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[ROM-FroYo AOSP] FroYo-Desire 0.4b[FRF91]

Guest PaulW21781

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Guest PaulW21781

Hi everyone

I've managed to get a fairly good working build now of FRF91 from AOSP. I was inspired mainly by both AdamG and meLIanTQ for there excellent work on both there AOSP built ROM's, so thought I'd have a go at it myself, so here is the result :angry:

I'm building this ROM to suit my own personal needs, with various little things thrown in for good measure, but it will remain 100% AOSP source. No APK's will be modified *after* the build, all customisation on my part will be done via the overlay.


ROM Details

  • Built from latest AOSP source. (FRF-91 2.2-r1.1)
  • 2.1Mb Kernel Image Size so hopefully no problems for people with Bad Blocks :D
  • Kernel Base - configured and compiled by myself (UV Support, no OC)
  • Self-modded Kernel Fix to keep phone charged at 100% while plugged in (used to drop to 89% and charge) (details >here<)
  • ext2, ext3 and ext4 support
  • cifs.ko, tun.ko and openvpn
  • Classic A2SD+ from my original dalvik-cache mod from Rooted 2.1 Eclair for Desire (details >here<) Copies Apps, App-Private and Dalvik-Cache to SD.
  • A2SD Fixed to help prevent White Screen Hangs (working with ext2 and ext3 partitions, needs testing with ext4)
  • Latest BusyBox (1.16.2)
  • Rooted with latest SuperUser 2.2 apk
  • Massive APN List
  • h264 Camcorder
  • Latest FRF91 Google Apps
  • 3G/H Icon Fix to display H during HSDPA connection.
  • Default Launcher is LauncherPro Beta
  • WaveSecure installed to /system/app
  • setcpu.txt copied to sdcard JUST incase you want to use SetCPU to ramp down the CPU Speeds to help conserve battery life (remember, no OC or UV support in kernel, but I do intend to patch UV support in future releases)
    • Facebook (Installable from Market)
    • Twitter (Installable from Market)
    • Original Android Launcher
    • Amazon MP3 (Installable from Market)

    Whats Working (currently from what I can tell as its what I use)

    [*]Facebook Sync (including profile pictures displaying in Phone App and Message App)


    [*]USB & WiFi Teather

    [*]Notification LED's


    [*]NO ECHO

    I've also not included items such as SpareParts, or LeoParts... SpareParts and LeoParts can be had from the Market.

    Please refer to the 2nd post for a breakdown of changes/fixes/known issues with the ROM


    Fresh Install

    I recommend you do a FULL WIPE before you install this ROM if you are coming from another ROM.

    Future Upgrades

    No wipe is explicitly required in order to use this ROM, however if you do encounter issues of any kind, it is recommended that you wipe your device and reproduce the issue before raising it here.

    Just to say. Whenever I release a new Update, I always just "flash over" the existing one without a Wipe and go from there. I'm building each release with this ethos in mind, as its pretty annoying having to do a Wipe on each update!



    Get the latest RADIO's >HERE<

    Also, remember this is a ROM I'm making for myself and a few friends, so I will try to sort out bugs as-and-when they are found, but as I'm still learning how to do this well, it may take a little time for me to sort!

    Also during the FIRST initial boot after a fresh install, it can take about 30 seconds for LauncherPro to start responding. THIS IS NORMAL. Any further reboots by yourself, or upgrades in future (without wipes) don't have this issue.

    FroYo-Desire 0.4b

    Thanks & Credits

    st0kes for all the info and tips in the Building Android from AOSP thread.

    deovferreira/Kali- for the vendors which make all of this possible.

    meLIanTQ for the invaluable help when I ran into a few issues during my initial build

    AdamG & meLIanTQ for there inspiration

    IntersectRaven for his HAVS Kernel Modifications

    Anyone and everyone else who I've forgot to mention ;)

    Want to buy me a Toastie?? Can if you want :D But I'm not in it for the food :(




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Guest PaulW21781

Future Additions

  • Add support to dynamically check and change the keys binded for unlocking the phone

    Current Known Issues
    • Auto Brightness may not be to everyones taste.

      • Kernel UV Values tweaked to 925mV min, 1225mV max.
      • Conservative Power Governor now set on boot. (can be changed using SetCPU)
      • Updated LauncherPro to latest release

        • Removed HAVS Additions from Kernel - caused problems with Trackpad & Light Sensor (CM3602).
        • New Kernel UV-Only based on Pershoots N1 Modifications. 950mV - 1275mV (for stability)

          • Recompiled Kernel with HAVS Support (925mV MIN, 1250mV MAX) - Credit >IntersectRaven<


            • Added SIM Toolkit
            • Final 100% Battery Charging Modification in place (keeps battery at 100% while plugged in)
            • WiFi Sleep now fixed (using own method based loosely on the official Google patch)
            • WiFi Sleep also fixed in respect to extremely high pings and regular dropped packets still compared to being in a Woken state (pings and packet consistency will remain constant regardless of screen being on or off)
            • AutoBrightness now set back to original FroYo values. Sense values used in 0.2 were draining the battery and keeping the screen far too bright in dark conditions.


            [*]Re-synced against latest AOSP Release & Kernel_MSM

            [*]Further-optimised Charging functions in Kernel

            [*]Fixed button backlight (full brightness)

            [*]Fixed Notification LED

            [*]Fixed Auto-Brightness


            [*]Re-compiled Kernel enabling "Conservative" mode for (hopefully) better battery saving! (use SetCPU to enable this)

            [*]Added fixes to try get 3G working on Orange networks (for those who are fully unlocked with latest Radio's ONLY)

            [*]Corrected the order at which kernel modules load. Also sorted out module issue with FileSystem modules loading in the proper order.

            [*]No longer clear Vendor cache from Market (causes slowdown on initial use after flashing as upgrade)


            [*]Initial Public Release


            [*]First Initial Build

            [*]Fixed LED's

            [*]Added Camera Profiles

            [*]Fixed Facebook Sync

            [*]Fixed Teather

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Guest flakz0r

Good work, off to a good start. I'll keep an eye on your rom, and see how it evolves. Im a fan of AOSP roms. :angry:

Keep it up!

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Guest Diggedy

looks good, I particularly like the battery charging kernel fix as im the sort of person who charges up over night and can lose 10% before I even start thanks to that.

Just 2 questions, does this have the 720p recording and what do you mean by brightness levels being an issue. Is it auto not working or is the screen not being allowed to reach maximum brightness?

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Guest PaulW21781

Yeah, I've released the patch for the kernel into the wild, hopefully other devs who build there own kernels will pick it up and include it too. This was one of the big annoyances I had with any custom FroYo build for the Desire.

h264 recording is at 800x480 @ 30FPS (obviously this reduces if the ambient light is pants) 720p is in the works...

Also, it is Auto, but I've not fine-tuned the default AOSP values yet, so the screen can be quite dim at times (but does brighten up well in bright places) As said, thats something I'm looking into fine tuning!

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Guest Diggedy

ok guess I have one more question. Is there a blackbar mod with circle battery that works with this rom. The black bar is the only thing I like from the sense roms and the circle battery is a must for me

edit : actually 2 more, does the FM radio work?

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Guest PaulW21781
ok guess I have one more question. Is there a blackbar mod with circle battery that works with this rom. The black bar is the only thing I like from the sense roms and the circle battery is a must for me

not yet, I only released it last night to the masses, and I'm not a fan of modifying any framework after its built. I will look into changing the bar to black at a later date, but I need to figure out how to add the theming info to the overlay before its compiled, so its in there from each build with no need to add any other modifications afterwards!

Basically I want to keep this as a 100% un-hacked AOSP build (by un-hacked, I mean not modified after building :angry: but any-and-all other modifications (such as the current H icon fix), kept to a complete minimum )

*edit 2*

FM doesn't work at present... Same with any other AOSP or custom-kernel built ROM I'm afraid.

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Guest EddyOS
ok guess I have one more question. Is there a blackbar mod with circle battery that works with this rom. The black bar is the only thing I like from the sense roms and the circle battery is a must for me

edit : actually 2 more, does the FM radio work?

Have to ask - why is the circle battery a 'must'? What does it bring that the stock one doesn't?

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Guest OneCheekyDevil

Echo not fixed in this ROM with the latest radio (

I've tried alot of Roms that state they've fixed the issue. But every time i test it, it fails and sometimes miserably :(

I find the other end of the call hears an echo of their voice when they talk loud into their mic.

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Guest Diggedy
Have to ask - why is the circle battery a 'must'? What does it bring that the stock one doesn't?

its all about personal preference. I dont like having my task bar cluttered so having the battery percentage displayed inside the icon is ideal. The circle itself isnt so important

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Guest PaulW21781

I'll work on a percentage modification soon. 0.3 is now up though, WiFi sleep is fixed, and ping duration and packet consistency is constant :(

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Guest PaulW21781

0.4 now up!

  • Recompiled Kernel with HAVS Support (925mV MIN, 1250mV MAX) - Credit >IntersectRaven<

Stock Min/Max was 1050/1250. I've not dropped it to 800mV, as some other threads and what I've seen, not all handsets support that amount of drop, so I'm aiming to keep this as stable as possible.

There is no OC Support (I don't intend on adding any either) purely because I'm working towards battery conservation.

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Guest Frankish

Is it possible to take the battery charging fix and apply it to other roms? I hope people start doing it. I guess this is why when i'm using Froyo roms they always seem to drop straight to 91% roughly almost instantly.

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Guest PaulW21781

Frankish - it can only be applied by the devs who make those ROMS (and compile the kernels) as its the battery driver itself which I've changed. Devs are starting to test it so I believe, so hopefully it won't be too long until it's a bit more widespread to sort it out.



  • Removed HAVS Additions from Kernel - caused problems with Trackpad & Light Sensor.
  • New Kernel UV-Only based on Pershoots N1 Modifications. 950mV - 1275mV (for stability)

Users of 0.4 can update to 0.4a by using this SMALL 2.2MB patch

FroYo-Desire 0.4 Kernel Patch (UV)

If you are coming to this ROM from a Previous build prior to 0.3, or from any other ROM, please use the FULL ROM Package from the 1st post.

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Guest Frankish

Thanks for the clarification PaulW. I'm sure they will adopt this fix as i think most people charge overnight and it's a pain in the arse having it drop 10% instantly. :(

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Guest Jaystomped

Kinda loathe to shift from a Sense rom, but how is the battery life on this one? My current one (r5) is atrocious. Really annoyed at most of the Froyo ones right now D: If this can do a day decently with mid-level of use, i rather shift to it.

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Guest PaulW21781

Been tweaking things a little more, battery life should be improved now... I'm going to do some serious durability testing tomorrow, but so far I've seen some noticeable improvements over the past hour of testing.


  • Kernel UV Values tweaked to 925mV min, 1225mV max.
  • Conservative Power Governor now set on boot. (can be changed using SetCPU)
  • Updated LauncherPro to latest release

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Guest OneCheekyDevil

I've been testing all ROMs with radio

Is this not the latest ROM?

Have you tried calling someone, and getting them to talk loudly to see if they can hear themselves echo?

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