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Have I rooted orr??

Guest Asselberghs

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Guest Asselberghs

Hi guys.

I am confused.

Very confused.

I rooted my Desire using a "rooter app"

Seems to be working fine. I´ve got superuser permissions app now.

Next thing I did, was Market Enabler (nearly my whole reason for rooting)

I set it to US network, it faked the location and so on and so forth.

Allright then, everything seemed to be working fine.

Now if i enter Android Market and go under Apps. I still only have Top Free and Just In tabs in the top, Where´s top paid? why haven´t it changed the look of the Market?

It seems it works (I haven´t actually bought anything yet) but on the front page theres a mix of free and paid apps. But if i try to digg in, under all applications or something like that, it seems it favors free apps, as there is alot of those and few paid apps once in a while.

Did i do something wrong???

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