop net.gprs.local-ip

	setprop ro.radio.use-ppp no

	setprop ro.build.product generic

	setprop ro.product.device generic
This is from init.goldfish.rc, but not only the code is the missing thing. The all file is also missing.
Why should I set these? We aren't running in the emulator.
service dhcpcd /system/bin/dhcpcd eth0 -B



is missing from init.rc

No its not. Its right after wpa_supplicant (and bcm_supplicant).

There are a bunch of things like bcm_supplicant that I put in which are copied from the Huawei 2.1 roms, which will never work. The executable isn't there. Its strange that the Huawei roms have services for broadcom hardware since as far as I know none of their devices use that hardware and the executable aren't included. I wonder who they have been borrowing code from.

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Guest jonathonf

Just in case this hasn't already come up, the camera will not work with Froyo and a 2.6.29 kernel. Froyo relies on certain stuff in the 2.6.32 kernel. On the Hero the ROM mods have got around this by (as far as I can tell) hacking at the camera app to do things a different way.

What I'm saying is - don't worry about the camera yet! (and have a look at what they are doing on xda-dev, especially the CyanogenMod 6 nightlies).

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While GPS appears to work, it is filling the log with the message below. I'm not sure if it is Android causing the problem or the program I'm using to test GPS.

E/JavaBinder( 1512): *** Uncaught remote exception!  (Exceptions are not yet supported across processes.)

E/JavaBinder( 1512): java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

E/JavaBinder( 1512):	at android.location.GpsStatus.setStatus(GpsStatus.java:153)

E/JavaBinder( 1512):	at android.location.LocationManager$GpsStatusListenerTransport.onSvStatusChanged(LocationManager.java:1193)

E/JavaBinder( 1512):	at android.location.IGpsStatusListener$Stub.onTransact(IGpsStatusListener.java:87)

E/JavaBinder( 1512):	at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:288)

E/JavaBinder( 1512):	at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)

Edited by Tom G
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Just in case this hasn't already come up, the camera will not work with Froyo and a 2.6.29 kernel. Froyo relies on certain stuff in the 2.6.32 kernel. On the Hero the ROM mods have got around this by (as far as I can tell) hacking at the camera app to do things a different way.

What I'm saying is - don't worry about the camera yet! (and have a look at what they are doing on xda-dev, especially the CyanogenMod 6 nightlies).

I doubt it would be the kernel causing the problem. It is more likely that they don't have source for the camera driver (libcamera).

If we try to use the binary libcamera from the official 2.1 roms it fails because of changes in the camera api in 2.2 (I think thats what causes it). It may be possible to use the old libcamera in 2.2 if we used the 2.1 camera api. None of this has anything to do with the kernel.

Camera is very low on the list of priorities (I don't think I ever used the camera in the 6 months that I was using the Pulse. I haven't even used the much better camera on the X10); I will look into it more one day.

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Guest DanWilson
Is it flash working on 2.2?

I don't think we have internet to load any flash apps. And I thought we'd need the new kernel.

Remember the ROM is still in development, no-one can really complain about something not working, Tom will fix it at some point - don't rush him!

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E/WifiHW ( 1114): Unable to open connection to supplicant on "eth0": No such file or directoryD/dalvikvm( 1394): GC_EXPLICIT freed 2469 objects / 192744 bytes in 121ms
From froyo logcat.
So it turns out I hadn't fixed the incorrect ctrl_interface problem in the rom. The error you should see (when the obvious problems are fixed) is
E/WifiHW  ( 1109): Unable to open connection to supplicant on "/data/system/wpa_supplicant/eth0": Connection refused

E/WifiHW  ( 1109): Unable to open connection to supplicant on "/data/system/wpa_supplicant/eth0": No such file or directory

E/WifiHW  ( 1109): Unable to open connection to supplicant on "/data/system/wpa_supplicant/eth0": No such file or directory

E/WifiHW  ( 1109): Unable to open connection to supplicant on "/data/system/wpa_supplicant/eth0": No such file or directory

E/WifiHW  ( 1109): Unable to open connection to supplicant on "/data/system/wpa_supplicant/eth0": No such file or directory


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So it turns out I hadn't fixed the incorrect ctrl_interface problem in the rom. The error you should see (when the obvious problems are fixed) is

E/WifiHW  ( 1109): Unable to open connection to supplicant on "/data/system/wpa_supplicant/eth0": Connection refused

E/WifiHW  ( 1109): Unable to open connection to supplicant on "/data/system/wpa_supplicant/eth0": No such file or directory

E/WifiHW  ( 1109): Unable to open connection to supplicant on "/data/system/wpa_supplicant/eth0": No such file or directory

E/WifiHW  ( 1109): Unable to open connection to supplicant on "/data/system/wpa_supplicant/eth0": No such file or directory

E/WifiHW  ( 1109): Unable to open connection to supplicant on "/data/system/wpa_supplicant/eth0": No such file or directory


@Tom G

i know i already posted this earlier but i'll post it again cos i think you missed it.

on the following site they seem to have the same problem and i think that they might have fixed it somehow


there is english comments but i think you need to use google translate for the rest.

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Guest totiadrenalin

I found a way to mount the the mmc sdcard right on time. Even without formating it

Just made a little program "mountsd" and put it in bin.

And in init.rc put some code.

start mountsd

on property:cm.filesystem.ready=1

But just to mention that I root the rom by installing su

adn putting busybox in bin 2.

and I put verry simple code in the mountsd

su busybox mount /dev/block/mmc0p1 /sdcard/

Now Tom check if you could do something useful with this?!!


I tough it could work, but no.

Only after the froyo boot's up then in the terminal type:



And then you can mount the sdcard without formating.

Edited by totiadrenalin
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Guest totiadrenalin

here is the mountsd update.zip

Flash the zip in recovery mode.

And when the os boot open the terminal app and type:



and then go to Settings>SD card & phone storage>Mount SD card

And that's it!

You have your SDcard mounted without format.


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Guest Chinese farmers
here is the mountsd update.zip

Flash the zip in recovery mode.

And when the os boot open the terminal app and type:



and then go to Settings>SD card & phone storage>Mount SD card

And that's it!

You have your SDcard mounted without format.

no such file or directoryp1 on /sdcard

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Guest MuhaJR
Wifi turns on but its not scanning any networks

No 3G or 2G Data even with APN`s created

Bluetooth Works

GApps installed through recovery OK

at every boot i get asked about Network SIM PIN? i havent seen one like that before except the regular unlock sim


especially the SIM PIN problem. Now, reverted to FLB 1.5 i don't have 2G/3G! Anybody with same prob???

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Guest hungary

especially the SIM PIN problem. Now, reverted to FLB 1.5 i don't have 2G/3G! Anybody with same prob???


Its not 'SIM PIN', its 'NETWORK UNLOCK CODE' (you can buy the code from T-Mobile to unlock the device)

2G and 3G working (i checked it with logcat) and this rom not for daily use!!! ("reverted to FLB 1.5")

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Guest hungary
Network Choose: Whats the problem?

Only the automatic network choose work. Manual network change dont work. Error: "error while searching network".

Im living near the borderline, and the phone switch to roaming network, and i cant switch it back for my home network.


I/ActivityManager( 1108): Starting activity: Intent { act=android.intent.action.

MAIN cmp=com.android.phone/.NetworkSetting }

D/QCRIL_MSC ( 1044): "RIL"=>"AMSS" [ label = "cm_ph_cmd_get_networks()"];

I/ActivityManager( 1108): Displayed activity com.android.phone/.NetworkSetting:

571 ms (total 571 ms)

D/dalvikvm( 1205): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1478 objects / 77408 bytes in 144ms

D/QCRIL_MSC ( 1044): "RIL"=>"AMSS" [ label = "cm_ph_cmd_get_networks()"];

W/InputManagerService( 1108): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: co


D/dalvikvm( 1621): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 9893 objects / 654296 bytes in 74ms

D/QCRIL_MSC ( 1044): "RIL"=>"AMSS" [ label = "cm_ph_cmd_get_networks()"];

W/InputManagerService( 1108): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: co


D/QCRIL_MSC ( 1044): "RIL"=>"AMSS" [ label = "cm_ph_cmd_get_ph_info()"];

D/MobileDataStateTracker( 1108): default Received state= DISCONNECTED, old= DISC

ONNECTED, reason= (unspecified), apnTypeList= default

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Guest Letterbox115

Its not 'SIM PIN', its 'NETWORK UNLOCK CODE' (you can buy the code from T-Mobile to unlock the device)

2G and 3G working (i checked it with logcat) and this rom not for daily use!!! ("reverted to FLB 1.5")

w00t?! Wait a minute, do I need an unlocked Pulse to run froyo?

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Guest totiadrenalin
no such file or directoryp1 on /sdcard

Correction of the Mount-SDCARD_signed.zip

here is the mountsd update.zip

Flash the zip in recovery mode.

And when the os boot open the terminal app and type:



and then go to Settings>SD card & phone storage>Mount SD card

And that's it!

You have your SDcard mounted without format.

Now it is work.

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