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So, how good is it?

Guest Need_A_Username

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Guest Need_A_Username


Ok, so I've got an HTC Desire ATM, but now I've found someone who is willing to pay €375 for it while I've only payed €410, so a pretty nice deal.

Is it really a nice phone? And is there anyone who has come from a desire?


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Guest Matty Dee

Ok, so I've got an HTC Desire ATM, but now I've found someone who is willing to pay €375 for it while I've only payed €410, so a pretty nice deal.

Is it really a nice phone? And is there anyone who has come from a desire?


I don't know about pricing but I went from a Desire to an iPhone 3GS -> iPhone 4 and then to Galaxy S and it is indeed a really nice phone. There are things on the Desire that I do miss such as backing up settings to SD card and some of the default widgets but many of that can be sorted with the Galaxy S by downloading from the market place and using Titanium backup etc. I definitely believe this Galaxy S is as good as the Desire, if not better!

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Guest gnasher666

I have come from a Nexus One (using a Desire ROM - thanks Paul) and prefer the Samsung Galaxy S, I also must be one of the few that actually like TouchWiz.

Swype as standard is great,

screen is AWESOME

size of phone and the feel in the hand is perfect (for me anyway)

Battery life is great

all in all I'm very happy, and the roms keep flowing which is fun, although Samsung don't appear for nail Quality Control as well as HTC do.

I don't know about pricing but I went from a Desire to an iPhone 3GS -> iPhone 4 and then to Galaxy S and it is indeed a really nice phone. There are things on the Desire that I do miss such as backing up settings to SD card and some of the default widgets but many of that can be sorted with the Galaxy S by downloading from the market place and using Titanium backup etc. I definitely believe this Galaxy S is as good as the Desire, if not better!
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Guest Kilack

I came from the Nexus which is pretty similar to the desire (same screen, cpu etc etc)

Galaxy S advantages: better screen - bigger size, brighter, better colours and you can see it easier in sunlight compared to desire. The touchscreen is full multitouch unlike the desire and is far more accurate.

Faster CPU and GPU, it is way faster than than the desire in 3d games etc.

It already burns other phones in benchmarks without even having froyo on it (froyo is coming in august/september)

Nice and slim

Phone is extremely easy to root, no locked bootloader etc so should be good development on it by 3rd parties etc.

forward facing camera if you like video chats etc

disadvantages: won't be as snappy out of the box as the desire, it can lag etc. This is fixable but you have to be willing to fiddle a bit with it but once you have it set up it will be very fast.

Several issues with the GPS, one it can take a while to find satellites and get a lock, second it can be quite inaccurate, hopefully this can be fixed with firmware and some people dont seem to be affected.

No trackball etc for notifications.

For me it feels a bit too plasticy and they used teflon on the back so quite slippery and fingermarks do show up a lot but can be fixed with cases of course.

camera has no flash and isnt great in low light because it has a tiny lens (BLURRY).

touchwiz just isnt as good as sense or as good as vanilla android in my opinion.

Thats all I can think of for now... its a nice phone but not perfect or without fault. I'd choose it over the desire though.

Edited by Kilack
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Guest DistortedLoop

The Galaxy S i9000 is currently my phone of choice. Kilac names some good plusses and minuses to the phone. It's not a perfect device, but it's darned good.

I miss the trackball from my Nexus One, and I miss the LED Flash from my other phones. There's usually a third thing I list as a minor disappontment with the i9000, but I don't recall what it is right now, so it's obviously not a biggy.

For reference, I currently own every model of iPhone that exists, a Nexus One, an SGS i9000, and I recently did a 30 day trial with an EVO 4G.

While the EVO 4G and Nexus One and iPhone 4 each have a feature or two that's better than the i9000, none of them roll up to as complete a package as the i9000, which is why it's my primary device.

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Guest ikhfa

I came from ... or at least I gave my Desire away to my wife. I believe what was said in this thread seems perfectly accurate. LED is actually important. I came from HTC Magic then Desire; and LED is important for informing us about incomings without even switching the screen on. The trackball, which acts as a cursor placer somewhat, is also critical when you do type a lot.

Another gripe about the i9000 is definitely the build quality which is no where near the Desire's. It reminds me of my old Magic, albeit more fragile (probably due to its light weight).

In terms of software, TouchWiz is all wrong when compared to HTC Sense. Luckily there are alternatives which would help level the playing field like ADWLauncher and LauncherPro. I also get FCs more than when using the Desire. But despite all these, why stick with i9000? Maybe its the hope ... but maybe because we can feel the immense potential the i9000 has. It gets better everyday and yes, I mean everyday.

Under the hood, i9000 is more powerful (play Asphalt and you'll know). We may have to wait a while but I believe we will be able to harness i9000's potential soon enough.

Just wish that the phonecall software (the green phone icon) is not erratic. Its only 85% reliable because most of my lags and FCs appear during calls, logs or contact history.

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Guest DistortedLoop
Just wish that the phonecall software (the green phone icon) is not erratic. Its only 85% reliable because most of my lags and FCs appear during calls, logs or contact history.

That might be ROM related. I've never FC during a phone call. Rarely FC anything at all. I'm on JG5 with mimocan's fix.

I agree that once some of the more aggressive ROM modders get into the SGS, there's huge potential there. Imagine a Cyanogen Froyo ROM on our SGS with an overclocked kernel! LOL.

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Guest Compuse

Besides that emptiness of missing a navigational button, i'm glad that i took the galaxy s instead of the desire!

way more powerfull, brighter and a better design! =p

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Guest Need_A_Username

Thanks for the replies!

The disadvantages named here where all things I kind of already suspected.

But none of them are a big problem. The only thing I like about the LED flash, is it makes a good flashlight :( For good pictures in the dark, the camera isn't good enough imo.

The only thing I think is a big deal, is the build quality like you said. I really love how the desire feels, you can feel it's good quality.

On the other side, the power it has is indeed very nice, I didn't know it was unlockable so easily so that's a good thing to hear :(

I think there's a big chance I'll be joining you guys pretty soon ^^ :P

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Guest Vince Scott

Ok, so I've got an HTC Desire ATM, but now I've found someone who is willing to pay €375 for it while I've only payed €410, so a pretty nice deal.

Is it really a nice phone? And is there anyone who has come from a desire?


Like others here I've come from a Desire (and pulse before that), and its pretty comparable, the screen is very nice, even on its lowest brightness setting it still very bright. I'm a little worried that it might be *too* bright and burn through the battery faster but we'll see, only got it yesterday.

So far my major gripe (and to be fair, its not that big of a deal) is lack of optical mouse. This makes selecting things in search history impossible when you want to append to the search. with the mouse, you'd just go: down, then right.

Other people have commented that the lack of flash is an issue, but ISTR that the lens on the Galaxy has an f2.8 aperture, which makes it pretty fast and should be good in low light. its faster than any lens i've got for my SLR.

yes, its plasticky, but it does feel lighter for it.

final minor gripes are the location of the physical buttons and connectors. USB at the top not good, bottom much better, also the USB connector doesn't feel too sturdy.

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Guest nafem

For people who are missing the trackball, do you know you can bring up cursor keys by swiping across from the Swype 'i' key to the SYM key?

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Guest nafem

For people who are missing the trackball, do you know you can bring up cursor keys by swiping across from the Swype 'i' key to the SYM key?

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Guest Vince Scott
For people who are missing the trackball, do you know you can bring up cursor keys by swiping across from the Swype 'i' key to the SYM key?

aha! no I didn't know that, haven't been using swype that much, maybe i should give it another go.

thanks for the tip.

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For people who are missing the trackball, do you know you can bring up cursor keys by swiping across from the Swype 'i' key to the SYM key?

Sweet thats the one thing I was missing in the SGS and didn't realise was there, thanks!

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