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App Inventor for Android

Guest GriZlore

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Guest GriZlore

Aiming to catch Apple's lucrative App Store, Google has released a web-based system which it says needs "NO programming knowledge" to write your own app.

Quoted... "Google announced App Inventor for Android today, which is attempting to bring programming and app-creation to the masses. Unlike its comprehensive software development kit, App Inventor is a web application that "...requires NO programming knowledge. This is because instead of writing code, you visually design the way the app looks and use blocks to specify the app's behavior". The basis of the application is to simplify the long and tedious process of coding, by allowing users to drag and drop display elements and 'blocks' for the "programming-like stuff". The creators said that there are blocks available for just about everything you can do with an Android phone, as well as the more in depth function calls. There are plenty of tutorials available to help you get started.

It's a web application which runs on all platforms, and all major browsers - including Internet Explorer 6. It does require Java installed too.

Besides the altruistic motivations of using Google's research to push the latest technology into the hands of normal users, there may be other motivations behind the development. The Android Marketplace has over 90,000 applications, which while initially impressive is sparse compared to the 250,000+ available on Apple's App Store. Google obviously wants to bump up the numbers, as more apps add to the allure of the platform and App Inventor may be the perfect way to bring in new programmers.

Personally, having just spend the past three years learning to code for various platforms (including iOS), it is easy to be skeptical over these short cuts to writing applications. Knowing the ins and outs of how the devices work is essential for creating something unique and useful. Past experience have shown me that drag and drop interfaces only allow for a limited range of functions, produce clumsy applications and stifle creativity. Nor do they provide a good introduction to the world of application writing, as much of the process is covered up by a pretty interface.

So will App Inventor produce thousands of Hello World applications or genuinely useful programmes that would have never existed before? Have you managed to write something for your Android? Let us know your thoughts below."


App Inventor for Android

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Guest tudorw

I think it's an exciting development, there's a generation of people familiar with programming in the UK thanks to the availability of low cost personal computers and programming languages that could be quickly learnt and applied. I think a programming tool that can quickly deliver to non-programmers satisfying albeit basic results will really help individuals get an understanding for what programming is about. Anyone with an aptitude for the skills involved would almost certainly go on to delve deeper, I think this is a very good thing.

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Guest fards

I think it looks quite promising.

Quite fancy chucking out a quick tweaking app for the streak with it.. if I can get on the programme. :)

(ps I was there tudorw, I built my first zx80 all those years ago)

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