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/etc/jupiter.xml /etc/gps.conf and GPS fixing

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Guest husq510
Posted (edited)

did someone played with this file like change SUPL server or whatever in order to get GPS working better for fix ? Please reply only only for success stories or whatever which may really interest.

I did and change cLogEnabled to true and created /data/gps/log and I found log file called like gl-2010-07-07-161112.txt which contains some info. I have seen traffic to bcmls2.glpals.com which cause lto.dat to be updated.

<glgps xmlns="http://www.glpals.com/"'>http://www.glpals.com/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.glpals.com/ glconfig.xsd" >

<!--HAL Confguration -->


acPortName="/dev/s3c2410_serial1" lBaudRate="115200" cLogEnabled="false" acLogDirectory="/data/gps/log/" ltoFileName="lto.dat"

enhanced-assisted="false" cp-enhanced-assisted="true" TISEnabled="false" RILEnabled="true" LPmode="false"

arp-supl-enable="true" arp-supl-cap-msb="true" arp-supl-cap-msa="true" arp-supl-cap-ecid="false"

acSuplServer="www.spirent-lcs.com" SuplPort="7275" tlsCertPath="/system/bin/gpsd/"

LbsEnable="true" LbsLocal="false" LbsServer="bcmls2.glpals.com" LbsPort="7275" LbsSyncTimeSec = "60" LbsSyncLto="true" LbsSyncCells="true"








Edited by husq510

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