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How to properly format Desire before selling it off?

Guest twisted_mind

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Guest twisted_mind

I'm about to sell my Desire for a Galaxy S tomorrow. However the last time i did a format through the settings, my desire wouldn't even boot.

I dont mind keeping the root as is... but want am currently using an 8GB sd card. I want to give the 4GB card that came with the phone.. so do i have to "prepare" the 4gb card in any way?

My most important concern is my stuff shouldn't be visible to the buyer... my stuff as in contacts,downloaded apps etc.

And i will still continue to be in modaco with the MCRs for the Galaxy S :(

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Guest zaphod0

If you want to keep root just preform a wipe from the custom recovery image, thats what I done when I sold my Hero. But you should let the buy know its rooted. Or, you could use the unroot guide here on the Modaco forums. As for the SD card there is no Preparation that I'm aware of.

Good luck with the Galaxy, nice device!

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