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B7610 Sense 2.5.2016 ROM Build 23668

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Guest daskalos
Posted (edited)

B7610 Sense 2.5.2016 ROM v1.2 Build 23668

Well here is what you're waiting for :P

Thanks to the following people:


Gary Crutcher



All all ROM testers

What's new in this Sense ROM?

This New Sense ROM is the result of almost a week of modifying files, drivers and trying different things in the hope of running a faster and smoother Sense UI, with or without overclocking. Hope that this ROM will satisfy avid Sense users out there. :P


- ROM based in B7610JE2 and WM 6.5.3 Build 23668

- It is a MEGAlite Rom (what this? read post #2 here: http://www.modaco.com/index.php?s=&sho...&p=1251073)

- Sense UI offers 15 Tabs (Home,People,Messages,Mail,Internet,Calendar,Stocks,Photos & Videos,Music,Weather,Documents,Twitter,Facebook,Call History,Manila TV) with Landscape Mode on most tabs

- Third Party Apps included to help you customize Sense and optimize the ROM's performance:


Advance Config

Shell Sense Switcher

Background Wizard



Data Controller

Home Screen Jump

Easy Set S3Clock

Omnia 2 Messaging Manager

JWMD Icon Changer

Gyrator 2

Opera Mobile 10


PIM Backup

Pocket RAR

Total Commander

PHM Registry Editor

- all necessary tweaks

Download MEGAlite Sense ROM HERE: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Y3EM3E1P

Download FULL Sense ROM HERE: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XF3BV4IO

While downloading please Read: How to Optimize Sense Performance below

For Samsung Apps and Sense Addons read and download here http://www.modaco.com/index.php?s=&sho...t&p=1326406


I'm having a Hong Kong trip next week, you can make my trip memorable by donating B) (no pressure intended :) )

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From testing the ROM, you can have 3 ways to optimize Sense performance, I have group them to 3 LEVELS, choose the level that best suits you. :D

(When you see Optional, it means you don't have to do it necessarily, but doing so will help)


At this setup, you will have a Sense that is fast enough without much tweaking (see Sense Video 7-7-10 below)

- Set Performance to Auto (this ROM is in auto already)

- (Optional) Disable My Location Service

- Disable Weather Animation on Home Tab

- (Optional) Disable Weather, People, and Documents Tab

- (Optional) Disable Tabs you don't use

Pros: A fast Stable ROM great for Daily use

Cons: ......

Verdict: Ok

Level 2

At this setup, Sense will be given some more boost

- (Optional) Do Level 1 Setup

- Set Performance to HIGH

- (Optional) Set Performances Settings in Advanced Config to Advised

Pros: Sense is much faster and all apps too

Cons: Reduced battery life (though not dramatically); Using advised settings in Advanced config "Performances" might consume more RAM

Verdict: Ok, Advisable

Level 3

At this setup you will havea blazing fast Sense,(see Sense video 7-10-10) though be informed of the cons below.

This is what me and the testers talking about when we mention "the Tweak"

- Set Performance to Normal (not High,Low or Auto)

- Run Easy Set S3Clock (if you don't know how to use S3Clock read here:http://www.modaco.com/content/b7610-omnia-pro-b7610-modaco-com/311584/easy-set-s3clock/) and set speed to 1Ghz (1Ghz?!?!...yup...actually you can set it 'til 1158Mhz)

Some of you might say "I thought S3Clock will only work when performance is set to Auto or High?" and "It will freeze device when set to 950Mhz to 1Ghz"...

So what is in this ROM, that will let you go up to 1Ghz speed?

Hmmm, maybe there's something special in this ROM :D

Pros: The fastest sense you can imagine, it isn't that battery consuming...


I call Level 3 set up as the "Fake OC" .Strangely, not all apps will recognize (and run) at the 1Ghz speed. For example, even though Sense will be fast, benchmarking tools, like the one in SK Tools, will just measure a speed as of only about 600Mhz. Yup weird.

Some apps, like Samsung Camera, will crash and if you connect device to anything that will make battery charge (like obviously, the charger or connecting it to your PC) and try to turn off device by using the power button (long press end key) the device will freeze.

Verdict: Unless you charge it, turn it off and launch the camera while you are in this setup, it is Stable. A work around will be instead of using 1Ghz+, you can choose 900Mhz to 950Mhz (most apps, including the camera, will still work and not crash at these speeds).




- WM 6.5.3 Build 23668

- Based on Official B7610 JE2

Full (No Sense)



Download Here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FP2PWPID

Sense 23668 ROM (with improved Sense 2.5.2016)

-Available Tabs:








Photos & Videos






Call History

Manila TV

Download Here:

Still loading: Need Testers


7-10-10 Update:

Great News!

A faster and smoother Sense on B7610 (with Animated Weather on Home Tab) is possible after all :D Here is the new test vid

Edited by daskalos
Guest daskalos
what is the app for OC called?

Well it's my Easy Set S3Clock

Guest sakisds

Looks promising, keep up the good job. Also, super mario 64 music :)?

Guest daskalos
Looks promising, keep up the good job. Also, super mario 64 music :)?

My friend's playing Wii's Super Mario Galaxy :D

Guest kdkinc

I think it would look better on my i920 :)

Real Nice hope the i920 chef's see this .

:D :P

Guest sakisds
My friend's playing Wii's Super Mario Galaxy :)

Well, I thought of Wii too(since I was playing some minutes ago). On the ROM, any major bugs detected? I like sense but its kinda slow on my Omnia Pro(at least 'till now).

Guest daskalos
Well, I thought of Wii too(since I was playing some minutes ago). On the ROM, any major bugs detected? I like sense but its kinda slow on my Omnia Pro(at least 'till now).

Nothing much, from my experience in my last Sense ROMs, disabling these things makes Sense performance better:

- My location

- Home Weather Animation

- Weather Tab

- Documents Tab

- Favorite People Tab

But as you can see in the video, the new one performs good even if device is not overclocked...I'm doing some more test though

Guest sakisds
Posted (edited)
Nothing much, from my experience in my last Sense ROMs, disabling these things makes Sense performance better:

- My location

- Home Weather Animation

- Weather Tab

- Documents Tab

- Favorite People Tab

But as you can see in the video, the new one performs good even if device is not overclocked...I'm doing some more test though

Thanks for the tip, I will give a try if Sense finds its way to my device before the release of this new rom, the only thing I want from the one's you stated is the weather tab.

Edited by sakisds
Guest greenonion

how lame of me...

found it in your new FULL rom Full 21664 6.5.3

I did the same as you did in these video, but my clock is staying at apll 900MHz mpll 290MHz epll 96MHz, changing into any MHz mode. Any ideas?

Guest daskalos
how lame of me...

found it in your new FULL rom Full 21664 6.5.3

I did the same as you did in these video, but my clock is staying at apll 900MHz mpll 290MHz epll 96MHz, changing into any MHz mode. Any ideas?

Tap S3Clock and quit it, then tap your desired clock speed and tap S3Clock and hide it (Beware, Sense only works til 920MHz)

Guest xbongx

Mr. Dask is dominating...

He is like pacman as the pound4pound king wew...

Guest xbongx
what is the app for OC called?

OC means Over Clock

Guest Soul_Master
Posted (edited)

I agree with you to OC Omnia Pro to 900MHz because if you OC to 954 that is the next step in your OC program it will make some artifact in display output.

PS. Is it possible to create some CAB to apply to your recent Sense ROM for speed up overall Sense performance? I don't want to frequently flash my Omnia Pro more than once a month because I think this ROM should not much different when compare with your 6.5.3 Sense ROM.

Edited by Soul_Master
Guest shivatink

rom look fantastic nice and smooth... is it a mega lite rom....if it is then the dial pad will work....

Guest shivatink

u making rom daily.... if u dont mind can i ask one question?

how long it takes to cook each rom?

Guest Freezy1982
u making rom daily.... if u dont mind can i ask one question?

how long it takes to cook each rom?

The better Question is: How is it possible to go to work, have friends (who are playing SuperMario), cooking ROMs, making videos/tuts for this ROMs, and aswering all Questions such quickly in this Forum in 24 hours a day :D

You probably have to stay awake for 1 Month to do that :)

Guest daskalos
The better Question is: How is it possible to go to work, have friends (who are playing SuperMario), cooking ROMs, making videos/tuts for this ROMs, and aswering all Questions such quickly in this Forum in 24 hours a day :D

You probably have to stay awake for 1 Month to do that :)

Well..... Car Fuel 15$....Dinner with friends 20$.....Internet Service 22$.......Electric Bill.....100$.....Being of service and help to those who in need...priceless

For anything else, there's MasterCard :P

Guest Freezy1982
For anything else, there's MasterCard :D

Or PayPal :)

Guest JeroenFransen

Damn, was just going to install the previous latest version. Guess I´ll wait now. Great stuff Daskalos, you´re really driving this community.

Guest benniesim

This is what we are all looking for ! Sense with performance !

Guest gosiunia1

I will love to have a new 6.5.5 build with working Samsung SDK and Sense such like this one. But I prefere 6.5.5 because of threaded e-mail... Is it possible Daskalos?

Guest vjin

omg that looked amazing!

how bout batt drainage ?

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